


  • 前言
  • 一、安防视频平台介绍
  • 二、DJI Pilot机型匹配表及回传流程
    • 1. 视频流选择
    • 2. 视频回传的码流格式
    • 3. GB28181业务流程
    • 4. 传输和控制要求(基于 GB/T 28181)
    • 5. 功能列表
  • 三、DJI Pilot H264 SEI帧 Metadata协议解析
    • 1. Metadata 数据列表
    • 2. DJI Metadata protobuf解析文件
    • 3. Metadata 解析指导
  • 四、DJI GB28181 协议信令详解
  • 总结


二、DJI Pilot机型匹配表及回传流程

APP 版本 DJI Pilot V1.9 及以上版本 DJI Pilot PE V1.6.1
适配机型 经纬 M300 RTK
经纬 M200 V2 系列
御 Mavic 2 行业变焦版
御 Mavic 2 行业双光版
精灵 Phantom 4 RTK(SDK 遥控器版本)
经纬 M200 V1 系列
经纬 M600 系列
悟 Inspire 2
御 Mavic Pro
精灵 Phantom 4
精灵 Phantom 4 Pro( 除精灵 4 Pro+)
精灵 Phantom 4 Advanced(除精灵 4 Advanced+)

Pilot APP 下载:https://www.dji.com/cn/downloads/djiapp/dji-pilot
Pilot PE V1.6.1 下载:https://service-adhoc.dji.com/download/app/android/321b585b-e217-4c95-9192-09eee6e02630

1. 视频流选择

M300RTK 最多可以挂载 3 个相机负载,可以通过遥控器上的 APP 从三路相机视频流

  1. FPV 视频流:无人机前置摄像头第一视角视频流。
  2. 1 号/2 号/3 号负载相机视频流:无人机上的 3 个云台口,可以任意挂载大疆的官方负载 H20T/ H20/ Z30/ XTS 相机,以及三方合作伙伴的相机。
  3. H20T/H20 相机负载:多光组合相机,具备 1200 万像素广角、2000 万像素 23 倍光学变焦、1200 米激光测距、红外(H20T 有)。
  4. Z30 相机负载:30 倍光学变焦相机。
  5. XTS 相机负载:红外相机。

2. 视频回传的码流格式

  1. 编码格式:H264。
  2. 质量调节:流畅 540P 30FPS 512Kbps, 均衡 720P 30FPS 1Mbps, 高清 720P 30FPS 1.5 Mbps。
  3. 传输格式:根据 GB/T28181-2016 传输要求,采用基于 RTP 的视频数据 PS 封装。

3. GB28181业务流程

4. 传输和控制要求(基于 GB/T 28181)

  1. SIP 信令通信采用 UDP 协议,端口自定义,默认 5060。
  2. RTP 数据通信采用 UDP 协议,多路流分别采用不同的端口分别传输,点播时通过SDP 协商,端口自定义。
  3. RTCP 传输控制协议可选,默认 RTP 端口号加 1,需要收发双方同时支持才可,目前仅适用于网络质量反馈,暂不支持丢包重传机制。
  4. 无人机视频编码格式为 H264,封装成 PS 流,再用 RTP 打包传输;不支持音频。
  5. 接入网络应为 WiFi/有线/4G/VPDN 的一种,并在现场为遥控器提供 WiFi 热点。
  6. 遥控器到服务器端的网络带宽应满足以下标准:流畅 512Kbps,均衡 1Mbps,高清1.5Mbps。
  7. 接收端应具备 jitterbuffer 接收缓冲,以消除网络抖动和乱序造成的视频卡顿和花屏 ,建议缓冲不要超过 1 秒。

