You might think that you need expensive software to take advantage of Camera RAW—something like Photoshop or the more modestly priced Lightroom. Fortunately there is freeware that can help you achieve professional results without professional costs.

您可能会认为您需要昂贵的软件才能利用Camera RAW(例如Photoshop或更便宜的Lightroom)。 幸运的是,有免费软件可以帮助您获得专业成果,而无需支付专业费用。

Shooting in JPG can be very limiting, so Camera RAW formats can give you superior images, as long as you can process (or develop) your images. Adobe has great tools for developing camera RAW, but, as we know, Adobe products are expensive and sometimes cost prohibitive. Read on to see a great Freeware option, with a simple How-To describing how to properly use it.

使用JPG拍摄可能会受到很大限制,因此,只要您可以处理(或显影)图像,Camera RAW格式就可以为您提供出色的图像。 Adobe具有用于开发相机RAW的强大工具,但是,众所周知,Adobe产品价格昂贵,有时价格过高。 请继续阅读以查看出色的“免费软件”选项,其中包含一个简单的“如何操作”说明如何正确使用它。

在Camera RAW上刷新 (Refreshing on Camera RAW)

Camera RAW, which is more of a collection of proprietary filetypes than a single filetype, can be thought of as a digital negative. How-To Geek has already done a more thorough explanation of Camera RAW earlier this month, if you care to learn more. However, the thing to keep in mind is that RAW is not simply an image file, but rather RAW image data that needs processing. This is a good thing—because shooting in JPG makes decisions for you that can’t be changed. So that’s what we’re setting out to do… make those changes in our RAW file with free software.

Camera RAW比单个文件类型更多地是专有文件类型的集合,可以被认为是数字负片。 如果您想了解更多信息,本月早些时候,How-To Geek已经对Camera RAW进行了更详尽的解释。 但是,请记住,RAW不仅仅是图像文件,而是需要处理的RAW图像数据。 这是一件好事-因为使用JPG拍摄会为您做出无法更改的决定。 这就是我们要要做的……使用免费软件在RAW文件中进行这些更改。

Raw Therapee是一个免费的RAW编辑器 (Raw Therapee is a Freeware RAW Editor)

  • Download Raw Therapee version 2.4.1 for Windows

    下载适用于Windows的Raw Therapee版本2.4.1

  • Download Raw Therapee version 2.4.1 for Linux (tgz)

    下载适用于Linux的Raw Therapee版本2.4.1(tgz)

The most current version is of Raw Therapee is 2.4.1, and even though it is several years old, it is still an excellent solution for the budget-minded photographer. A newer version is still in the works, as of January 2011, with source code available for compiling unstable versions for Windows, OS X, and Linux.

最新版本是Raw Therapee,是2.4.1,尽管它已有数年历史,但对于预算有限的摄影师来说,仍然是一个出色的解决方案。 截至2011年1月,仍在开发新版本,其源代码可用于编译Windows,OS X和Linux的不稳定版本。

Unless you are very adventurous, you’ll want to download the older version and simply keep an eye on for version 3.0.


处理相机RAW图像 (Processing Camera RAW Images)

Raw Therapee looks like this upon opening. In order to begin processing our RAW photographs, we’ll have to navigate to find them, using the file tree on the bottom left.

原始治疗者在打开时看起来像这样。 为了开始处理RAW照片,我们必须使用左下方的文件树进行导航以找到它们。

This is simple enough. Find this area on the bottom left and navigate to where which drive your RAW photographs are kept on. Double click your folder to bring up your images in the strip below.

这很简单。 在左下角找到该区域,然后导航到将RAW照片保留在哪个驱动器上。 双击您的文件夹以在下面的小条中显示您的图像。

All images in the folder will display in a strip, giving you the ability to browse for the file you want to develop.


Right clicking your image will give you this contextual menu. Click “open” to begin processing your RAW file.

右键单击图像将为您提供此上下文菜单。 单击“打开”开始处理您的RAW文件。

Your image loads in the center preview window. Let’s take a quick tour around this window to see what Raw Therapee offers us.

