





using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;public class MirrorSprite : BaseMeshEffect
{public enum eMirrorType{eHor,eVer,}[SerializeField]private eMirrorType mMirrorType;private List<UIVertex> mVerts = new List<UIVertex>();private List<int> mIndices = new List<int>();private UIVertex mVertex = new UIVertex();protected override void Awake(){mMirrorType = eMirrorType.eHor;}public override void ModifyMesh(VertexHelper vh){mVerts.Clear();for (int i = 0; i < vh.currentVertCount; i++){vh.PopulateUIVertex(ref mVertex, i);mVerts.Add(mVertex);}if(graphic is Image){Image image = graphic as Image;switch (image.type){case Image.Type.Simple:{DrawSimple();}break;case Image.Type.Sliced:{DrawSliced();}break;case Image.Type.Tiled:{}break;}}vh.Clear();vh.AddUIVertexStream(mVerts, mIndices);}public void SetIndice(){mIndices.Clear();for (int i = 0; i < mVerts.Count;){mIndices.Add(i);mIndices.Add(i + 1);mIndices.Add(i + 2);mIndices.Add(i);mIndices.Add(i + 2);mIndices.Add(i + 3);i = i + 4;}}//为了解决拼接处的缝隙问题,让uv进行偏移public void FixUV(){for (int i = 0; i < mVerts.Count; i++){var vertex = mVerts[i];Vector2 uv = vertex.uv0;int remainder = i % 4;if (mMirrorType == eMirrorType.eHor){if (remainder == 2 || remainder == 3){uv.x -= 1.5f / Screen.width;}}if (mMirrorType == eMirrorType.eVer){if (remainder == 1 || remainder == 2){uv.y -= 1.5f / Screen.height;}}vertex.uv0 = uv;mVerts[i] = vertex;}}//放缩//public void SimpleScale()//{//    Rect rect = graphic.GetPixelAdjustedRect();//    RectTransform rt = graphic.rectTransform;//    for (int i = 0; i < mVerts.Count; i++)//    {//        var vertex = mVerts[i];//        Vector3 position = vertex.position;//        if(mMirrorType == eMirrorType.eHor)//        {//            position.x = (position.x + rect.x) * 0.5f;//        }//        if (mMirrorType == eMirrorType.eVer)//        {//            position.y = (position.y + rect.y) * 0.5f;//        }//        vertex.position = position;//        mVerts[i] = vertex;//    }//}//镜像图片public void Mirror(){Rect rect = graphic.GetPixelAdjustedRect();switch (mMirrorType){case eMirrorType.eHor:{int count = mVerts.Count;for(int i = 0; i < count; i++){//公式: x1 - x = x - x2 => x1 = 2x - x2 (x1在对称轴x的右侧,x2在对称轴x的左侧)var vertex = mVerts[i];var position = vertex.position;position.x = rect.max.x * 2 - position.x;vertex.position = position;mVerts.Add(vertex);}}break;case eMirrorType.eVer:{int count = mVerts.Count;for (int i = 0; i < count; i++){var vertex = mVerts[i];var position = vertex.position;position.y = rect.max.y * 2 - position.y;vertex.position = position;mVerts.Add(vertex);}}break;}}public void DrawSimple(){FixUV();Mirror();SetIndice();}public void DrawSliced(){FixUV();Mirror();SetIndice();}

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