[Machine Learning]Markov chain and Hidden Markov Models(HMMs)




即HMM = (初始状态向量Pai,状态迁移矩阵A,混淆矩阵B)

以下关于confusion matrix的描述来自:http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confusion_matrix

In the field of artificial intelligence, a confusion matrix is a visualization tool typically used in supervised learning (in unsupervised learning it is typically called a matching matrix). Each row of the matrix represents the instances in a predicted class, while each column represents the instances in an actual class. One benefit of a confusion matrix is that it is easy to see if the system is confusing two classes (i.e. commonly mislabeling one as another).

When a data set is unbalanced (when the number of samples in different classes vary greatly) the error rate of a classifier is not representative of the true performance of the classifier. This can easily be understood by an example: If there are 990 samples from class A and only 10 samples from class B, the classifier can easily be biased towards class A. If the classifier classifies all the samples as class A, the accuracy will be 99%. This is not a good indication of the classifier's true performance. The classifier has a 100% recognition rate for class A but a 0% recognition rate for class B.

In the example confusion matrix below, of the 8 actual cats, the system predicted that three were dogs, and of the eight dogs, it predicted that two were a rabbits and three were cats. We can see from the matrix that the system in question has trouble distinguishing between cats and dogs, but can make the distinction between rabbits and other types of animals pretty well.


在人工智能领域,混淆矩阵常被用在监管学习中的一个形象化的工具,在非监管学习中它被称为匹配矩阵。 矩阵的每行代表预测结果,而每一列代表实际结果。混淆矩阵的一个用处是用以表明两个类别是否被混淆了(即把一个类别错误的标明为另一个)。



Example confusion matrixes
Cat Dog Rabbit
Predicted Cat 5 2 0
Dog 3 3 2
Rabbit 0 1 11
posted on 2010-05-28 02:33 Zhu Qing 阅读(...) 评论(...) 编辑 收藏


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