



                          The JokeSir William Thompson  was very deaf  but he did not like
people to  know this.  One evening  he  had invited  several
friends to dinner, and while they were sitting at the table,
one of the friends told a funny story. Everyone laughed, and
Sir William, who had laughed as loud as anyone,  said,  That
was a very funny joke,  but I know a funnier one.  Would you
like to hear it?   They all said they would,  so Sir William
began his story. When it ended, everyone laughed louder than
ever and Sir William smiled happily.  But he didn't know the
reason for their laughter.  He had told the very same  story
that his friend had just told.

提示:如果你使用的是 Windows 7/8/10 操作系统,需要对运行窗口进行设置。

  • 用鼠标右键点击窗口标题栏,选择“属性”
  • 切换到“选项”卡片,选择“使用旧版控制台”
  • 切换到“字体”卡片,字体选择“点阵字体”,大小选择“8×16”
  • 点击“确定”按钮


int main()
{printf("                          The Joke\n"
"    Sir William Thompson  was very deaf  but he did not like\n"
"people to  know this.  One evening  he  had invited  several\n"
"friends to dinner, and while they were sitting at the table,\n"
"one of the friends told a funny story. Everyone laughed, and\n"
"Sir William, who had laughed as loud as anyone,  said,  That\n"
"was a very funny joke,  but I know a funnier one.  Would you\n"
"like to hear it?   They all said they would,  so Sir William\n"
"began his story. When it ended, everyone laughed louder than\n"
"ever and Sir William smiled happily.  But he didn't know the\n"
"reason for their laughter.  He had told the very same  story\n"
"that his friend had just told.\n");return 0;

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