
为了给大家呈现以下名单,《财富》杂志合作伙伴Great Place to Work公司调查了逾4.2万名美国科技公司员工,并由此得出了两组按公司规模划分的排名,一组是大型科技企业,另一组是中小型公司。




The tech industry has long been famed for its luxe work environments—free lunches, ping pong tables, green juice on tap—but there's a lot more than perks that goes into creating a workplace employees love. To bring you this list, Fortune partner Great Place to Work to surveyed more than 42,000 employees of U.S. technology companies. The two resulting rankings are grouped by company size, one for large tech companies and one for small and medium-sized ones. You can read more about the list, and the role that diversity and innovation plays in these businesses, here.

Large Companies







2. Intuit公司


Employees say: "Management and HR are aligned to make sure the culture is protected so that everyone feels supported in this work environment. I believe this feeling of safety and culture of support is what drives our innovation, creativity, and drive to succeed as a team."

"Take care of the 3,300 families in the organization, be the best, and the company will unequivocally support me and my family forever."

Industry: Online Internet Services

HQ location: Weston, Fla.

Employees: 3,126

2. Intuit






3. Salesforce.com


Employees say: "I feel very blessed to work at Intuit. It provides me with every opportunity to do my best work. I have received 100% support to create a vision for the company regarding sustainability. Intuit walks the talk regarding its values and that makes my job a joy."

"The company has a culture of truly caring for each other as employees, for the wellbeing of our customers, for the betterment of individuals, and for the health of our community as a whole. Ultimately, we fundamentally believe that we can make a difference in the world."

Industry: Software

HQ location: Mountain View, Calif.

Employees: 6,216

3. Salesforce 






4. Zillow公司


Employees say: "Salesforce truly cares about the success and happiness of its employees as well as making a positive impact on the community. Seeing our organization respond to actions against the LGBT community and Women's rights over the past year has made me incredibly proud to work here."

"Working at Salesforce is more than just a job. I feel like our mission is really to make the world a better place both in business and in life. It's not just a software company. We have a greater mission."

Industry: Software

HQ location: San Francisco

Employees: 14,410

4. Zillow Group






5. Workday公司


Employees say: "It's a creative and collaborative work environment that allows for exploration in different areas that are maybe not entirely related to the specifics of the job. During our "Hack Week," for example, we had a team of employees design a Zillow-related puzzle room to foster team collaboration, morale, and creative thinking in a fun, relaxed environment."

"This is one of the most diverse and amazing companies I have ever worked for. I think that has to do with the fact that we have all types and all kinds here to make this a better place to work. Whenever you walk in it feels like home!"

Industry: Online Internet Services

HQ location: Seattle

Employees: 2,603

5. Workday






6. SAP美国公司


Employees say: "Every day you are given the opportunity to learn in so many different ways. A webinar here. A seminar there. On-demand learning over here. It's understood here that if you work hard, your options are almost endless."

"I have never worked for a company that succeeds so well at keeping their clients and employees happy by sticking to its core principles."

Industry: Software

HQ location: Pleasanton, Calif.

Employees: 4,557

6. SAP America



总部所在地:宾夕法尼亚州Newtown Square


7. Worldwide Technology公司


Employees say: "SAP genuinely cares about people and impacting society through its innovations for the greater good of humankind. For its' employees, striving to provide a fair, equitable and respectful workplace and a culture which values the uniqueness of every individual."

"The company has continued to reinvent itself to stay a leader in the market. I tell new people joining us that we create a mess because we need to; we clean it up; and then we create another mess and clean that up. By embracing a constant change and the need for a little chaos in order to innovate, it makes our environment very exciting."

HQ location: Newtown Square, Penn.

Employees: 13,548

7. Worldwide Technology






8. SAS Institute公司


Employees say: "We have strong core values and we see the positive impacts of them on a daily basis. Most places I’ve previously worked at had values, however, managers followed them when necessary, a common 'do as I say, not as I do' type of mentality. Working at WWT has shown me there are companies out there that still practice what they preach."

"The culture of innovation and collaboration is very impressive at our company. With the diverse experiences of our employees, our culture encourages reaching out to others to solicit new ideas and solutions to problems. It is encourages people to experiment and when failure happens, learn from it and try something new."

Industry: Hardware, Software, Online Internet Services, IT Consulting, Storage/Data Management

HQ location: St. Louis

Employees: 3,766

8. SAS Institute






9. Adobe Systems公司


Employees say: "Because this company provides such a great work environment and offers great work life balance, most employees give very much in return. In contrast to other companies I've worked for, it's a comfortable work environment with minimal politics, and allows employees to give much greater focus to innovation, creativity, and detail."

"There is an understanding that we're all creating something together, and we want it to be solid, so we do our best wherever we can. There's an excitement to that."

Industry: Software

HQ location: Cary, N.C.

