

[ 作者:admin | 转贴自:本站原创 | 点击数:634 | 更新时间:2004-12-31 | 文章录入:admin ]

摘要: 关于空间域图像处理算法框架,直方图处理,空间域滤波器算法框架的编程心得,使用GDI+(C++)


初学数字图像处理时,图像文件的读取往往是一件麻烦的事情,我们要面对各种各样的图像文件格式,如果仅用C++的fstream库那就必须了解各种图像编码格式,这对于初学图像处理是不太现实的,需要一个能帮助轻松读取各类图像文件的库。在Win32平台上GDI+(C++)是不错的选择,不光使用上相对于Win32 GDI要容易得多,而且也容易移植到.Net平台上的GDI+。

Gdiplus::Bitmap类为我们提供了读取各类图像文件的接口,Bitmap::LockBits方法产生的BitmapData类也为我们提供了高速访问图像文件流的途径。这样我们就可以将精力集中于图像处理算法的实现,而不用关心各种图像编码。具体使用方式请参考MSDN中GDI+文档中关于Bitmap类和BitmapData类的说明。另外GDI+仅在Windows XP/2003上获得直接支持,对于Windows 2000必须安装相关DLL,或者安装有Office 2003,Visual Studio 2003 .Net等软件。


(1) 在空间域图像处理中,对于一个图像我们往往需要对其逐个像素的进行处理,对每个像素的处理使用相同的算法(或者是图像中的某个矩形部分)。即,对于图像f(x,y),其中0≤x≤M,0≤y≤N,图像为M*N大小,使用算法algo,则f(x,y) = algo(f(x,y))。事先实现一个算法框架,然后再以函数指针或函数对象(functor,即实现operator()的对象)传入算法,可以减轻编程的工作量。




#include <windows.h>

#include <Gdiplus.h>

namespace nsimgtk


template <typename pixelType, Gdiplus::PixelFormat pixelFormat, class Processor>

bool ProcessPixelsOneByOne(Gdiplus::Bitmap* const p_bitmap, Processor processor, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,

unsigned int width, unsigned int height)


if (p_bitmap == NULL)


return false;


if ((width + x > p_bitmap->GetWidth()) || (height + y >p_bitmap->GetHeight()))


return false;


Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapData;

Gdiplus::Rect rect(x, y, width,height);

if (p_bitmap->LockBits(&rect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite, pixelFormat, &bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


pixelType *pixels = (pixelType*)bitmapData.Scan0;

for (unsigned int row=0; row<height; ++row)


for (unsigned int col=0; col<width; ++col)





if (p_bitmap->UnlockBits(&bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


return true;




ProcessPixelsOneByOne函数可以对图像中从(x,y)位置起始,width*height大小的区域进行处理。模板参数pixelType用于指定像素大小,例如在Win32平台上传入unsigned char即为8位,用于8阶灰度图。模板参数Processor为图像处理算法实现,可以定义类实现void operator(pixelType *)函数,或者传入同样接口的函数指针。




#include <cmath>

#include <string>

namespace nsimgtk


// 8阶灰度图的灰度反转算法

class NegativeGray8



void operator()(unsigned char *const p_value)


*p_value ^= 0xff;



// 8阶灰度图的Gamma校正算法

class GammaCorrectGray8



unsigned char d_s[256];


GammaCorrectGray8::GammaCorrectGray8(double c, double gamma);

void operator()(unsigned char*const p_value)


*p_value = d_s[*p_value];



// 8阶灰度图的饱和度拉伸算法

class ContrastStretchingGray8



unsigned char d_s[256];


ContrastStretchingGray8::ContrastStretchingGray8(double a1, double b1, unsigned int x1,

double a2, double b2, unsigned int x2, double a3, double b3);

void operator()(unsigned char*const p_value)


*p_value = d_s[*p_value];



// 8阶灰度图的位平面分割,构造函数指定位平面号

class BitPlaneSliceGray8



unsigned char d_s[256];


BitPlaneSliceGray8(unsigned char bitPlaneNum);

void operator()(unsigned char* const p_value)


*p_value = d_s[*p_value];





// 上述类中各构造函数的实现代码,应该分在另一个文件中,此处为说明方便,一并列出

#include "SpatialDomain/spatialDomain.h"

namespace nsimgtk


GammaCorrectGray8::GammaCorrectGray8(double c, double gamma)


double temp;

for (unsigned int i=0; i<256; ++i)


temp = ceil(c * 255.0 * pow(double(i)/255.0, gamma));

d_s[i] = unsigned char(temp);