您的图像会加载到中央预览窗口中。 让我们快速浏览此窗口,以查看Raw Therapee为我们提供的服务。

定位原始治疗工具 (Locating the Tools of Raw Therapee)

Scale: Zoom into your image here. Because the Detail area to the right looks very similar, you’ll want to look here to zoom in and out of your image.

缩放:在此处放大图像。 由于右侧的“细节”区域看起来非常相似,因此您需要在此处查看以放大和缩小图像。

Histogram: A visual representation of the value distribution of your currently loaded image. This histogram corresponds to the earlier image of the “Private Property” sign. The bottom axis corresponds to a value scale, with the leftmost part representing 100% black, and the rightmost part representing 100% white. The vertical axis represents the concentration of the corresponding value. What we can see from this, is that this image is mostly full off gray, as the RGB values are all similar, and are also concentrated into the same general area, a small distance away from pure white. Looking at the loaded image, we can see that is a fair representation of that image.

直方图:当前加载图像的值分布的直观表示。 该直方图对应于“私有属性”符号的较早图像。 底轴对应于值刻度,最左边的部分代表100%黑色,最右边的部分代表100%白色。 纵轴表示相应值的浓度。 从中我们可以看到,由于RGB值都相似,因此该图像大部分是灰色的,并且也集中在相同的常规区域中,与纯白色相距很小的距离。 查看加载的图像,我们可以看到它是该图像的合理表示。

Postprocessing Profiles: Editing a RAW photograph can be difficult work. Once you’ve spent the time meticulously adjusting the image temperature and exposure, you’ll want to save your settings here and apply them to every picture you took under similar conditions.

后处理配置文件:编辑RAW照片可能很困难。 一旦花费了时间精心调整图像温度和曝光度,您将想要在此处保存设置,并将其应用于在类似条件下拍摄的每张照片。

RAW Processing Tools: This is the main event, with almost all of your important tools buried here. This area, located on the far right of the application, will allow you to fine tune your Camera RAW photographs with ease. Let’s dive in and tweak that photo.

RAW处理工具:这是主要事件,几乎所有重要工具都埋在这里。 该区域位于应用程序的最右侧,可让您轻松微调Camera RAW照片。 让我们潜入并调整照片。

设置白平衡,又称图像温度 (Setting White Balance, AKA Image Temperature)

Cameras have to be set to capture color based on the quality of light that is hitting your lens, and this setting is called White Balance. Some lights are cool, others are warm, and this is sensibly called Temperature. You can learn more about it in other How-To Geek Articles, or simply take play with your settings until you find the temperature setting appropriate for the light you shot your images in.

必须将相机设置为根据入射到镜头的光的质量来捕获颜色,该设置称为“白平衡” 。 有些灯光很酷,有些灯光很暖,这被合理地称为温度。 您可以在其他“ How-To Geek”文章中了解有关它的更多信息,或者简单地进行设置,直到找到适合您所拍摄图像的光线的温度设置。

Most likely your camera will choose an “Auto” white balance if you are shooting RAW. Let’s adjust it to improve our image quality.

如果您正在拍摄RAW,则相机很可能会选择“自动”白平衡。 让我们对其进行调整以提高图像质量。

Locate the “Color” tab, temporarily ignoring “Exposure.”


A temperature of 5000K is what is considered “Natural Daylight.” As these shots were taken outdoors, 5000 is a decent setting to start with. Less than 5000 will be cooler, over will be warmer. Adjust this according to the environment you shot your photographs in.

5000K的温度被称为“自然日光”。 由于这些照片是在户外拍摄的,因此从5000开始是一个不错的设置。 少于5000会更凉,超过会更热。 根据您拍摄照片的环境进行调整

Our image is a normal hue again, although it can be adjusted to lean a little cooler, considering the content of the image.


调整原始被治疗者的暴露 (Adjusting Exposure in Raw Therapee)

Return to your “Exposure” Tab in your right hand panel.


