Windows 默认的启动程序是 %FLUENT_INC%/ntbin/ntx86/gambit.exe ,但这只是一个启动管理器,不是实际的 gambit 的程序。

真正的 gambit 程序位于 %FLUENT_INC%/gambit2.3.16/ntx86/gambit.exe ,现在需要做的是试着直接启动这个程序。


1 设置一些环境变量,包括 Fluent 目录,Exceed 路径等。

2 启动 Exceed

3 启动 Gambit


>gambit.exe -new -id 333

>set PATH=%PATH;D:/GS/Fluent.Inc/gambit2.3.16/ntx86/xdll

>gambit.exe -new -id 333
*** FLUENT_INC not defined, cannot continue.

FATAL ERROR: Could not obtain valid license authorization.

Total of 0.00 cpu second(s), 101720 maximum memory.

Received exception: SIGSEGV (segmentation violation)

Please send the GAMBIT.2156/jou and GAMBIT.2156/trn files to your local
Fluent office or distributor.  Also send a message including any
relevant errors or warnings you see above in this window.  You may
wish to delete the temporary directory GAMBIT.2156 after sending the
above files.
ERROR: Please retain a copy of the GAMBIT.2156/jou, GAMBIT.2156/trn, and
GAMBIT.2156/*.dbs files, any imported geometry and any relevant
errors or warnings you see above in this window and contact
support at your local Fluent office or distributor.

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

>set FLUENT_INC=D:/GS/Fluent.Inc

>gambit.exe -new -id 333
*** FLUENT_ARCH not defined, cannot continue.

FATAL ERROR: Could not obtain valid license authorization.

Total of 0.01 cpu second(s), 101720 maximum memory.

Received exception: SIGSEGV (segmentation violation)

Please send the GAMBIT.2820/jou and GAMBIT.2820/trn files to your local
Fluent office or distributor.  Also send a message including any
relevant errors or warnings you see above in this window.  You may
wish to delete the temporary directory GAMBIT.2820 after sending the
above files.
ERROR: Please retain a copy of the GAMBIT.2820/jou, GAMBIT.2820/trn, and
GAMBIT.2820/*.dbs files, any imported geometry and any relevant
errors or warnings you see above in this window and contact
support at your local Fluent office or distributor.

This application has requested the Runtime to terminate it in an unusual way.
Please contact the application's support team for more information.

>set DISPLAY=localpc

>gambit.exe -new -id hello -dev OPEN
Gambit build SP2006032921.
Unable to open display

>set DISPLAY=localpc:2

>gambit.exe -new -id hello -dev OPEN
Gambit build SP2006032921.
Cannot open connect stream.
TRANS(SocketINETGetAddr): tnamebysocket() failed
TRANS(SocketINETConnect): TRANS(SocketINETGetAddr) () failed
TRANS(Open): transport open failed for tcp/localpc:2
Unable to open display

>set DISPLAY=hu-7dc9623579ca:0.0

>gambit.exe -new -id hello -dev OPEN
Gambit build SP2006032921.
Warning : The current transport does not permit the attempted TCPIP connection.
TRANS(SocketINETGetAddr): tnamebysocket() failed
TRANS(SocketINETConnect): TRANS(SocketINETGetAddr) () failed
TRANS(Open): transport open failed for tcp/hu-7dc9623579ca:0
Unable to open display


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