homerun算 安打吗、

It's that time again. Time for another lovingly produced episode of This Developer's Life.

又是时候了。 是时候为这部《开发人员的生活》制作另一集了。

I blogged a few weeks ago about a new developer podcast called "This Developer's Life". Twice a month, Between Rob Conery and I, we'll bring you stories from the mouths of real people, some you know and some you don't.

几周前,我在博客上发表了一篇名为“ This Developer's Life ”的新开发者播客。 在罗伯·科纳里(Rob Conery)和我之间,每月两次,我们将从真实人物的口中带给您故事,有些您知道,有些您不知道。

This week we talk to two programmers who hit "homeruns" early in life.


First, David Heinemeier Hansson, creator of Ruby on Rails, who was born in 1979. Next, Dan Bricklin, creator of VisiCalc, the first electronic spreadsheet creating in, yes, wait for it, 1979.

首先是1979年出生的Ruby on Rails的创建者David Heinemeier Hansson 。其次是1979年创建的第一个电子表格VisiCalc的创建者Dan Bricklin

What do you do when you hit a homerun? When do you know it's happened? And what does it mean 30 years later?

当你打出全垒打怎么办? 您何时知道发生了什么? 30年后意味着什么?

For your consideration, here is show 5:


此开发人员的生活1.05:本垒打 (This Developer's Life 1.05: The Homerun)

Don't forget, you can subscribe via RSS, via iTunes or via Zune.

别忘了,您可以通过RSS , iTunes或Zune进行订阅。

Here's our previous episodes, if you want to catch up.


1.0.4-刻薄 (1.0.4 - Being Mean)

What makes people mean in our industry? What about aggressive? Confident? What's the difference? Would you rather have a drill sergeant for a boss, or a zen master? We talk to Cyra Richardson and Giles Bowkett.

人们在我们的行业中意味着什么? 那好斗的呢? 信心? 有什么不同? 您是否愿意为老板或禅宗大师配备钻探士官? 我们与Cyra Richardson和Giles Bowkett交谈。

1.0.3-问题 (1.0.3 - Problems)

How do you solve problems as a developer? How do you tackle issues that seem completely unsolvable - as an individual or on a team? Mike Moore, Javier Lozano, Tamar Cohen and trouble.

作为开发人员,您如何解决问题? 作为个人还是团队,您如何解决似乎完全无法解决的问题? Mike Moore,Javier Lozano,Tamar Cohen和麻烦。

1.0.2-名望 (1.0.2 - Fame)

Is fame useful for a developer? Should you make a plan and become Internet Famous? Is there value and how does notoriety happen? John Sheehan joins me in the storytelling.

名望对开发人员有用吗? 您应该制定一个计划并让互联网成名吗? 有价值,臭名昭著如何发生? John Sheehan和我一起讲故事。

1.0.1-被解雇 (1.0.1 - Getting Fired)

It eventually happens to everyone. The real question is, how do you deal with it when it happens to you? Oren Eini and Sara Chipps explore and share.

最终它发生在每个人身上。 真正的问题是,当它发生在您身上时,您将如何处理? Oren Eini和Sara Chipps探索并分享。

Enjoy http://thisdeveloperslife.com.


翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/this-developers-life-105-homerun

homerun算 安打吗、

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