Dave pulled the bag into his lap, got out a couple of painkillers, and washed them down with water. cheap lebron shoes Looking at the bananas and the crackers, he realised that he was starving. “Thanks, Liza. You’re amazing.”“Not a problem. Figured you could want them, and thought we’d better put some distance between us and Wellington before we stopped.”“Thanks,” Dave repeated, through a mouthful of banana. His face hurt like hell when he chewed, but he was so hungry he didn’t care. He ate quickly and without talking, working his way through two bananas and half a package of crackers. “So,” he asked at last, washing everything down with another swig of water, “where are we going?”Liza shrugged. “North,” she said.“And after that?” he asked.“Don’t know,’ Liza admitted. “First thing was to get the hell out of Wellington. Figured we could decide later.Dave nodded. “Sounds good to me,” he agreed. He leaned back into his chair and closed his eyes.***Liza drove north for several hours without stopping. They drank all the water, and ate all the food Liza had packed. Looking into the back seat, Dave saw that cheap kevin durant shoes Liza had packed up several armloads of clothes and bedding (“Didn’t want you to wait at the station, so I just grabbed what was closest.”) as well as his laptop, her laptop, and a package of tea bags (“Best to be prepared. Didn’t think you’d have any on you.”) When they got to Taihape, though, she decided to stop for food, gas, and medical supplies. She made Dave wait in the car, reading a map, while she went into the gas station and the grocery store.“Got you some stronger drugs,” she said, tossing a bottle of pills into his lap. “And food.”“I’m not really hungry,” Dave said, looking up from the map.Liza had pulled a cooked chicken and some rolls from a bag and was assembling sandwiches. “Need to take those with food,” she said, handing a thick sandwich over to him. He started chewing obediently.“So,” he said, tapping the map with a greasy finger, “where are we going to go?”Liza shook her head. kd 5 for sale“Haven’t figured that out. Any ideas?”“No.”They finished their sandwiches in silence, and Liza started the car. “Keep going north, I suppose,” she said. “Plenty of quiet places to camp out for the night.”“At least it’s not raining,” Dave said.“Not yet. Should pick up in an hour or so. Need to sleep in the car tonight.”“What about a motel?”“Don’t want you to be recognised. Car tonight. Tomorrow we figure out what to do.”“I guess that makes sense.”They reached the town limits, and Liza sped up. “Keep going for a couple of hours, though. No point stopping here.”***Dave dozed off and on as Liza drove. His face hurt in spite of the painkillers, and he felt like he’d used up an entire year’s supply of adrenaline that day. kd 6 for sale The pain kept waking him up, but then the exhaustion put him back to sleep again pretty quickly. Liza didn’t seem to notice. She drove with her eyes fixed on the road and a frown on her face. It was the first time he had seen her without a clear idea of what to do next, and she didn’t seem to know how to handle it.“I guess Cox will have someone watching the flat,” he said as they were driving along the edge of Lake Taupo.“Makes sense,”

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