7). 然后打开project

-> test_matlab_3 properties -> C++

-> Code Generation -> Runtime

Library,选择 Multi-threaded Debug (/MTd)。

8). 然后打开project -> test_matlab_3 properties

-> Linker -> Input ->

Additional Dependencies中添加



然后打开project -> test_matlab_3 properties

-> Linker -> Input ->

Module Definition File中添加 .\mexFunction.def。


然后打开project -> add new item,添加Module-Definition File



然后打开project -> add new item,添加Header File





将生成的文件拷贝到matlab目录下,执行"test_matlab_3(1,'Panpan Hu')",返回如下结果


A MEX-file is a shared library dynamically loaded at runtime.

Shared libraries are sometimes called .dll files, for

dynamically-linked library. MEX-files have a platform-dependent

extension, which the mex function automatically


On 32-bit Windows platforms, the extension is .mexw32.

MATLAB has supported .dll as a secondary MEX-file

extension since Version 7.1 (R14SP3). In Version 7.7 (R2008b), if

you used the -output switch to create a MEX-file with a

.dll extension, MATLAB displayed a warning message that

such usage is being phased out.

In MATLAB Version 7.10 (R2010a), you can no longer create a

MEX-file with a .dll file extension. If you try to, MATLAB

creates the MEX-file with the proper extension and displays the

following warning:

Warning: Output file was specified with file extension, ".dll", which

is not a proper MEX-file extension. The proper extension for

this platform, ".mexw32", will be used instead.

MATLAB continues to execute a MEX-file with a .dll

extension, but future versions of MATLAB will not support this





附录1 mexFunction.cpp

#include "mexFunction.h"


#include "stdlib.h"


using namespace std;

void mexFunction( int nlhs, mxArray *plhs[],int nrhs, const

mxArray*prhs[] )



*Encoder_Decoder_db = NULL;


Path_Str=""; // the path of the bands

unsigned int

bufferlength = mxGetM(prhs[1])*mxGetN(prhs[1])+1;


*Path_Str_ch = new char[bufferlength];


Encoder_Decoder; // 0: encoder, 1: decoder

Encoder_Decoder_db = mxGetPr(prhs[0]);

mxGetString(prhs[1], Path_Str_ch,

bufferlength); Encoder_Decoder = (short) *Encoder_Decoder_db;

Path_Str =

Path_Str + Path_Str_ch;

mexPrintf("\nBegin of Test-Zhao Wang 6.2.2011\n");

mexPrintf("%d, %s\n", Encoder_Decoder, Path_Str_ch);

mexPrintf("End of Test-Zhao Wang 6.2.2011\n");


附录2 mexFunction.h

#include "matrix.h"

#include "mex.h"



#define MEX_FUNCTION_API __declspec(dllexport)


#define MEX_FUNCTION_API __declspec(dllimport)


MEX_FUNCTION_API void mexFunction(int nlhs, mxArray* plhs[],int

nrhs, mxArray* prhs[]);

附录3 mexFunction.def

LIBRARY "test_matlab_3"



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