对于如何学习ncode designlife




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nCode DesignLife

Streamlining the CAE Durability Process

nCode DesignLife provides fatigue life prediction from finite

element results to answer the question "how long will it

last?" or "will it pass the test?" before you even have

a prototype. Go beyond simplified stress analysis and avoid under

or over-designing your products by simulating actual loading


For over 30 years, nCode products have

established a reputation for the development of leading fatigue

technology pioneering the world’s first commercial off-the-shelf

FEA-based fatigue tool, P/Fatigue*, in the early 1990’s. Since

then, nCode products have continued to invest in the development

of cutting edge technology to provide solutions

for large model sizes and realistic loading schedules. Unique

capabilities include the ability to simulate shaker tests by

performing fatigue analysis in the frequency domain.

In use by major OEMs and their


around the world, DesignLife is industry proven to be the

most intuitive, powerful and

flexible solution for CAE fatigue and



Key Features

Intuitive and easy to use software for performing

fatigue analysis from finite element models

Direct support for leading FEA results data

including ANSYS, Nastran, Abaqus, RADIOSS, …

Efficiently analyze

large finite element models and complete usage schedules

Wide range of fatigue analysis

capabilities including stress-life, strain-life, multi-axial,

weld analysis, virtual shaker table, and more

Highly configurable

for the expert user

Single environment

for both Test and CAE data

Enables standardization

of analysis processes and reporting

Review all product options


Reduce reliance on physical test

and avoid costly design and tooling changes

Perform smarter and quicker

physical tests by simulating first

Reduce warranty claims

by reducing failures

Reduce cost and weight

by assessing more design options

Improve consistency and quality

with standardized analysis processes

Correlate directly

with physical test data


wind turbine

component designs in conformity with GL Renewables

Certification's Guideline for the Certification of Wind

Turbines (2010)

*P/Fatigue was developed jointly with PDA Engineering for the

PATRAN environment. PATRAN is now a registered trademark of

MSC.Software. All other product trademarks are acknowledged.

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