ContrastStretchingGray8::ContrastStretchingGray8(double a1, double b1, unsigned int x1,

double a2, double b2, unsigned int x2, double a3, double b3)


if (x1 > 255 || x2 > 255 || x1 > x1)


for (unsigned int i=0; i<256; ++i)

d_s[i] = i;




double tmp;

for (unsigned int i=0; i<x1; ++i)


tmp = ceil(a1*double(i)+b1);

d_s[i] = (unsigned char)tmp;


for (unsigned int i=x1; i<x2; ++i)


tmp = ceil(a2*double(i)+b2);

d_s[i] = (unsigned char)tmp;


for (unsigned int i=x2; i<256; ++i)


tmp = ceil(a3*double(i)+b3);

d_s[i] = (unsigned char)tmp;




BitPlaneSliceGray8::BitPlaneSliceGray8(unsigned char bitPlaneNum)


unsigned char bitMaskArray[8] =


0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08,

0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80


for (unsigned int i=0; i<256; ++i)


unsigned char tmp = i;

tmp &= bitMaskArray[bitPlaneNum];

tmp = (tmp >> bitPlaneNum) * 255;

d_s[i] = tmp;




(2) 直方图在GDI+1.0中没有获得支持,我们必须自行实现。直方图相关的处理在数字图像处理中占有重要地位,可以通过它获取图像灰度级的统计信息,且可以通过直方图进行一些重要的图像增强技术,如直方图均衡化,直方图规定化,基本全局门限等。


namespace nsimgtk


bool GetHistogramNormalizeGray8(Gdiplus::Bitmap * const p_bitmap, float *histogramArray)


if (p_bitmap == NULL || histogramArray == NULL)


return false;


Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapData;

Gdiplus::Rect rect(0, 0, p_bitmap->GetWidth(), p_bitmap->GetHeight());

if (p_bitmap->LockBits(&rect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat8bppIndexed, &bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


unsigned char *pixels = (unsigned char*)bitmapData.Scan0;

unsigned int histogram[256];

for (int i=0; i<256; ++i)


histogram[i] = 0;


for (unsigned int row=0; row<p_bitmap->GetWidth(); ++row)


for (unsigned int col=0; col<p_bitmap->GetHeight(); ++col)





const unsigned int totalPixels = p_bitmap->GetWidth() * p_bitmap->GetHeight();

for (int i=0; i<256; ++i)


histogramArray[i] = float(histogram[i]) / float(totalPixels);


if (p_bitmap->UnlockBits(&bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


return true;






#include <cmath>

#include <string>

namespace nsimgtk


// 8阶灰度图的直方图均衡化

class HistogramEqualizationGray8



unsigned char d_s[256];


HistogramEqualizationGray8(const float *const histogramArray);

void operator()(unsigned char *const p_value)


*p_value = d_s[*p_value];






#include "SpatialDomain/spatialDomain.h"

namespace nsimgtk


HistogramEqualizationGray8::HistogramEqualizationGray8(const float *const histogramArray)


if (histogramArray != NULL)


float sum = 0.0;

for (int i=0; i<256; ++i)


sum += histogramArray[i];

d_s[i] = unsigned char(sum * 255);









#include <vector>

#include <numeric>

#include <algorithm>

#include <gdiplus.h>

#include <fstream>

#include <cmath>

namespace nsimgtk


template <typename pixelType, Gdiplus::PixelFormat pixelFormat, class FilterMask>

bool SpatialFilterAlgo(Gdiplus::Bitmap* const p_bitmap, FilterMask filterMask, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,

unsigned int width, unsigned int height)


if (p_bitmap == NULL)


return false;


if ((width + x > p_bitmap->GetWidth()) || (height + y >p_bitmap->GetHeight()))


return false;


Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapData;

Gdiplus::Rect rect(x, y, width,height);

if (p_bitmap->LockBits(&rect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite, pixelFormat, &bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


pixelType *pixels = (pixelType*)bitmapData.Scan0;

const unsigned int m = filterMask.d_m; // mask's width

const unsigned int n = filterMask.d_n; // mask's height

std::vector<pixelType> tmpImage((m-1+width)*(n-1+height)); // extend image to use zero-padding

// copy original bitmap to extended image with zero-padding method

for (unsigned int row=0; row<height; ++row)


for (unsigned int col=0; col<width; ++col)


tmpImage[(col+m/2)+(row+n/2)*(bitmapData.Stride/sizeof(pixelType)+m-1)] =




// process every pixel with filterMask

for (unsigned int row=0; row<height; ++row)


for (unsigned int col=0; col<width; ++col)


