Do you like geography?

Yes, I find myself a geography lover.

Mainly because it helps me to know many cities and countries in the world.

Let’s say, every time I was on the geography lesson, I would fix my mind on listening to teacher who was introducing about the location of the most important city of every country, and the culture of local.

For example, USA’s economic center is NewYork, there is a famous street named Wall Street, Japan’s captal is Tokoy, there are abundant seafood resources,people in there can taste a lot of expensive seafoods,such as salmon, and tunny.

In the future, I am going on a journey to northern europe to see the aurora. So that geography gives me insight into the whole world.

Do you like singing?

Yes, I am keen on singing.

Because every time I sing along with my favorite songs, I will feel natural high and get lost in it.

Let’s say, when I was a child, I had a liking for collecting music albums, there are a lot of music albums in my bookshelf. I always like listening to music and fall asleep.

Now, I don’t have enough time to sing because of work commitments. Recently, I was singing a song for my wife on my wedding ceremony, that is the most important moment of my life.

Would you like to be a writer in the future?

Actually not.

I am a software engineer, and I have no plan to change my career in the future.

But , in my daily work, I prefer to record some questions and solutions in my website.There are almost 80 articles in my personal website.

Let’s say, I could share the articles to my friends and colleagues. They always give credit on my points, it helps me to build up my confidence.

So that if my opinions can help others to resolve their problems, I will receive a sense of achievement.

Do you do puzzles in your childhood?

To be frank, puzzles is not very popular in my childhood.

Because collecting carton cards is the most popular games in my childhood. All of my close friends showed great interest in it.

What i mean is that we were keen on cartoon, and we bought many cards which include our favourite cartoon roles.

There are a lot of cartoon cards in my drawer. Every time when I see them, it will bring back a lot of impressive memories I had before.

Do you think it is important to preserve historic buildings?

Yes. In my view, I think we should preserve historic buildings.

Every time I see the historic buildings , it will bring back a lot of impressive memories I had before. For some students, the historic buildings allow them to have a better and deeper understanding of architecture.

They are the cultural symbol of local city , it will attract a lot of tourists to sightseeing, so that it helps a lot in boosting economies. It will bring a lot of job opportunities to local residents.

If much more people devote themselves to protect them, it will have a positive impact on others.

Do you like using social media?

As for me, I am a fan of social media.

Due to the fact that social media shorten the distance between we and our family.

Let‘s say, I can share some impressive moment in my Wechat, if my friends give credit on it, I will so happy.

For example, If I cook some delicious food, I will take some photos and share them on my Wechat moment to show my excellent cooking skill, and it really make my day.

I think social media plays a big role in my life.

Where do you like to meet your friends?

Actually, basketball court.

because I and my many close friends have so much in common, basketball is one of the hobbies.

Let’s say, we always play basketball at the weekend. It’s a golden opportunity to bring us closer together. In the basketball court where brings us a lot of impressive memories.

Meanwhile, playing basketball is an interesting sports to keep us stronger and healthier. A better body we have , a more expected future comes

Do you like the morning or the evening?

Personally , I prefer morning to evening.

Basically because morning is the beginning of everyday, it represents a good start.

I mean, every morning, I will prepare a hearty breakfast for me and my wife, I think a better breakfast will give us more enenry to handle with work commitments.

Meanwhile, memory is best in the morning, I always practice my english speaking at that time, and a nice memory will helps me to remember knowledge better.

Do you think cooking is an important skill to master?

Yes, I think so.

Mainly because I find everyone can’t live without cooking food.

Besides, an excellent cooking skill will play a big part in our life, especially for children, a healthier food will provide the adequate nutrition to their body.

Meanwhile, if we cook a lot of delicious food , then have our friends over, I think it will be a golden opportunity to bring us closer together.

I love cooking, because it’s not only fun, but also meaningful.


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