

    def read_group(self, domain, fields, groupby, offset=0, limit=None, orderby=False, lazy=True):"""Get the list of records in list view grouped by the given ``groupby`` fields:param domain: list specifying search criteria [['field_name', 'operator', 'value'], ...]:param list fields: list of fields present in the list view specified on the object:param list groupby: list of groupby descriptions by which the records will be grouped.  A groupby description is either a field (then it will be grouped by that field)or a string 'field:groupby_function'.  Right now, the only functions supportedare 'day', 'week', 'month', 'quarter' or 'year', and they only make sense for date/datetime fields.:param int offset: optional number of records to skip:param int limit: optional max number of records to return:param list orderby: optional ``order by`` specification, foroverriding the natural sort ordering of thegroups, see also :py:meth:``(supported only for many2one fields currently):param bool lazy: if true, the results are only grouped by the first groupby and the remaining groupbys are put in the __context key.  If false, all the groupbys aredone in one call.:return: list of dictionaries(one dictionary for each record) containing:* the values of fields grouped by the fields in ``groupby`` argument* __domain: list of tuples specifying the search criteria* __context: dictionary with argument like ``groupby``:rtype: [{'field_name_1': value, ...]:raise AccessError: * if user has no read rights on the requested object* if user tries to bypass access rules for read on the requested object"""result = self._read_group_raw(domain, fields, groupby, offset=offset, limit=limit, orderby=orderby, lazy=lazy)groupby = [groupby] if isinstance(groupby, basestring) else list(OrderedSet(groupby))dt = [f for f in groupbyif self._fields[f.split(':')[0]].type in ('date', 'datetime')]# iterate on all results and replace the "full" date/datetime value# (range, label) by just the formatted label, in-placefor group in result:for df in dt:# could group on a date(time) field which is empty in some# records, in which case as with m2o the _raw value will be# `False` instead of a (value, label) pair. In that case,# leave the `False` value aloneif group.get(df):group[df] = group[df][1]return result


:param domain:list指定搜索条件[[‘field_name’,‘operator’,‘value’],…]
:param list fields:对象上指定的列表视图中存在的字段列表
:param list groupby:将记录分组的groupby描述列表。
:param int offset:要跳过的可选记录数
:param int limit:可选的最大返回记录数
:param list orderby:可选order by规范,for
:param bool lazy:如果为true,则结果仅按第一个groupby和

                *由``groupby``参数中的字段分组的字段值* __domain:指定搜索条件的元组列表* __context:带有``groupby``之类的参数的字典:rtype:[{'field_name_1':value,...]:引发AccessError:*如果用户对请求的对象没有读取权限*如果用户试图绕过访问规则以读取请求的对象


chart_data = self.env['task_stage_data_analysis'].read_group(domain=
[('project', '=', project_id)], fields=['current_date'],      groupby='current_date:month')


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