Adding your signature to a Microsoft Word document is the ultimate way to personalize it as your own, especially for documents like letters or contracts. If you want to add a signature to a Word document, here’s how.

将签名添加到Microsoft Word文档是将其个性化为您自己的最终方法,尤其是对于信函或合同之类的文档。 如果要向Word文档添加签名,请按以下步骤操作。

There are several ways to add your signature to a Word document. You can add a signature line for a post-print signature, add a digital signature, or insert your own handwritten signature as a picture.

有几种方法可以将签名添加到Word文档中。 您可以为打印后签名添加签名行,添加数字签名或将您自己的手写签名插入为图片。

添加签名行 (Adding a Signature Line)

A signature line provides you, or somebody else, with a location to sign a printed document. If you’re planning on printing your Word document, adding a signature line is probably the easiest way for you to add a signature.

签名行为您或其他人提供了对打印文档进行签名的位置。 如果您打算打印Word文档,则添加签名行可能是添加签名的最简单方法。

To add a signature line to your Word document, click Insert > Signature Line. This icon is usually included in the “Text” section of your Word ribbon menu bar.

要将签名行添加到Word文档,请单击“插入”>“签名行”。 此图标通常包含在Word功能区菜单栏的“文本”部分中。

In the “Signature Setup” box that appears, fill out your signature details. You can include the name, title, and email address of the signer. This can be you or somebody else.

在出现的“签名设置”框中,填写您的签名详细信息。 您可以包括签名者的姓名,标题和电子邮件地址。 这可以是您或其他人。

You can also provide instructions for the signer. Once you’re ready, click “OK” to insert your signature line.

您还可以为签名者提供说明。 准备就绪后,单击“确定”以插入签名行。

Once you’ve confirmed your signature options, a signature line is inserted with a cross and a line to signify where to sign.


You can now place this into an appropriate position within your Word document. The document can then be signed at this position after printing or, if you’ve saved your Word document into the DOCX file format, you can insert a digital signature into your document at this point.

现在,您可以将其放置在Word文档中的适当位置。 然后,可以在打印后在此位置对文档签名,或者,如果将Word文档保存为DOCX文件格式,则可以在此时将数字签名插入文档中。

插入数字签名 (Inserting a Digital Signature)

To add a digital signature to your Word document, you’ll need to have followed the above instructions and inserted a signature line first.


You’ll also need to install a security certificate for your signature. If you don’t have one, Word will ask you if you’d like to acquire one from a “Microsoft Partner” like GlobalSign.

您还需要为签名安装安全证书。 如果您没有,则Word会询问您是否要从GlobalSign之类的“ Microsoft合作伙伴”那里购买。

As an alternative, you can create your own digital certificate using the “Selfcert” tool, included in your Microsoft Office installation folder.

或者,您可以使用Microsoft Office安装文件夹中包含的“ Selfcert”工具创建自己的数字证书。

Find “Selfcert.exe” in your Office installation folder and double-click it to open it.

在您的Office安装文件夹中找到“ Selfcert.exe”,然后双击将其打开。

In the Selfcert tool, type a name for your security certificate in the “Your Certificate Name” box and then click “OK” to create it.


Once you have a digital certificate installed, return to your Word document and double-click on your signature line.


In the “Sign” box that appears, type your name or click “Select Image” to insert a picture of your handwritten signature.


Click “Sign” to insert your digital signature into the Word document.


Once signed, Word will confirm that the signature has been added.


If you edit the document after signing it, the digital signature will become invalid, and you’ll need to sign it again.


添加图片签名 (Adding a Picture Signature)

If you’d prefer to use your handwritten signature, you can take a picture or scan a copy of it and then upload it to your computer. You can then insert a picture of your signature into the Word document.

如果您希望使用手写签名,则可以拍摄照片或扫描照片的副本,然后将其上传到计算机。 然后,您可以将签名的图片插入Word文档。

Click Insert > Pictures to insert the image into your document manually. Alternatively, double-click on your signature line and choose “Select Image” to insert it on your signature line.

单击插入>图片以将图像手动插入文档中。 或者,双击您的签名行,然后选择“选择图像”以将其插入到您的签名行中。

In the “Insert Pictures” menu box, click “From a File” and select your signature image file. From there, click “Sign” to place the image onto your signature line.

在“插入图片”菜单框中,单击“来自文件”,然后选择您的签名图像文件。 在此处,单击“签名”以将图像放置在签名行上。

Once inserted, the image file containing your signature will be inserted above your signature line.



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