--<非透视的列>, [第一个透视的列] AS <列名称>,[第二个透视的列] AS <列名称>,...[最后一个透视的列] AS <列名称>,
--(<生成数据的 SELECT 查询>) AS <源查询的别名>
--IN ( [第一个透视的列], [第二个透视的列],... [最后一个透视的列])
--) AS <透视表的别名>
--<可选的 ORDER BY 子句>--解释:       下面的例子能很好的说明
--常用的使用场景: 客户的订单量按照月份显示
create table TradeForTest
customer varchar(20),
date datetime,
quantity int
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(1,'2018-01-01',98)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(1,'2018-03-01',80)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(1,'2018-05-01',90)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(2,'2018-02-01',88)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(2,'2018-04-01',86)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(2,'2018-06-01',88)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(3,'2018-05-01',60)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(3,'2018-05-01',86)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(3,'2018-05-01',88)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(4,'2018-04-01',74)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(4,'2018-06-01',99)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(4,'2018-08-01',59)
insert into TradeForTest(customer,date,quantity) values(5,'2018-10-01',96)-- case when 实现
select customer,
sum(case when MONTH(date)=1 then quantity else 0 end) as '一月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=2 then quantity else 0 end) as '二月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=3 then quantity else 0 end) as '三月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=4 then quantity else 0 end) as '四月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=5 then quantity else 0 end) as '五月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=6 then quantity else 0 end) as '六月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=7 then quantity else 0 end) as '七月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=8 then quantity else 0 end) as '八月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=9 then quantity else 0 end) as '九月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=10 then quantity else 0 end) as '十月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=11 then quantity else 0 end) as '十一月份',
sum(case when MONTH(date)=12 then quantity else 0 end) as '十二月份'
from TradeForTest group by customer--pivot 实现
select customer,
ISNULL([1],0) as '一月份',
ISNULL([2],0) as '二月份',
ISNULL([3],0) as '三月份',
ISNULL([4],0) as '四月份',
ISNULL([5],0) as '五月份',
ISNULL([6],0) as '六月份',
ISNULL([7],0) as '七月份',
ISNULL([8],0) as '八月份',
ISNULL([9],0) as '九月份',
ISNULL([10],0) as '十月份',
ISNULL([11],0) as '十一月份',
ISNULL([12],0) as '十二月份'
from (select customer,Month(date) date,quantity from TradeForTest )
as p
sum(quantity) for
p.date in ([1],[2],[3],[4],[5],[6],[7],[8],[9],[10],[11],[12])
) a--5.删除表
truncate table TradeForTest
drop table TradeForTest



对升级到 SQL Server 2005 或更高版本的数据库使用 PIVOT 和 UNPIVOT 时,必须将数据库的兼容级别设置为 90 或更高
EXEC sp_dbcmptlevel database_name,90


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  7. 简书python_python实现简书点赞
  8. V.Replication and Sharding(创建主从数据库)
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  10. Linux基础命令大全
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  20. CSAPP HITICS 大作业 hello's P2P by zsz


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