5. 功能列表

功能点 功能描述 协议接口 备注
设备注册注销 采用基于账号口令认证的设备登录与注销;采用定时心跳保活机制,在心跳超时离线后,自动重登录。
设备信息查询 支持远程查询无人机名称,ID,无人机型号,生产厂商,固件版本等信息
设备状态查询 支持远程查询无人机工作状态,视频流状态,录像状态,UTC时间等。
设备列表查询 支持远程查询摄像头列表,即具备多通道视频传输的能力。
实时视频点播与停止 设备上线后,采用点播即传的策略,按需上传,节省通信带宽和流量。
设备控制强制发送关键帧 当视频流丢帧或切换分辨率时,可通过设备控制信令,强制无人机立即编码发送一个 H264 关键帧,减少播放等待时间。

三、DJI Pilot H264 SEI帧 Metadata协议解析

目前无人机直播所用的 RTMP 协议只支持标准 RTMP 视频流及其内置的媒体控制命令,没有其他定制化

  1. 编码格式:H.264,有 SEI 帧(SEI 帧主要是用于存放 Metadta 信息)
  2. 传输格式:采用 RTMP 的 chunk 方式进行传输
  3. 码流质量调节:
    • 不支持服务器进行质量设置调节。
    • 支持 APP 手动设置,参数如下:
      • 流畅 540P 30FPS 512Kbps
      • 均衡 720P 30FPS 1Mbps
      • 高清 720P 30FPS 1.5Mbps
  4. 默认端口:默认使用 1935 端口,若服务器指定其他端口的话,需要先 PING 测试。
  5. Metadata 数据项:
    • 飞机经纬高
    • 遥控器经纬高
    • 目标点位置信息

1. Metadata 数据列表


类别 Metadata 名称 类型 单位 推送频率
飞机信息 飞机位置-经度 double 10Hz
飞机信息 飞机位置-纬度 double 10Hz
飞机信息 飞机位置-椭球高 float 10Hz
飞机信息 飞机姿态-roll Int32 0.1 度 10Hz
飞机信息 飞机姿态-yaw Int32 0.1 度 10Hz
飞机信息 飞机姿态-pitch Int32 0.1 度 10Hz
飞机信息 Home 点-经度 Double 1Hz
飞机信息 Home 点-纬度 Double 1Hz
飞机信息 Home 点-椭球高 float 1Hz
遥控器信息 遥控器角色 enum 0.2Hz
遥控器信息 遥控器位置-经度 double 0.2Hz
遥控器信息 遥控器位置-纬度 double 0.2Hz
遥控器信息 遥控器位置-椭球高 float 0.2Hz
目标点 TargetPoint-版本 Uint32 2Hz
目标点 TargetPoint-Source Char * 2Hz
目标点 TargetPoint-数据[数组] 2Hz


参数名 类型 单位
type Enum
index Uint32
latitude Double
longitude Double
altitude_ellipsoid Float
altitude_relative Float
video_stream_window_x Float
video_stream_window_y Float
flags Uint32

