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Commerce Server 2006 Overview Page on microsoft.com


Commerce Server 2002 Starter Site

Replacement for CS2002 Solution Sites is Available


The CS2002 Starter Site is exactly what it sounds likes…..the production quality, tested site that you start with for any new projects based for CS2002.

  • CS2002 Starter Site is a Microsoft tested, ASP.NET based accelerator site that gives you and your customers a solid starting point for scalable, mission critical commerce enabled sites.
  • CS2002 Starter Site is designed and tested as a production quality site to jump start development for Commerce Server 2002 with Commerce Server 2002 Feature Pack 1.
  • CS2002 Starter is feature rich site to be used for all sites requiring commerce capabilities including a checkout procedure, shopping cart, product catalog, profiles and personalization, and analytics.

What happens to the Solution Sites?

The Solution Sites are only to be used as learning examples for tutorials and to illustrate how the features work together within a specific site scenario.  The Solution Sites will remain at the bottom of the download page with the Starter Site.  Prior to the release of the Microsoft tested, ASP.NET based CS2002 Starter Site, Microsoft had released four Commerce Server Solution Sites to demonstrate the features of Commerce Server in specific scenarios.

Commerce Server 2002 Starter Site Overview:

The feature rich site is a solid starting point for sites requiring commerce capabilities including a checkout procedure, shopping cart, product catalog, profiles and personalization, and analytics.  Organizations can easily customize the site with additional features and functionality through Visual Studio.NET.  The Starter Site is an excellent foundation for any B2X solution including consumer retail sites, government transactional sites, and trading partner solutions.  Commerce Server 2002 Starter Site provides a starting point to accelerate the delivery of online services and products to both customers and partners.

Starter Site Highlights:

·         Faster time to market: The Starter Site provides a feature rich template that can be easily customized for rapid development of new solutions.

·         Mission-critical reliability and scalability: The Starter Site is tested to perform in a production environment and is scalable for mission-critical solutions.

·         Support for latest features:  The Starter Site incorporates most of the capabilities of Commerce Server 2002 and Feature Pack 1.


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