阻塞队列就是多线程线程安全的队列,在多线程场景下经常用到,c++ 标准库里面没有提供阻塞队列,boost 中有提供,生成环境下可以使用

blocking queue 实现


  1. 使用 std::vector 实现一个环形队列,使用两个指针 start 和 end 来标识起止位置,push 的时候在 end 处插入,pop 的时候直接 start 指针往后移即可
  2. 使用 std::condition_variable 实现同步,push 的时候需要满足 _not_full 条件,push 完成发送 _not_empty 通知,pop 的时候需要满足 _not_empty 条件,pop 完成发送 _not_full 通知
template <typename T>
class BlockingQueue {std::mutex              _mutex;std::condition_variable _not_full;std::condition_variable _not_empty;int                     _start;int                     _end;int                     _capacity;std::vector<T>          _vt;public:BlockingQueue(const BlockingQueue<T>& other) = delete;BlockingQueue<T>& operator=(const BlockingQueue<T>& other) = delete;BlockingQueue(int capacity) : _capacity(capacity), _vt(capacity + 1), _start(0), _end(0) {}bool isempty() {return _end == _start;}bool isfull() {return (_start + _capacity - _end) % (_capacity + 1) == 0;}void push(const T& e) {std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);while (isfull()) {_not_full.wait(lock);}_vt[_end++] = e;_end %= (_capacity + 1);_not_empty.notify_one();}T pop() {std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock(_mutex);while (isempty()) {_not_empty.wait(lock);}auto res = _vt[_start++];_start %= (_capacity + 1);_not_full.notify_one();return res;}



void producer(BlockingQueue<int>& q, int i) {while (true) {std::random_device rd;auto               p = rd() % 10;q.push(p);std::cout << "produce " << i << " [" << p << "]" << std::endl;std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1500 + rd() % 5000));}
}void consumer(BlockingQueue<int>& q, int i) {while (true) {std::random_device rd;auto               p = q.pop();std::cout << "consume " << i << " [" << p << "]" << std::endl;std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(1500 + rd() % 5000));}
}void producerConsumer() {BlockingQueue<int>       q(4);std::vector<std::thread> ps(10);std::vector<std::thread> cs(20);for (int i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++) {ps[i] = std::thread(producer, std::ref(q), i);}for (int i = 0; i < cs.size(); i++) {cs[i] = std::thread(consumer, std::ref(q), i);}for (int i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++) {ps[i].join();}for (int i = 0; i < ps.size(); i++) {cs[i].join();}


  • 完整代码: https://github.com/hpifu/md-tech/blob/master/hatlonely/code/blocking-queue/blocking-queue.cpp


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