2. DJI Metadata protobuf解析文件



// DJI Video Timed Metadata Format using Protobuf 3// version = 3syntax = "proto3";
// basic message defin ==========================
}message DjiUTC {uint32 year = 1;       // The year, like 2020.uint32 month = 2;      // The month in the year, in the range 1 to 12.uint32 day = 3;        // The day of the month, in the range 1 to 31.uint32 hour = 4;       // The number of hours past midnight, in the range 0 to 23.uint32 min = 5;        // The number of minutes after the hour, in the range 0 to 59.uint32 sec = 6;        // The number of seconds after the minute, normally in the range 0 to 59.uint32 nsec = 7;       // The number of nanoseconds after the second.
}message DeviceIdentify {string serial_number = 1;              // limited to 32 characters
}message DjiInherentInfoBase {DeviceIdentify device_identify = 1;    // Include sn now.string         module_name = 2;        // limited to 32 charactersstring         firmware_version = 3;   // limited to 32 charactersstring         manufacture_id = 4;     // limited to 18 charactersstring         product_type = 5;       // limited to 32 characters
}// [end] basic message defin ==========================// Global Information, only appear once in whole video ==========================
message DjiModuleInfo {enum ModuleType {// The body of any kinds of camera which generate this video,// including gimbal camera, payload camera, or fly camera with// non-removable drone.MODULE_CAMERA_BODY = 0;// interchangeable droneMODULE_DRONE = 1;// interchangeable lensMODULE_LENS = 2;}ModuleType module_type = 1;string     model_name = 2;         // limited to 32 charactersstring     serial_number = 3;      // limited to 32 charactersstring     firmware_version = 4;   // limited to 32 characters
}message DjiVideoGlobalInfo {repeated DjiModuleInfo module_info = 1;// The video full path file name, limited to 800 charactersstring  file_name = 3;fixed32 video_uuid = 4;             // the video unique IDstring  record_start_time = 5;      // uses RFC 3339uint32  resolution_height = 6;      // unit: pixeluint32  resolution_width = 7;       // unit: pixelfloat   video_framerate = 8;enum VideoType {VIDEO_NORMAL = 0;VIDEO_DELAY = 1;VIDEO_SLOW_MOTION = 2;VIDEO_QUICK_MOVIE = 3;VIDEO_TIMELAPSE = 4;VIDEO_MOTIONLAPSE = 5;VIDEO_HYPERLAPSE = 6;VIDEO_HDR = 7;VIDEO_LOOP_RECORD = 8;}VideoType video_type = 9;enum VideoEncoder {ENCODER_H264 = 0;ENCODER_H265 = 1;}VideoEncoder video_encoder = 10;uint32 library_proto_version = 11; // version of dvtm_library.protouint32 product_proto_version = 12; // version of product corresponding proto file
// [end] Global Information, only appear once in whole video ====================// Describe every data source as a message ===================================// All device_id field in messages is internal reserved at present.
// User should not care about or depends on this field.message DjiCameraBasic {uint32 device_id = 1;int64  timestamp = 2;uint32 frame_id = 3;// reserved for future usestring camera_name = 4;            // limited to 32 characterssint32 exposure_bias_tenfold = 5;  // exposure bias, tenfold expression, reserved for IR camerafloat  exposure_time = 6;          // exposure time (uint: s)uint32 iso = 7;                    // photographic sensitivity, reserved for IR camerauint32 fnumber_tenfold = 8;        // F-Number, tenfold expressionfloat  focal_length = 9;           // actual focal length in mmfloat  digital_zoom_ratio = 10;
}message DjiLaserRanging {uint32 device_id = 1;int64  timestamp = 2;uint32 frame_id = 3;// processed data of laser ranging function, fields 5-10 is only valid// if ranging_enabled is true, which means you enable this function// by yourself on APP. fields 6-8 is only valid if gps_status in DjiGpsBasic// message is not GPS_INVALID.bool   ranging_enabled = 4;uint32 target_distance = 5;        // mmfloat  target_longitude = 6;       // degreefloat  target_latitude = 7;        // degreeuint32 target_altitude = 8;        // height relative to takeoff point in mmuint32 screen_offset_x = 9;        // target offset on horizontal direction of screen in permillageuint32 screen_offset_y = 10;       // target offset on vertical direction of screen in permillage// raw sensor data, always on. fields 12-19 is only valid if laser_status is LASER_NORMAL.enum LaserStatus {LASER_NORMAL = 0;                // laser ranging finder works fine.LASER_TOO_CLOSE = 1;             // target distance is less than minimum range of finder.LASER_TOO_FAR = 2;               // target distance is larger than maximum range of finder.LASER_CLOSED = 3;                // laser module is closed.