Employees: 7,191

9. Adobe Systems






10. Hyland公司


Employees say: "This is the best place I've ever worked. This is a company that promoted me two weeks before maternity leave with my second child to make sure I was excited to return and excited about my role. It's also a company that let me chart my own path and create a new program. It's empowered me to take my ideas and work to incredible places and work with some of the most creative and innovative people of my career."

"Nobody at Adobe has to worry about fitting into a mold as they walk into the doors—everyone is encouraged to be themselves and it really helps people feel part of something bigger."

Industry: Software

HQ location: San Jose, Calif.

Employees: 6,995

10. Hyland






11. VMware公司


Employees say: "The company as a whole firmly embraces diversity. We've found strength through that diversity, and attribute much of our success to the wisdom that comes from a variety of backgrounds and demographics."

"Management is willing to listen and sincerely understand different opinions on projects. ... This helps our company of thinkers and innovators understand, accept, and apply new understanding to the business in the future."

Industry: Software

HQ location: Westlake, Ohio

Employees: 2,075

11. VMware








Employees say: "The company as a whole firmly embraces diversity. We've found strength through that diversity, and attribute much of our success to the wisdom that comes from a variety of backgrounds and demographics."

"Management is willing to listen and sincerely understand different opinions on projects. ... This helps our company of thinkers and innovators understand, accept, and apply new understanding to the business in the future."

Industry: Software

HQ location: Westlake, Ohio

Employees: 2,075






13. Expedia公司


Employees say: "Cisco is changing the way we work, live, play, and learn. Cisco not only gives its employees the freedom to innovate fresh ideas and possibilities, but gives them the power to implement them. It gives us an opportunity to make a meaningful difference that will benefit everyone—our people, our customers, and the world around us."

"The people here are fantastic. This is a place that allows for creative ideas to come to life, and employees can be a part of the bigger picture and strategic growth of the company. There is a real sense of ownership."

Industry: Hardware, Software, Online Internet Services, IT Consulting, Storage/Data Management

HQ location: San Jose, Calif.

Employees: 37,108

13. Expedia






14. Dropbox公司


Employees say: "Our President is more accessible and present than anywhere I've ever worked. He authentically engages with everyone regardless of title. He is by far the best leader I've worked under. I think he is naturally inspirational and truly believes in the work we do, so it feels very real. It's easy to get excited about being here and it makes us want to deliver."

"The people make Expedia great! We have a diverse team where we value 'being and thinking different'. This gives us an edge in solving problems as we don't fall into group think."

Industry: Online Internet Services

HQ location: Bellevue, Wash.

Employees: 16,291

14. Dropbox






15. Rackspace公司


Employees say: "Dropbox provides an amazingly inclusive culture that makes me feel happy to be a part of this workplace. From weekly, highly transparent all-hands events to all kinds of inclusive social events, I feel a strong sense of community and belonging."

"The amount of trust and responsibility given, along with the transparency from executive management, is unparalleled compared to all my previous employers. As a result, everyone feels like an integral part of the success that is being generated here."

Industry: Software

HQ location: San Francisco

Employees: 1,286

15. Rackspace







1. Edmunds.com


Employees say: "Rackspace is as committed and invested in its employees as it is with its customers. I feel that our leaders are continuously inspiring, motivating, and encouraging all of us for not only their personal agenda, but for the overall improvement and development of all Rackers."

"Because we share a common set of corporate values, it is easy to align and create trust. The spirit of cooperation really shines amongst Rackers. It is the caliber of people at Rackspace which gives me great joy in coming to work."

Industry: Hardware, Software, Storage/Data Management

HQ location: San Antonio, Texas

Employees: 4,801

Small and Medium-Sized Companies

1. Edmunds.com





2. GoFundMe公司


Employees say: "In my over 30-year professional career, this is the only company that I have been associated with where it actually cares personally about the people that work for it. It holds each person in such honor and regard, that it causes me to want to work harder in order to aid in their success and make them proud."

Industry: Online Internet Services

HQ location: Santa Monica, Calif.

Employees: 689

2. GoFundMe



总部所在地:加州Redwood City


3. TCG


Employees say: "At GoFundMe, I get to 'have my cake and eat it too.' Every day, we are working to build a great company, with the ambitions and talent of many of the great tech companies. At the same time, I can confidently say that we are helping people and making a positive difference in the world."

Industry: Online Internet Services

HQ location: Redwood City, Calif.

Employees: 143

3. TCG





4. Yext公司


Employees say: "Unlike its larger competitors, TCG is a truly diverse workplace for highly motivated creative thinkers to unapologetically showcase their professional talents. The company invests a great deal of time and resources in helping its employees reach their personal and professional goals through formal training and knowledge-sharing, open and honest communication, and work life balance. We work smart and play hard as a team and that is what I love about this place!"

Industry: IT Consulting

HQ location: Washington, D.C.

