
  • therefore
  • so
  • thus
  • hence
  • as a result
  • consequently/as a consequence
  • this means that
  • for this reason


for this reason

  1. She already had a lot of experience and therefore seemed the best candidate for the job.


therefore. So is less formal than therefore, and is more common in everyday English

  1. They had not eaten all day, so they were very hungry.


(formal) as a result of what you have just mentioned

  1. The program is very simple and thus easy to run.


(formal) for this reason

  1. This material is highly poisonous, hence the importance of careful handling.

as a result

used when saying that because of a particular situation, something else happens or is true

  1. Some people suffer from stress at work and become ill as a result.
  2. Economic growth slowed down as a result of inflation.

consequently/as a consequence

used when saying that because of a particular situation, something else happens or is true. Consequently and as a consequence are more formal than as a result

  1. The disease attacks the plant, the flower does not open, and consequently no seeds are produced.
  2. As a consequence of global warming, our climate is already starting to change.

this means that

used when saying what the result of something is

  1. If students arrive late, this means that lesson time is wasted.

for this reason

used when explaining the reason for something

  1. Spell check programs do not recognize when you have used the wrong word. For this reason, you must still read over your work carefully.

参考自 朗文字典。

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