// fill the "m*n" mask with the current pixel's neighborhood

for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i)


for (unsigned int j=0; j<m; ++j)


filterMask.d_mask[i*m+j] = tmpImage[(col+j)+(row+i)*(bitmapData.Stride/sizeof(pixelType)+m-1)];



// replace the current pixel with filter mask's response

pixels[col+row*bitmapData.Stride/sizeof(pixelType)] = filterMask.response();



if (p_bitmap->UnlockBits(&bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


return true;





下面是一些滤波器算法的具体实现,所以滤波器算法都应该实现pixelType response()函数以及有d_mask,d_m,d_n成员,这可以通过继承__filteMask类获得(不需要付出虚函数代价)。



#include <vector>

#include <numeric>

#include <algorithm>

#include <gdiplus.h>

#include <fstream>

#include <cmath>

namespace nsimgtk


// 滤波器掩模的基类,提供掩模大小d_m,d_n,掩模覆盖下的m*n个像素值d_mask

// others filterMask should inherit it

template <typename pixelType>

struct __filterMask


const unsigned int d_m;

const unsigned int d_n;

// image's pixels under the m*n filter mask

std::vector<pixelType> d_mask;

// filter mask's width and heigh must be a odd, if not, it will plus one for the width or the height

__filterMask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)

: d_m(m%2 ? m:m+1), d_n(n%2 ? n:n+1), d_mask(d_m*d_n)




// 掩模权值为全1的均值滤波器

template <typename pixelType>

class averagingFilterMaskSp

: public __filterMask<pixelType>



averagingFilterMaskSp(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)

: __filterMask<pixelType>(m, n)

{ }

pixelType response()


return std::accumulate(d_mask.begin(), d_mask.end(), 0) / (d_m * d_n);



// 可自定义掩模权值的均值滤波器

template <typename pixelType>

class averagingFilterMask

: public __filterMask<pixelType>



std::vector<pixelType> d_weight; // weights' vector(m*n)

int d_weight_sum; // all weights' sum


averagingFilterMask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, const std::vector<pixelType>& weightVec)

: __filterMask<pixelType>(m, n), d_weight(weightVec)


if (weightVec.size() != d_mask.size())


// if weight's size isn't equal to mask's size, it will change filter mask as a special filter mask

d_weight.resize(d_mask.size(), 1);


d_weight_sum = std::accumulate(d_weight.begin(), d_weight.end(), 0);


pixelType response()


return std::inner_product(d_mask.begin(), d_mask.end(), d_weight.begin(), 0) / d_weight_sum;



// 中值滤波器

template <typename pixelType>

class medianFilterMask

: public __filterMask<pixelType>



medianFilterMask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)

: __filterMask<pixelType>(m, n)

{ }

pixelType response()


std::sort(d_mask.begin(), d_mask.end());

return d_mask[d_mask.size()/2];



// 3*3拉普拉斯滤波器

// the mask is: [0 1 0 [0 -1 0

// 1 -5 1 or -1 5 -1

// 0 1 0] 0 -1 0]

// if pixel's brightness is less than min, set it to min

// if pixel's brightness is larger than max, set it to max

template <typename pixelType, pixelType min, pixelType max>

class laplacianFilter

: public __filterMask<pixelType>




: __filterMask<pixelType>(3, 3)

{ }

pixelType response()


int ret = (int)(5*(int)d_mask[4]) - ((int)d_mask[5]+d_mask[3]+d_mask[1]+d_mask[7]);

if (ret < min)

ret = min;

if (ret > max)

ret = max;

return ret;



// 3*3Sobel滤波器

// the mask is: [-1 -2 -1 [-1 0 1

// 0 0 0 and -2 0 2

// 1 2 1] -1 0 1]

// if pixel's brightness is larger than max, set it to max

template <typename pixelType, pixelType max>

class sobelFilter

: public __filterMask<pixelType>




: __filterMask<pixelType>(3, 3)

{ }

pixelType response()


int ret = ::abs(d_mask[6]+2*d_mask[7]+d_mask[8]-d_mask[0]-2*d_mask[1]-d_mask[2])

+ ::abs(d_mask[2]+2*d_mask[5]+d_mask[8]-d_mask[0]-2*d_mask[3]-d_mask[6]);

if (ret > max)

ret = max;

return ret;