Employees: 105

4. Yext





5. Fast Enterprises公司


Employees say: "There is a unique energy at Yext. Even when people are having a stressful or frustrating week, we are all united by driving the company forward toward our goals. There is a sense of community and teamwork that I haven't experienced at other companies. I think a lot of this can be attributed to our strong leadership—they know where they want the company to be two years, five years, 10 years from now and they make it clear that we are all a huge part of getting the company to meet those goals."

Industry: Advertising

HQ location: New York City

Employees: 506

5. Fast Enterprises





6. Reltio公司


Employees say: "The opportunities that Fast gives to live all over the United States and the world are great, and the overall culture of Fast makes the moving around a fun and enjoyable experience. I have already made lifelong friends that I would not have otherwise met in places that I would have never otherwise lived, and I'm so glad I have."

Industry: Software, IT Consulting

HQ location: Centennial, Co.

Employees: 838

6. Reltio



总部所在地:加州Redwood Shores


7. Atlassian公司


Employees say: "Reltio is extremely collaborative, from the CEO to the individual contributor. No idea is ignored. The CEO reaches out to everyone for input and feedback. Everyone is very approachable and can be contacted anytime for any reason."

Industry: Storage/Data Management

HQ location: Redwood Shores, Calif.

Employees: 80

7. Atlassian





8. CrowdStrike公司


Employees say: "The level of trust and empowerment is what strikes me as unique. After having worked for my last two companies in environments where I was given very little autonomy, it's surprising and refreshing to work here. I often ask, 'does anyone need to approve this?' and many times, the answer is no. It's not that the company doesn't care about outcomes or is prone to carelessness and risk. It's just that the company trusts the individual to take ownership over content being accurate, and strategic thought to be applied."

Industry: Software

HQ location: San Francisco

Employees: 650

8. CrowdStrike





9. Health Catalyst公司


Employees say: "I have been in the cyber security industry for 18 years and in all other companies I have worked at, I have felt that the company's primary objective is to sell products and make money. At CrowdStrike it feels different. There is a belief that we are here to stop the bad guys. Everyone takes a lot of pride in working here and to save companies from cyber attacks, loss of data, and reputation/brand damage. In fact, we don't have a mission statement, we are on a mission to stop the hackers. This drives our culture, sense of commitment, and makes it a unique place to work."

Industry: Software

HQ location: Irvine, Calif.

Employees: 456

9. Health Catalyst





10. Zendesk公司


Employees say: "Our leadership is extremely humble and transparent. Leaders treat employees like they are part of the work family. They trust us with valuable, confidential information and believe that we will act responsibly (like owners)."

Industry: Software

HQ location: Salt Lake City

Employees: 458

10. Zendesk





11. Xactly公司


Employees say: "We are a company with a soul. It's a thriving, exciting, passionate group of people all working towards our next milestone. You feel excited and energized to be a part of something so great."

Industry: Software

HQ location: San Francisco

Employees: 829

11. Xactly





12. Justworks公司


Employees say: "Our culture is very unique. Our CEO said it best: culture is not defined by games, slides, and cool things tech companies typically have in their offices. It's the people that genuinely care about the organization, take pride in their job, and enjoy the people they work with that make a great culture."

Industry: Software

HQ location: San Jose, Calif.

Employees: 333

12. Justworks





13. ZestFinance公司


Employees say: "This is an organization in which the leaders are the wheels and the employees are the vehicle. Managers lead by example and are always keen on listening to their employees for feedback, suggestions, and ideas. Because the senior members of this organization cultivate this kind of culture, everyone from top to bottom shares the value of each other, making the organization better every day."

Industry: Online Internet Services

HQ location: New York City

Employees: 142

13. ZestFinance




14. Cirrus Logic公司


Employees say: "The guiding principle I've noticed in much of the company policies and how employee issues are handled is that we are treated as adults. From the unlimited vacation policy to the relatively loose hierarchy, I feel as if I have a lot of freedom, and the trust that goes along with it, in choosing how best to contribute value to the company and to navigate my career."

HQ location: Los Angeles

Employees: 100

14. Cirrus Logic





15. BlackLine公司


Employees say: "I have to make a point to tell people less about ALL the great things Cirrus does for our employees or for me specifically because it makes most folks jealous. I've worked for various employers where I felt like I was truly valued and appreciated, but it pales in comparison to how much management consistently goes above and beyond to improve our job satisfaction here. It's an incredible thing to behold and be a part of. I'm extremely grateful to work here and I know most of my co-workers feel the same."

Industry: Hardware

HQ location: Austin, Texas

Employees: 758

15. BlackLine




员工人数:491人 (财富中文网)



Employees say: "Although we have scheduled work and deadlines, there is never a feeling of being rushed or pushed by management. We are treated as adult professionals in our positions. We are not micromanaged, but expected to perform the job and duties we were hired for. Management places a lot of trust in our abilities to get the job done. My team is extremely helpful, and ready to assist in any issue. It doesn't matter the position or title, everyone jumps in to help when it's necessary. There is never the 'that's not my job' mentality. We learn from one another constantly."

Industry: Software

HQ location: Los Angeles

Employees: 491


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