Adjust your values here as you see fit—each one will affect your image in drastically different ways.


Apart from looking at your image as you adjust it, checking your Histogram as you adjust can ensure that you get the richest possible results. The first histogram is an “enhanced” version of this image, while the second and third are poor versions. The second is too dark, the third too light. Your goal is usually to ensure good detail throughout your image, while giving yourself good value range through lights and darks.

除了在调整图像时查看图像之外,在调整图像时检查直方图可以确保获得最丰富的结果。 第一个直方图是此图像的“增强”版本,而第二个和第三个直方图是较差的版本。 第二个太暗,第三个太亮。 您的目标通常是确保整个图像都具有良好的细节,同时通过光线和黑暗来给自己提供良好的价值范围。

While every part of this process is subjective, you are given the tools to develop your image for the best result possible. Achieving detail in both highlight and shadow areas is a good goal, although you may choose to stylize your image by making either more harsh.

尽管此过程的每个部分都是主观的,但是您将获得开发图像的工具,以获得最佳效果。 在高光和阴影区域都实现细节是一个不错的目标,尽管您可以选择使图像更加粗糙,从而使图像风格化。

If you’re not sick of tweaking your highlights and darks, there are additional tools for even more control over highlights and shadows. You’ll find them underneath “Shadows/Highlights” on your toolbar on the right. They are fairly straightforward, and will give you good results if you use them after first tweaking your exposure. “Luminance Curve” is also available for an even further level of tweaking.

如果您不讨厌调整高光和暗度,则可以使用其他工具来更好地控制高光和暗度。 您会在右侧工具栏的“阴影/高光”下方找到它们。 它们相当简单,如果您在第一次调整曝光后使用它们,将会为您带来良好的效果。 “亮度曲线”也可用于进一步的调整。

If you are satisfied with your image after any level of adjustment, you may stop. It is possible to overdo your tweaks to images.

如果您对图像进行了任何程度的调整后都满意,则可以停止。 可能会过度调整图像。

完成图像处理 (Complete Your Image Processing)

When you are pleased with your image and feel it is complete, you can always use the “Save As” button on the right to save your results as a JPG or PNG to use in other programs. However, let’s apply our hard work to our image before closing up shop.

当您对图像感到满意并感觉到图像完整时,可以随时使用右侧的“另存为”按钮将结果另存为JPG或PNG,以便在其他程序中使用。 但是,让我们在关闭店铺之前将我们的辛勤工作应用到我们的形象上。

You’ll need to find the gear icon above to find the processing panel. Click it to switch to the processing queue view.

您需要在上方找到齿轮图标才能找到处理面板。 单击它以切换到处理队列视图。

Click “Start Processing” to render your image. When it is finished, you won’t get any weird errors about unprocessed images, and you can close the program normally. You will still be able to re-adjust your image from your original RAW settings, or even use a new profile for a whole new look.

单击“开始处理”以渲染图像。 完成后,您将不会收到有关未处理图像的任何奇怪错误,并且可以正常关闭程序。 您仍然可以通过原始RAW设置重新调整图像,甚至可以使用新的配置文件获得全新外观。

  • Download Raw Therapee version 2.4.1 for Windows

    下载适用于Windows的Raw Therapee版本2.4.1

  • Download Raw Therapee version 2.4.1 for Linux (tgz)

    下载适用于Linux的Raw Therapee版本2.4.1(tgz)

Have questions or comments concerning Graphics, Photos, Filetypes, or Photoshop? Send your questions to

对图形,照片,文件类型或Photoshop有疑问或意见吗? 将您的问题发送到, and they may be featured in a future How-To Geek Graphics article. ,它们可能会在以后的How-To Geek Graphics文章中介绍。

Image Credit: Negative by ollycoffey, available under Creative Commons. All Other Images copyright the author, Eric Z Goodnight and Brad Goodnight.

图片来源: ollycoffey的负面图片,可在“知识共享”下找到 所有其他图像的作者均为Eric Z Goodnight和Brad Goodnight。


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