
  • Robust formulation
  • Skew normal distribution
  • Empirical Tests
    • Matlab Code

Robust formulation

The robust version of the mean-variance problem can be expressed as
max⁡w∈Cmin⁡(μ^,Σ^)∈U(μ^,Σ^)μ^′w−βw′Σ^w\max_{w\in C}\min_{(\hat{\mu}, \hat{\Sigma})\in U_(\hat{\mu}, \hat{\Sigma})}\hat{\mu}'w-\beta w'\hat{\Sigma}w w∈Cmax​(μ^​,Σ^)∈U(​μ^​,Σ^)min​μ^​′w−βw′Σ^w
where U(μ^,Σ^)U_{(\hat{\mu}, \hat{\Sigma})}U(μ^​,Σ^)​ is a joint uncertainty set of (μ^,Σ^)(\hat{\mu}, \hat{\Sigma})(μ^​,Σ^).
U(μ^,Σ^)={(μ^1,Σ^1),…,(μ^I,Σ^I)}μ^i=1J∑jri,jΣ^j=1J−1∑j(ri,j−μ^i)(ri,j−μ^i)′U_{(\hat{\mu}, \hat{\Sigma})}=\{(\hat{\mu}_1, \hat{\Sigma}_1),\dots, (\hat{\mu}_I, \hat{\Sigma}_I) \}\\ \hat{\mu}_i=\frac{1}{J}\sum_j r_{i, j}\\ \hat{\Sigma}_j=\frac{1}{J-1}\sum_j(r_{i, j}-\hat{\mu}_i)(r_{i,j}-\hat{\mu}_i)' U(μ^​,Σ^)​={(μ^​1​,Σ^1​),…,(μ^​I​,Σ^I​)}μ^​i​=J1​j∑​ri,j​Σ^j​=J−11​j∑​(ri,j​−μ^​i​)(ri,j​−μ^​i​)′

Skew normal distribution

A random variable XXX follows a skew nromal distribution with a shape parameter α,X∼SN(α)\alpha, X\sim SN(\alpha)α,X∼SN(α), if its probability density function is
fX(x∣α)=2ϕ(x)Φ(αx)f_X(x\mid\alpha)=2\phi(x)\Phi(\alpha x) fX​(x∣α)=2ϕ(x)Φ(αx)
where x∈Rx\in\mathbb{R}x∈R, ϕ(x)\phi(x)ϕ(x) and Φ(x)\Phi(x)Φ(x) are the probability density function and the cumulative distribution function of a standard normal random variable, respectively, and α∈R\alpha\in\mathbb{R}α∈R. Furthermore, a skew normal distribution has the following main properties:

  • The skewness of distribution increases as the shape parameter α\alphaα increases. When α=0\alpha=0α=0, the distribution becomes standard normal.
  • E(X)=2πd,V(x)=1−2d2π\mathbb{E}(X)=\sqrt{\frac{2}{\pi}}d, \mathbb{V}(x)=1-\frac{2d^2}{\pi}E(X)=π2​​d,V(x)=1−π2d2​ and γ1=(4−π)E(X)32V(X)32\gamma_1=\frac{(4-\pi)\mathbb{E}(X)^3}{2\mathbb{V}(X)^{\frac{3}{2}}}γ1​=2V(X)23​(4−π)E(X)3​ and d=α1+α2d=\frac{\alpha}{\sqrt{1+\alpha^2}}d=1+α2​α​.
  • The linear transform Y=m+wXY=m+wXY=m+wX is skew normal random variable, and denoted by Y∼SN(m,w2,α)Y\sim SN(m, w^2, \alpha)Y∼SN(m,w2,α).
  • E(Y)=m+wX,V=w2V(X)\mathbb{E}(Y)=m+wX, \mathbb{V}=w^2\mathbb{V}(X)E(Y)=m+wX,V=w2V(X), and skewness of YYY is γ1\gamma_1γ1​.
  • The sum of skew normal random variables is skew normal.
  • γ1∈(−0.995,0.995)\gamma_1\in (-0.995, 0.995)γ1​∈(−0.995,0.995).

Restate this observation from the perspective of portfolio management. Suppose portfolio has a return distribution that is negatively skewed. Then, for the period that its realized return is relatively low, its realized volatility is likely to be high, and vice versa. When the portfolio return is positively skewed, the realized volatility tends to increase as realized return increases.
In fact, one can show that covariance between sample mean and sample variance is proportionate to the skewness
Cov(E(⋅),V(⋅))=μ3JCov(\mathbb{E}(\cdot), \mathbb{V}(\cdot))=\frac{\mu_3}{J} Cov(E(⋅),V(⋅))=Jμ3​​

The same intuition holds for the kurtosis. The worst case solution tends to get worse as the variance of fi(w)f_i(w)fi​(w) increases, and because V[Si2]=μ4−σ4\mathbb{V}[S_i^2]=\mu_4-\sigma^4V[Si2​]=μ4​−σ4, a portfolio with a heavy tailed return distribution is penalized by problem. Findings show that robust portfolios tend to produce return distributions with thinner tails than their nonrobust counterparts and are thus less likely to be affected by outliers.

Empirical Tests

To find the robust optimal portfolio from the problem, we solve the following equivalent convex quadratically constrained quadratic program (QCQP) formulation
max⁡w∈Czs.t.z≤μ^iw−βw′Σ^iw(i=1,2,…,I)\max_{w\in C} z\\ s.t.\quad z\leq \hat{\mu}_iw-\beta w'\hat{\Sigma}_iw\quad (i=1,2, \dots, I) w∈Cmax​zs.t.z≤μ^​i​w−βw′Σ^i​w(i=1,2,…,I)

Matlab Code

main function

%% generate simulated data
n = 10;
nDays = 500;
I = 100;
muA = zeros(n, I);
sigmaA = zeros(n, n, I);
for i = 1:Ireturns = randn(nDays, n);muA(:, i)= mean(returns)';sigmaA(:,:,i)=sqrt(cov(returns));
endopt_robust_cvx = func_qcqp_cvx(muA, sigmaA);
opt_robust_YALMIP = func_qcqp_YALMIP(muA, sigmaA);

cvx verision

function w = func_qcqp_cvx(muA, sigmaA)% input:% muA: n x I matrix where each column is a sample mean% sigmaA: n x n x I a three dimensional matrix where each page (n x n)% is a sample covariance matrix% output:% w: portfolio weights[n, I] = size(muA);beta = 1;cvx_beginvariables z w(n);maximize z;subject toones(1, n)*w==1;% I scenariosfor i=1:Iz<=muA(:, i)'*w-beta*quad_form(w, sigmaA(:, :, i));end  cvx_end

YALMIP version

function w = func_qcqp_YALMIP(muA, sigmaA)[n, I] = size(muA);beta = 1;w=sdpvar(n, 1);z=sdpvar;F = [sum(w)==1];for i=1:IS = sigmaA(:, :, i)'*sigmaA(:, :, i); % nxnF = [F, z<=muA(:, i)'*w-beta*w'*S*w];endobj = -z;optimize(F, obj);w = value(w);

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