hitszthesis: Dissertation Template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ)


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Introduction to hitszthesis

HITSZThesis is a dissertation LaTeX template for Harbin Institute of Technology, ShenZhen (HITSZ), including bachelor, master and doctor dissertations. Current version is 3.0.4, updated on 2020/03/13. Note that 3.x version is not compatible with 2.x version. Please join QQ group: 1039392552 to report issues.

  |- front|- coverinformation.tex|- denotation.tex|- body|- chapter01.tex|- chapter02.tex|- chapter03.tex|- chapter04.tex|- chapter05.tex|- chapter06.tex|- back|- acknowledgements.tex|- appendix01.tex|- appendix02.tex|- appendix03.tex|- appendixA.tex|- appendixB.tex|- ceindex.tex|- conclusion.tex|- publication.tex|- resume.tex|- figures|- bthesistitle.eps|- golfer.eps|- hitlogo.eps|- compile.bat|- ctex-fontset-siyuan.def|- hitszthesis.bst|- hitszthesis.dtx|- hitszthesis.ins|- hitszthesis.pdf|- hitszthesis.sty|- latexmkrc|- main-bachelor.pdf|- main-doctor.pdf|- main-master.pdf|- main.tex|- Makefile|- README.md|- reference.bib

hitszthesis 模板简介

hitszthesis 是哈尔滨工业大学(深圳)本硕博学位论文模板,当前版本为3.0.4,更新于2020年3月13日。注意3.x版本不兼容2.x版本。请加入QQ群:1039392552反馈模板使用过程中遇到的问题。


Download and unzip the template. Specific usage documentation and examples can be found in the files below:

  • Template usage (hitszthesis.pdf, in Chinese)
  • Template example (main.pdf, in Chinese)
  • Brief Introduction (README.md, both in Chinese and English)

Typesetting examples:

  • bachelor dissertation (main-bachelor.pdf)
  • master dissertation (main-master.pdf)
  • doctor dissertation (main-doctor.pdf)



  • 模板开发文档(hitszthesis.pdf,中文版)
  • 模板撰写示例(main.pdf,中文版)
  • 模板简介(README.md,中英双语)


  • 本科学位论文(main-bachelor.pdf)
  • 硕士学位论文(main-master.pdf)
  • 博士学位论文(main-doctor.pdf)


  • Published version: CTAN
  • Developer version: GitHub


  • 发布版本:CTAN
  • 开发版本:GitHub



Get the most up-to-date published version with your TeX distribution from CTAN.

tlmgr update hitszthesis



tlmgr update hitszthesis


Download the package from GitHub to the root directory of your thesis, then execute the command (Windows users Shift + right click white area in the file window and click “Open command line window here” from the popup menu):

latex hitszthesis.ins

You’ll get hitszthesis.cls, hitszthesis.cfg and hitszthesis.ist along with other template files.



latex hitszthesis.ins

得到hitszthesis.clshitszthesis.cfghitszthesis.ist,而后打开 main.tex 即可开始撰写论文。

Reporting Issues

Please follow the procedure below:

  • QQ group: 1039392552
  • GitHub Issues
  • Educational Email
  • Gmail



  • QQ group: 1039392552
  • GitHub 问题反馈
  • 教育邮箱
  • Gmail 邮箱

Makefile Usage

To use Makefile, you should have GNU make tool installed.

make cls        # generate class hitszthesis.cls
make doc        # generate template documentation hitszthesis.pdf
make thesis     # generate thesis main.pdf
make all        # generate thesis and documentation
make wordcount  # count word in thesis main.pdf
make clean      # delete all examples' files (excluding main.pdf)
make cleanall   # delete all examples' files and all pdf files
make dev        # make all clean
make pub        # make all cleanall


使用Makefile之前请确保已安装GNU make工具。

make cls        # 生成类文件 hitszthesis.cls
make doc        # 生成说明文档 hitszthesis.pdf
make thesis     # 生成论文 main.pdf
make all        # 生成论文与说明文档
make wordcount  # 论文字数统计
make clean      # 删除辅助文件,除了PDF文件
make cleanall   # 删除辅助文件,包含PDF文件
make dev        # 等同于 make all clean
make pub        # 等同于 make all cleanall

compile.bat Usage

compile.bat is designed for windows platform. Double click this file, then it will compile the thesis automatically.

compile.bat cls         # generate class hitszthesis.cls
compile.bat doc         # generate template documentation hitszthesis.pdf
compile.bat thesis      # generate thesis main.pdf (default)
compile.bat all         # generate thesis and documentation
compile.bat wordcount   # count word in thesis main.pdf
compile.bat clean       # delete all examples' files (excluding class and configuration files)
compile.bat cleanall    # delete all examples' files, class and configuration files



compile.bat cls         # 生成类文件 hitszthesis.cls
compile.bat doc         # 生成说明文档 hitszthesis.pdf
compile.bat thesis      # 生成论文 main.pdf (默认)
compile.bat all         # 生成论文与说明文档
compile.bat wordcount   # 论文字数统计
compile.bat clean       # 删除辅助文件,除了cls与cfg文件
compile.bat cleanall    # 删除辅助文件,包含cls与cfg文件

Manually Compile(手动编译)

Compile Thesis(编译论文)

xelatex -shell-escape main.tex
bibtex main
xelatex -shell-escape main.tex
xelatex -shell-escape main.tex
splitindex main -- -s hitszthesis.ist  # generate index
xelatex -shell-escape main.tex

Compile Documentation(编译说明文档)

xelatex hitszthesis.dtx
makeindex -s gind.ist -o hitszthesis.ind hitszthesis.idx
makeindex -s gglo.ist -o hitszthesis.gls hitszthesis.glo
xelatex hitszthesis.dtx
xelatex hitszthesis.dtx


This material is subject to the LATEX Project Public License 1.3c or any later version.


本模板的发布遵照LATEX Project Public License 1.3c协议或其后版本。


  • hithesis
  • thuthesis


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