Sitting through PowerPoint presentation can sometimes get a little boring. You can make your slideshows more interesting by adding transitions between the slides in your presentations.

坐在PowerPoint演示文稿中有时会有些无聊。 通过在演示文稿中的幻灯片之间添加过渡效果,可以使幻灯片显示更加有趣。

Transitions certainly aren’t new to PowerPoint, but Office 2010 adds a number of exciting new transitions and options.

过渡当然不是PowerPoint的新功能,但是Office 2010添加了许多令人兴奋的新过渡和选项。

Add Transitions


Select the slide to which you want to apply a transition.


On the Transitions tab, select the More button to reveal the all transition options in the gallery.


Select the transition you’d like to apply to your slide. The transitions are divided into three types…Subtle, Exciting, and Dynamic Content. You can hover your mouse over each item in the gallery to preview the transition with Live Preview.

选择您要应用于幻灯片的过渡。 过渡分为三种类型:微妙,令人兴奋和动态内容。 您可以将鼠标悬停在图库中的每个项目上,以使用“实时预览”预览过渡。

You can adjust many of the transitions using Effect Options. The options will vary depending on which transition you’ve selected.

您可以使用“效果选项”调整许多过渡。 选项会根据您选择的转换而有所不同。

You can add additional customizations in the Timing Group. You can add sound by selecting one of the options in the Sound dropdown list…

您可以在计时组中添加其他自定义项。 您可以通过选择“声音”下拉列表中的选项之一来添加声音。

You can change the duration of the transition…


Or choose to advance the slide On Mouse Click (default) or automatically after a certain period of time.


If you’d like to apply one transition to every slide in your presentation, select the Apply To All button.


You can preview your transition by clicking the Preview button on the Transitions tab. A few clicks is all it takes to add a little energy and excitement to an otherwise dry presentation.

您可以通过单击“过渡”选项卡上的“预览”按钮来预览过渡。 只需单击几下,即可为原本干燥的演示文稿增添些许活力和刺激。

Are you looking for more ways to spice up your PowerPoint 2010 slideshows? You could try adding animation to text and images, or adding video from the web.

您是否正在寻找更多方法来增添PowerPoint 2010幻灯片的趣味性? 您可以尝试向文本和图像添加动画 ,或者从网络添加视频 。


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