
【单选题】The ____ concept suggests that the customer desires a product offering that is highly tailored to the customer’s exact preferences.

【判断题】Stockouts refer to a situation where a company is out of an item at the same time that there is demand for that item.

【判断题】Physical distribution is synonymous with materials management.

【单选题】P92 Task 3-5

【单选题】Logistics managers use the ____ approach to coordinate materials management and physical distribution in a cost-efficient manner.


【判断题】Intermediaries assume ownership of goods while they’re in the marketing channel. (False)

【判断题】The sorting function takes place between retailers and the consumer.

【判断题】Absolute and relative logistics costs in relation to Gross Domestic Product vary from country to country.

【填空题】P92 Task 2-5

【单选题】The most costly logistics activity in many firms is ____

【单选题】The ____ department often measures inventory in terms of its cost or value in dollars, whereas ____ tends to measure inventory in terms of units.

【单选题】下列不是活塞基本结构的是( )

【判断题】Humanitarian logistics represents an emerging application of logistics to not-for-profit organizations.

【单选题】She endured the hardships without _____ a complaint.

【单选题】_________ utility refers to having products available where they are needed by customers.


【填空题】p 90 Task 2-2

【连线题】Match the words or phrases with similar meanings.

【填空题】P90 Task 2-1

【单选题】ABC analysis of inventory ____.


【单选题】____ refers to the removal of intermediaries between producer and consumer.


【单选题】U.S. News & World Report suggests that logistics employment should increase by ____ percent through 2018.

【判断题】. Logistical decisions tend not to be impacted by marketers’ growing emphasis on offering sustainable products.

【单选题】稳定静态工作点,应引入( )

【单选题】The commander ordered his troops to _______ on the enemies.

【单选题】This film ______ two of my favorite actors.

【单选题】Approximately ____ percent of US adult women are currently in the workforce.

【判断题】The key to the total cost approach is that all relevant cost items are considered simultaneously when making a decision.

【判断题】若耗尽型N 沟道MOS 管的 大于零,则其输入电阻会明显变小。


【判断题】It is better for a logistics manager to be a generalist rather than a specialist.

【单选题】扭曲环之所以会扭曲是因为( )

【单选题】_______ delicious food, she is determined to become a gourmet.

【单选题】在组装发动机时,下列说法错误的有( )

【单选题】The ownership channel consists of all parties except:

【单选题】A cost trade-off is a situation where:


【单选题】____ refers to being out of an item at the same time there is demand for it.

【判断题】U.S. News & World Report has highlighted logistician as one of the 50 best careers.

【判断题】The sorting function has four steps.

【判断题】Interfunctional logistics attempts to coordinate materials management and physical distribution in a cost efficient manner that supports an organization’s customer service objectives.

【判断题】Landed costs refer to the price of a product at its source.

【判断题】In mass logistics, groups of customers with similar logistical needs and wants are provided with logistics services appropriate to those wants and needs.

【单选题】Which of the following is not part of the marketing channel?

【判断题】Reductions in economic regulation allowed individual transportation companies flexibility in pricing and service.

【单选题】Hearing the news, I was _____ in enormous joy.

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