Kids games for toddlers 介绍

Kids games for toddlers

- Educational game for 2 – 4 years old toddlers and kids- Sort and classify objects by shape, size, color and quantity- Developed in close cooperation with preschool education expertsAbout the app:The app contains free educational kids games that will help your baby learn more about shapes and colors, quantity and sizes of different objects. The game can be a part of preschool education for young learners. It is Bimi’s birthday and his friends want to hold a real party. So, we will help them to make all the preparations.The game is developed to improve the following skills:- Visual perception;- Concentration;- Hand - eye coordination;- Classifying and sorting;- Logical thinking.There are 12 kids games:Bus game: Sorting objects and characters by COLORInvitation cards game: Classifying card details by SHAPESPicnic game: use memory and logic to find and sort itemsRoom decoration game: C

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