我试图使用这些启发式的A *搜索来解决8-Puzzle: - h1:错位瓦片的数量 - h2:总曼哈顿距离 - h3:以上的总和

移动的图块称为0 .


4 1 2

5 8 3

7 0 6

8 6 7

2 5 4

3 0 1

我遇到的问题是,通过我目前的A *实现,它能够解决第一个问题,但不能解决第二个问题 .

所以请帮助我理解我的A *代码有什么问题:

int [,] current =从控制台输入为字符串(412583706)并转换为表示拼图的2D int . 正确相同,其中0位于右下角 .

var openList = new List { current };

var closedList = new List();

while (openList.Count > 0)



current = GetBestNodeFromList(correct, dimensions, openList, useHeuristic);

// "GetBestNodeFromList()" finds the cheapest node in the openList.

// cheapest node: lowest value of h3.


h1 = getHeuristic1b(current, correct, dimensions);

h2 = getHeuristic2b(current, correct, dimensions);

h3 = h1 + h2;

if (h1 == 0 && h2 == 0) { break; }

openList = Puzzle_PossibleNext(current, closedList);

// the method "PossibleNext()" finds possible next moves from the current

// position. if the next move exists in the closedList, it is discarded.

// Drawing the puzzle and showing heuristics.

DrawCurrentState(h1, h2, h3, current, steps);

// adding last visited position to the closedlist.



第一个问题通过7个步骤解决 . 根据我测试的不同程序,下一个问题可以通过32个步骤解决 .

我的程序与另一个程序的不同之处在于前4个步骤是相同的,然后另一个程序选择不同的路径,而我的程序一直在继续,无法找到解决方案 . 看起来我的程序确实选择了最便宜的节点,所以这就是为什么我无法理解什么是错的 .

这是我第一次使用寻路算法,所以我想解决它 . 我已经有这个问题3天,我觉得我已经尝试了很多解决方案,但没有一个工作T_T

最好的祝福 .


// Put heuristic value from all in list, then return list item with lowest h-value.

static int[,] GetBestNodeFromList(int[,] correct, int d, List list, string useHeuristic)


int[,] n = new int[d,d];

if (list.Count > 0)


List heuristicsValueList = new List();

for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)


if (useHeuristic == "h1") { heuristicsValueList.Add(getHeuristic1b(list[i], correct, d)); }

else if (useHeuristic == "h2") { heuristicsValueList.Add(getHeuristic2b(list[i], correct, d)); }

else { heuristicsValueList.Add(getHeuristic3(list[i], correct, d)); }


n = list[heuristicsValueList.IndexOf(heuristicsValueList.Min())];


return n;


---------编辑2 --------改变了我的代码,但仍然没有运气拼图设置/节点及其启发式都在PuzzleNode对象中 .

//从当前节点返回下一个可能移动的列表 . //不包括在closedNodeList中找到的移动 .

static List Puzzle_GenerateNextNodes(PuzzleNode node, List closedNodeList)


List nextList = new List();

Point isNow = new Point(0, 0);

// 1) Find where [0] is.

int dimensions = (int)Math.Sqrt((double)node.n.Length);

for (int x = 0; x < dimensions; x++) {

for (int y = 0; y < dimensions; y++) { if (node.n[x, y] == 0) { isNow.X = y; isNow.Y = x; break; } }


// 2) Check possible moves.

bool moveUp = false, moveDown = false, moveLeft = false, moveRight = false;

if (isNow.X == 0)


moveRight = true;

if (isNow.Y == 0) { moveDown = true; }

else if (isNow.Y == 1) { moveUp = true; moveDown = true; }

else if (isNow.Y == 2) { moveUp = true; }


else if (isNow.X == 1)


moveRight = true;

moveLeft = true;

if (isNow.Y == 0) { moveDown = true; }

else if (isNow.Y == 1) { moveUp = true; moveDown = true; }

else if (isNow.Y == 2) { moveUp = true; }


else if (isNow.X == 2)


moveLeft = true;

if (isNow.Y == 0) { moveDown = true; }

else if (isNow.Y == 1) { moveUp = true; moveDown = true; }

else if (isNow.Y == 2) { moveUp = true; }


// 3) Create list of possible moves.

// Add moved puzzle node to list over next moves

if (moveRight)


int[,] right = new int[dimensions, dimensions];

Array.Copy(node.n, right, node.n.Length);

PuzzleNode tmp = new PuzzleNode( PuzzleMoveRight(right, isNow.X, isNow.Y) );

if (!ListHasThisValue(tmp.n, closedNodeList, dimensions)) { nextList.Add(tmp); }


// moveleft, up, down, same structure as moveRight

if (moveLeft)




if (moveUp)




if (moveDown)




return nextList;


-----------编辑3 ----------------

顺便说一句,我想问一下,如果我对A *的不同步骤的实现得到了正确的理解 . 目前,我的程序的A *搜索执行此操作:


启动循环,从OPEN中删除最便宜的节点,将其添加到CLOSED *最便宜的节点由其曼哈顿距离值确定 .

使用节点查找邻居/子节点/下一步移动,将这些节点添加到SUCCESSOR列表中 .


重复2-4,探索列表中的节点 .

当我用Q1尝试这些步骤时,我得到7个步骤的解决方案,这是正确的 . 这也可以手工找到 . 但是对于Q2,它一直持续到OPEN列表为空,没有其他东西可以探索 . 那我错过了什么?

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