Have you ever ...? (present perfect 3)


Have you been to Rome? Yes, I have. Many times.

Have you ever been to Japan? No, I've never been to Japan.

We use the present perfect (have been/ have had/ have played  etc.) when we talk about a time from the past until now - for example, a person's life:

                              Have you ever been to Japan?
past time from the past until now now
  • Have you been to France?   No, I haven't.
  • I've been to Canada, but I haven't been to the United States.
  • Mary is an interesting person.     She has had many different jobs and has lived in many places.
  • I've seen that woman before, but I can't remember where.
  • How many times has Brazil won the World Cup?
  • Have you read this book?    Yes, I've read it twice. (twice = two times)


present perfect + ever(in question) and never:

  • Has Ann ever been to Australia?    Yes, once. (once = one time)
  • Have you ever played golf?     Yes, I play a lot.
  • My sister has never traveled by plane.
  • I've never ridden a horse.
  • Who is that man?    I don't know. I've never seen him before.


gone and been

(Where's Bill?        He's away. He's gone to Spain.)

Bill has gone to Spain. (= he is in Spain now)

two weeks later:

(Hello, Bill.    Hi, I've been on holiday. I've been to Spain.)

Bill has been to Spain. (= he went to Spain, but now he is back)


  • I can't find Susan. Where has she gone? (= where is she now?)
  • Oh, hello Susan! I was looking for you. Where have you been?

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