2001414班 朱伟 20014123

摘要: 关于空间域图像处理算法框架,直方图处理,空间域滤波器算法框架的编程心得,使用GDI+(C++)


初学数字图像处理时,图像文件的读取往往是一件麻烦的事情,我们要面对各种各样的图像文件格式,如果仅用C++的fstream库那就必须了解各种图像编码格式,这对于初学图像处理是不太现实的,需要一个能帮助轻松读取各类图像文件的库。在Win32平台上GDI+(C++)是不错的选择,不光使用上相对于Win32 GDI要容易得多,而且也容易移植到.Net平台上的GDI+。

Gdiplus::Bitmap类为我们提供了读取各类图像文件的接口,Bitmap::LockBits方法产生的BitmapData类也为我们提供了高速访问图像文件流的途径。这样我们就可以将精力集中于图像处理算法的实现,而不用关心各种图像编码。具体使用方式请参考MSDN中GDI+文档中关于Bitmap类和BitmapData类的说明。另外GDI+仅在Windows XP/2003上获得直接支持,对于Windows 2000必须安装相关DLL,或者安装有Office 2003,Visual Studio 2003 .Net等软件。


(1) 在空间域图像处理中,对于一个图像我们往往需要对其逐个像素的进行处理,对每个像素的处理使用相同的算法(或者是图像中的某个矩形部分)。即,对于图像f(x,y),其中0≤x≤M,0≤y≤N,图像为M*N大小,使用算法algo,则f(x,y) = algo(f(x,y))。事先实现一个算法框架,然后再以函数指针或函数对象(functor,即实现operator()的对象)传入算法,可以减轻编程的工作量。




#include <windows.h>

#include <Gdiplus.h>

namespace nsimgtk


template <typename pixelType, Gdiplus::PixelFormat pixelFormat, class Processor>

bool ProcessPixelsOneByOne(Gdiplus::Bitmap* const p_bitmap, Processor processor, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,

unsigned int width, unsigned int height)


if (p_bitmap == NULL)


return false;


if ((width + x > p_bitmap->GetWidth()) || (height + y >p_bitmap->GetHeight()))


return false;


Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapData;

Gdiplus::Rect rect(x, y, width,height);

if (p_bitmap->LockBits(&rect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite, pixelFormat, &bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


pixelType *pixels = (pixelType*)bitmapData.Scan0;

for (unsigned int row=0; row<height; ++row)


for (unsigned int col=0; col<width; ++col)





if (p_bitmap->UnlockBits(&bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


return true;




ProcessPixelsOneByOne函数可以对图像中从(x,y)位置起始,width*height大小的区域进行处理。模板参数pixelType用于指定像素大小,例如在Win32平台上传入unsigned char即为8位,用于8阶灰度图。模板参数Processor为图像处理算法实现,可以定义类实现void operator(pixelType *)函数,或者传入同样接口的函数指针。




#include <cmath>

#include <string>

namespace nsimgtk


// 8阶灰度图的灰度反转算法

class NegativeGray8



void operator()(unsigned char *const p_value)


*p_value ^= 0xff;



// 8阶灰度图的Gamma校正算法

class GammaCorrectGray8



unsigned char d_s[256];


GammaCorrectGray8::GammaCorrectGray8(double c, double gamma);

void operator()(unsigned char*const p_value)


*p_value = d_s[*p_value];



// 8阶灰度图的饱和度拉伸算法

class ContrastStretchingGray8



unsigned char d_s[256];


ContrastStretchingGray8::ContrastStretchingGray8(double a1, double b1, unsigned int x1,

double a2, double b2, unsigned int x2, double a3, double b3);

void operator()(unsigned char*const p_value)


*p_value = d_s[*p_value];



// 8阶灰度图的位平面分割,构造函数指定位平面号

class BitPlaneSliceGray8



unsigned char d_s[256];


BitPlaneSliceGray8(unsigned char bitPlaneNum);

void operator()(unsigned char* const p_value)


*p_value = d_s[*p_value];





// 上述类中各构造函数的实现代码,应该分在另一个文件中,此处为说明方便,一并列出

#include "SpatialDomain/spatialDomain.h"

namespace nsimgtk


GammaCorrectGray8::GammaCorrectGray8(double c, double gamma)


double temp;

for (unsigned int i=0; i<256; ++i)


temp = ceil(c * 255.0 * pow(double(i)/255.0, gamma));

d_s[i] = unsigned char(temp);



