You can work around this by fully qualifying the class name Thread , as the example shows:   java.lang.Thread.MIN_PRIORITY.

work around sth相关推荐

  1. have sb do / have sb doing / have sth dong 区别

    have sb do have sb doing have sb done 三者有什么区别? 像have sb --这类多种形式的对于have sth --有么?如果有,有什么区分? 答:have s ...

  2. 用英语用计算机造句,英语造句用It’s adj (for sb) to do sth 造句10个

    来源:学生作业帮 编辑:作业帮 分类:英语作业 时间:2021/06/27 06:48:36 英语造句 用It's adj (for sb) to do sth 造句10个 希望以下诸多句子中,有十句 ...

  3. take sth. with a grain of salt

    [英语习语]take sth. with a grain of salt take sth. with a grain of salt 这个习语的字面意思是"和一撮盐一起吃下去", ...

  4. remember to do sth和remember doing sth 及有类似用法的动词

    remember to do sth表示"要记得去做某事"即千万不要忘记去做某事.比如: Remember to send the letter for me!(表示信还未寄出,但 ...

  5. do还是doing imagine加to_请问,是“imagine sb. to do sth. ”还是“imagine sb. doing sth.”?...

    展开全部 是imagine sb doing sth,imagine sb to do sth是错误的. imagine sb doing sth 读音:英 [ɪˈmædʒɪn ˈsʌmbədi ˈd ...

  6. c语言into的用法,C为into doing sth 英语习惯用法.ppt

    C为into doing sth 英语习惯用法 C为into doing sth Verb + object + into doing sth. 1)表示"欺骗"的动词 Decei ...

  7. a report on/about/of sth的区别

    a report on sth.a report about sth.baia report of sth的区别为:意思不同.用法不同.侧重点不同. 一.意思不同 a report on sth:关于 ...

  8. be desperate for sth

    be sufficiently desperate for sth急切需要sth The company is sufficiently desperate for employees.They ar ...

  9. sth about the string function strdup

    As now I was using the fundtion strdup very often, so that I want to say sth about it,  and I think ...

  10. 【错误总结】expected specifier-qualifier-list before sth

    原文地址为: [错误总结]expected specifier-qualifier-list before sth 在使用GCC时经常会遇到expected specifier-qualifier-l ...


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