Trimble® Pivot™ Platform 4.1

November 19th, 2018

Dear Trimble Pivot Platform Customer,

The Release Notes for our most recent Trimble Pivot Platform software update, version 4.1.2, mentions the possibility to “Enable/disable CORS and RINEX VRS download in RefDataShop”. This new option can be set in the AppSettings.config file.

The version 4.1.2 update will make a change to the AppSettings.config file which results in unavailability of Trimble Pivot Web*. It requires manual modification to make Trimble Pivot Web work correctly.

Our apologies for not having outlined this change in the Release Notes and apologies for any inconvenience you might have experienced.

Please follow these instructions for manual modification in AppSettings.config. The respective section will look like the following after the update to version 4.1.2:

<!-Specify the host name and port of the DBServer for database access. --> 
<add key:”DBServerHost” value=”localserver” />
<add key:”DBServerHost” value=”31020” />

It is required to change DB Server Host from “localhost” to your actual server name/IP as it had been set up originally in your Trimble Pivot Platform 4.1 or 4.1.1 setup. Trimble Pivot Web will become available immediately after file save.

*Please note: This applies only to setups with Trimble Pivot Platform (incl. TSA - Trimble Service Administrator) and Trimble Pivot Web being installed on two different servers. No action required on a one server setup.

Please contact our Support Team in case of any further questions.  (email: <> or via your local support phone number).

Best regards,
Trimble Advanced Positioning

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