ContrastStretchingGray8::ContrastStretchingGray8(double a1, double b1, unsigned int x1,

double a2, double b2, unsigned int x2, double a3, double b3)


if (x1 > 255 || x2 > 255 || x1 > x1)


for (unsigned int i=0; i<256; ++i)

d_s[i] = i;




double tmp;

for (unsigned int i=0; i<x1; ++i)


tmp = ceil(a1*double(i)+b1);

d_s[i] = (unsigned char)tmp;


for (unsigned int i=x1; i<x2; ++i)


tmp = ceil(a2*double(i)+b2);

d_s[i] = (unsigned char)tmp;


for (unsigned int i=x2; i<256; ++i)


tmp = ceil(a3*double(i)+b3);

d_s[i] = (unsigned char)tmp;




BitPlaneSliceGray8::BitPlaneSliceGray8(unsigned char bitPlaneNum)


unsigned char bitMaskArray[8] =


0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08,

0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0x80


for (unsigned int i=0; i<256; ++i)


unsigned char tmp = i;

tmp &= bitMaskArray[bitPlaneNum];

tmp = (tmp >> bitPlaneNum) * 255;

d_s[i] = tmp;




(2) 直方图在GDI+1.0中没有获得支持,我们必须自行实现。直方图相关的处理在数字图像处理中占有重要地位,可以通过它获取图像灰度级的统计信息,且可以通过直方图进行一些重要的图像增强技术,如直方图均衡化,直方图规定化,基本全局门限等。


namespace nsimgtk


bool GetHistogramNormalizeGray8(Gdiplus::Bitmap * const p_bitmap, float *histogramArray)


if (p_bitmap == NULL || histogramArray == NULL)


return false;


Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapData;

Gdiplus::Rect rect(0, 0, p_bitmap->GetWidth(), p_bitmap->GetHeight());

if (p_bitmap->LockBits(&rect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeRead, PixelFormat8bppIndexed, &bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


unsigned char *pixels = (unsigned char*)bitmapData.Scan0;

unsigned int histogram[256];

for (int i=0; i<256; ++i)


histogram[i] = 0;


for (unsigned int row=0; row<p_bitmap->GetWidth(); ++row)


for (unsigned int col=0; col<p_bitmap->GetHeight(); ++col)





const unsigned int totalPixels = p_bitmap->GetWidth() * p_bitmap->GetHeight();

for (int i=0; i<256; ++i)


histogramArray[i] = float(histogram[i]) / float(totalPixels);


if (p_bitmap->UnlockBits(&bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


return true;






#include <cmath>

#include <string>

namespace nsimgtk


// 8阶灰度图的直方图均衡化

class HistogramEqualizationGray8



unsigned char d_s[256];


HistogramEqualizationGray8(const float *const histogramArray);

void operator()(unsigned char *const p_value)


*p_value = d_s[*p_value];






#include "SpatialDomain/spatialDomain.h"

namespace nsimgtk


HistogramEqualizationGray8::HistogramEqualizationGray8(const float *const histogramArray)


if (histogramArray != NULL)


float sum = 0.0;

for (int i=0; i<256; ++i)


sum += histogramArray[i];

d_s[i] = unsigned char(sum * 255);









#include <vector>

#include <numeric>

#include <algorithm>

#include <gdiplus.h>

#include <fstream>

#include <cmath>

namespace nsimgtk


template <typename pixelType, Gdiplus::PixelFormat pixelFormat, class FilterMask>

bool SpatialFilterAlgo(Gdiplus::Bitmap* const p_bitmap, FilterMask filterMask, unsigned int x, unsigned int y,

unsigned int width, unsigned int height)


if (p_bitmap == NULL)


return false;


if ((width + x > p_bitmap->GetWidth()) || (height + y >p_bitmap->GetHeight()))


return false;


Gdiplus::BitmapData bitmapData;

Gdiplus::Rect rect(x, y, width,height);

if (p_bitmap->LockBits(&rect, Gdiplus::ImageLockModeWrite, pixelFormat, &bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


pixelType *pixels = (pixelType*)bitmapData.Scan0;

const unsigned int m = filterMask.d_m; // mask's width

const unsigned int n = filterMask.d_n; // mask's height

std::vector<pixelType> tmpImage((m-1+width)*(n-1+height)); // extend image to use zero-padding

// copy original bitmap to extended image with zero-padding method

for (unsigned int row=0; row<height; ++row)


for (unsigned int col=0; col<width; ++col)


tmpImage[(col+m/2)+(row+n/2)*(bitmapData.Stride/sizeof(pixelType)+m-1)] =




// process every pixel with filterMask

for (unsigned int row=0; row<height; ++row)


for (unsigned int col=0; col<width; ++col)


