
1064 Fixed Point
Given an array A of distinct integers sorted in ascending order, return the smallest index i that satisfies A[i] == i. Return -1 if no such i exists.
Example 1:
Input: [-10,-5,0,3,7]
Output: 3
For the given array, A[0] = -10, A[1] = -5, A[2] = 0, A[3] = 3, thus the output is 3.
Example 2:
Input: [0,2,5,8,17]
Output: 0
A[0] = 0, thus the output is 0.
Example 3:
Input: [-10,-5,3,4,7,9]
Output: -1
There is no such i that A[i] = i, thus the output is -1.

很简单,判断第一个A[i] = i的数,若不存在则返回-1

class Solution {
public:int fixedPoint(vector<int>& A) {int res = -1;for(int i = 0; i < A.size(); ++i)if(i == A[i])return i;return res;}

1065 Index Pairs of a String
Given a text string and words (a list of strings), return all index pairs [i, j] so that the substring text[i]…text[j] is in the list of words.
Example 1:
Input: text = “thestoryofleetcodeandme”, words = [“story”,“fleet”,“leetcode”]
Output: [[3,7],[9,13],[10,17]]
Example 2:
Input: text = “ababa”, words = [“aba”,“ab”]
Output: [[0,1],[0,2],[2,3],[2,4]]
Notice that matches can overlap, see “aba” is found in [0,2] and [2,4].


class Solution {
public:vector<vector<int>> indexPairs(string text, vector<string>& words) {map<string, int> ms;int maxn = 0;for (string s : words){ms[s] = 1;maxn = max(maxn, s.length());}vector<vector<int>> res;for (int i = 0; i < text.size(); ++i){int len = min(text.length() - i, maxn);for (int j = 1; j <= len; ++j)if (ms[text.substr(i, j)]){vector<int> v = { i, j + i - 1 };res.emplace_back(v);}}return res;}

1066 Campus Bikes II
On a campus represented as a 2D grid, there are N workers and M bikes, with N <= M. Each worker and bike is a 2D coordinate on this grid.
We assign one unique bike to each worker so that the sum of the Manhattan distances between each worker and their assigned bike is minimized.
The Manhattan distance between two points p1 and p2 is Manhattan(p1, p2) = |p1.x - p2.x| + |p1.y - p2.y|.
Return the minimum possible sum of Manhattan distances between each worker and their assigned bike.
Example 1:
Input: workers = [[0,0],[2,1]], bikes = [[1,2],[3,3]]
Output: 6
We assign bike 0 to worker 0, bike 1 to worker 1. The Manhattan distance of both assignments is 3, so the output is 6.
Example 2:
Input: workers = [[0,0],[1,1],[2,0]], bikes = [[1,0],[2,2],[2,1]]
Output: 4
We first assign bike 0 to worker 0, then assign bike 1 to worker 1 or worker 2, bike 2 to worker 2 or worker 1. Both assignments lead to sum of the Manhattan dist

其中 Manhattan(p1, p2) = |p1.x - p2.x| + |p1.y - p2.y|.

class Solution {
public:void assignBikesHelper(vector<int>& grid, vector<vector<int>>& workers, vector<vector<int>>& bikes, int& minn, int cur, int pos){if (cur >= minn) return;if (pos >= workers.size()){minn = min(minn, cur);return;}int x = workers[pos][0], y = workers[pos][1];for (int i = 0; i < bikes.size(); ++i){// vector<int> v = { bikes[i][0], bikes[i][1] };int dx =  bikes[i][0], dy =  bikes[i][1];if (grid[i] == 1) continue;grid[i] = 1;assignBikesHelper(grid, workers, bikes, minn, cur + abs(dx - x) + abs(dy - y), pos + 1);grid[i] = 0;}}int assignBikes(vector<vector<int>>& workers, vector<vector<int>>& bikes) {vector<int> grid(bikes.size(), 0);int minn = 1e9;assignBikesHelper(grid, workers, bikes, minn, 0, 0);return minn;}

上面 // vector<int> v = { bikes[i][0], bikes[i][1] };这一行会导致TLE,把这一行纠正为下面dx 和 dy的表达即可AC(我也不知道当时当时为啥会这样写= =

1067 Digit Count in Range
Given an integer d between 0 and 9, and two positive integers low and high as lower and upper bounds, respectively. Return the number of times that d occurs as a digit in all integers between low and high, including the bounds low and high.
Example 1:
Input: d = 1, low = 1, high = 13
Output: 6
The digit d=1 occurs 6 times in 1,10,11,12,13. Note that the digit d=1 occurs twice in the number 11.
Example 2:
Input: d = 3, low = 100, high = 250
Output: 35
The digit d=3 occurs 35 times in 103,113,123,130,131,…,238,239,243.

给定三个数字d,low, high,判断从在[low, high]的所有数字中,数字d出现的次数
整体而言可以将其分为两部分[0, high] 中出现数字d的数目为x,[0, low - 1]中出现数字d的数目为y
则最后结果为y - x

class Solution {
public:int digitsCount(int d, int low, int high) {return count(high, d) - count(low-1, d);}unsigned check(unsigned n, unsigned d){unsigned res = 0;while (n){if (n % 10 == d) res++;n /= 10;}return res;}unsigned count(unsigned n, unsigned d){if (n < 10) return (d > 0 && n >= d);if (n % 10 != 9) return check(n, d) + count(n - 1, d);return 10 * count(n / 10, d) + n / 10 + (d > 0);}

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