// fill the "m*n" mask with the current pixel's neighborhood

for (unsigned int i=0; i<n; ++i)


for (unsigned int j=0; j<m; ++j)


filterMask.d_mask[i*m+j] = tmpImage[(col+j)+(row+i)*(bitmapData.Stride/sizeof(pixelType)+m-1)];



// replace the current pixel with filter mask's response

pixels[col+row*bitmapData.Stride/sizeof(pixelType)] = filterMask.response();



if (p_bitmap->UnlockBits(&bitmapData) != Gdiplus::Ok)


return false;


return true;





下面是一些滤波器算法的具体实现,所以滤波器算法都应该实现pixelType response()函数以及有d_mask,d_m,d_n成员,这可以通过继承__filteMask类获得(不需要付出虚函数代价)。



#include <vector>

#include <numeric>

#include <algorithm>

#include <gdiplus.h>

#include <fstream>

#include <cmath>

namespace nsimgtk


// 滤波器掩模的基类,提供掩模大小d_m,d_n,掩模覆盖下的m*n个像素值d_mask

// others filterMask should inherit it

template <typename pixelType>

struct __filterMask


const unsigned int d_m;

const unsigned int d_n;

// image's pixels under the m*n filter mask

std::vector<pixelType> d_mask;

// filter mask's width and heigh must be a odd, if not, it will plus one for the width or the height

__filterMask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)

: d_m(m%2 ? m:m+1), d_n(n%2 ? n:n+1), d_mask(d_m*d_n)




// 掩模权值为全1的均值滤波器

template <typename pixelType>

class averagingFilterMaskSp

: public __filterMask<pixelType>



averagingFilterMaskSp(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)

: __filterMask<pixelType>(m, n)

{ }

pixelType response()


return std::accumulate(d_mask.begin(), d_mask.end(), 0) / (d_m * d_n);



// 可自定义掩模权值的均值滤波器

template <typename pixelType>

class averagingFilterMask

: public __filterMask<pixelType>



std::vector<pixelType> d_weight; // weights' vector(m*n)

int d_weight_sum; // all weights' sum


averagingFilterMask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n, const std::vector<pixelType>& weightVec)

: __filterMask<pixelType>(m, n), d_weight(weightVec)


if (weightVec.size() != d_mask.size())


// if weight's size isn't equal to mask's size, it will change filter mask as a special filter mask

d_weight.resize(d_mask.size(), 1);


d_weight_sum = std::accumulate(d_weight.begin(), d_weight.end(), 0);


pixelType response()


return std::inner_product(d_mask.begin(), d_mask.end(), d_weight.begin(), 0) / d_weight_sum;



// 中值滤波器

template <typename pixelType>

class medianFilterMask

: public __filterMask<pixelType>



medianFilterMask(unsigned int m, unsigned int n)

: __filterMask<pixelType>(m, n)

{ }

pixelType response()


std::sort(d_mask.begin(), d_mask.end());

return d_mask[d_mask.size()/2];



// 3*3拉普拉斯滤波器

// the mask is: [0 1 0 [0 -1 0

// 1 -5 1 or -1 5 -1

// 0 1 0] 0 -1 0]

// if pixel's brightness is less than min, set it to min

// if pixel's brightness is larger than max, set it to max

template <typename pixelType, pixelType min, pixelType max>

class laplacianFilter

: public __filterMask<pixelType>




: __filterMask<pixelType>(3, 3)

{ }

pixelType response()


int ret = (int)(5*(int)d_mask[4]) - ((int)d_mask[5]+d_mask[3]+d_mask[1]+d_mask[7]);

if (ret < min)

ret = min;

if (ret > max)

ret = max;

return ret;



// 3*3Sobel滤波器

// the mask is: [-1 -2 -1 [-1 0 1

// 0 0 0 and -2 0 2

// 1 2 1] -1 0 1]

// if pixel's brightness is larger than max, set it to max

template <typename pixelType, pixelType max>

class sobelFilter

: public __filterMask<pixelType>




: __filterMask<pixelType>(3, 3)

{ }

pixelType response()


int ret = ::abs(d_mask[6]+2*d_mask[7]+d_mask[8]-d_mask[0]-2*d_mask[1]-d_mask[2])

+ ::abs(d_mask[2]+2*d_mask[5]+d_mask[8]-d_mask[0]-2*d_mask[3]-d_mask[6]);

if (ret > max)

ret = max;

return ret;







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