}LaserStatus laser_status = 11;uint32 distance1 = 12;             // unit: mmuint32 intensity1 = 13;            // signal intensity, range: 0~255uint32 distance2 = 14;             // unit: mmuint32 intensity2 = 15;            // signal intensity, range: 0~255uint32 distance3 = 16;             // unit: mmuint32 intensity3 = 17;            // signal intensity, range: 0~255uint32 distance4 = 18;             // unit: mmuint32 intensity4 = 19;            // signal intensity, range: 0~255uint32 target_abs_alt = 20;        // absolute height of target point in mm
}message DjiGpsBasic {uint32 device_id = 1;int64  timestamp = 2;uint32 frame_id = 3;double gps_latitude = 4;           // unit: rad, WGS-84 coordinate systemdouble gps_longitude = 5;          // unit: rad, WGS-84 coordinate systemint32  gps_altitude_mm = 6;        // unit mm, refer to gps_altitude_type for detailsenum GpsStatus {GPS_NORMAL = 0;                  // working with non-RTK GPSGPS_INVALID = 1;                 // GPS signal is non-available, measurement interruptedGPS_RTK = 2;                     // working with RTK-GPS}GpsStatus gps_status = 7;// Specify type of gps_altitude_mm and altitudes in other messages. For versions that don't support this fields,// use gps_status to get the type. If gps_status is GPS_RTK, gps_altitude_type is RTK_ALTITUDE, otherwise,// gps_altitude_type is PRESSURE_ALTITUDE.enum GpsAltType {PRESSURE_ALTITUDE = 0;           // altitude is mainly provided by barometer which has different origin with ellipsoidal heightGPS_FUSION_ALTITUDE = 1;         // fused height by GPS and barometer, which based on ellipsoidal coordinateRTK_ALTITUDE = 2;                // altitude is ellipsoidal height provided by RTK}GpsAltType       gps_altitude_type = 8;enum COORDINATE_TYPE {WGS84 = 0;CGCS2000 = 1;}COORDINATE_TYPE  coordinate = 9;   // In rtk or gps mode, it indicate the coordinate of the lat, lon, alti.DjiUTC           utc_time = 10;DeviceIdentify   device_identify = 11;
}message DjiFlyingState {uint32 device_id = 1;int64  timestamp = 2;uint32 frame_id = 3;// drone body speed components in NED coordinate system.int32  speed_x_dms = 4;            // north direction, unit: 0.1 m/sint32  speed_y_dms = 5;            // east direction, unit: 0.1 m/sint32  speed_z_dms = 6;            // vertical direction, unit: 0.1 m/s// The Euler angles of drone body relative to the NED (North, East, Down)// coordinate system. Rotation sequence of the Euler angle is// ZYX (yaw, pitch, roll), intrinsic.sint32 pitch_decidegree = 7;       // unit: 0.1 degreesint32 roll_decidegree = 8;        // unit: 0.1 degreesint32 yaw_decidegree = 9;         // unit: 0.1 degree// height relative to home point, unit: 0.1msint32 relative_height_decimeter = 10;DjiUTC utc_time = 11;int32 heading = 12;                // unit: 0.1 degree
}message DjiGimbal {uint32 device_id = 1;int64  timestamp = 2;uint32 frame_id = 3;enum GimbalPosition {GIMBAL_POS_NORMAL = 0;GIMBAL_POS_REVERSE = 1;}GimbalPosition gimbal_position = 4;enum GimbalMode {GIMBAL_MODE_FREE = 0;GIMBAL_MODE_FPV = 1;GIMBAL_MODE_FOLLOW = 2;}GimbalMode gimbal_mode = 5;// The Euler angles of gimbal relative to the NED (North, East, Down)// coordinate system. Rotation sequence of the Euler angle is// ZXY (yaw, roll, pitch), intrinsic. For upward gimbal, the Euler// angles translate from the real quaternion of gimbal after rotate// 180 degree around the X axis of moving body.sint32 pitch_decidegree = 6;       // unit: 0.1 degreesint32 roll_decidegree = 7;        // unit: 0.1 degreesint32 yaw_decidegree = 8;         // unit: 0.1 degreeDjiUTC utc_time = 9;DeviceIdentify device_identify = 10;    // Include sn now.
}// [end] Describe every data source as a message =============================message DjiRealTimeTargetPoint {int64               timestamp = 1;uint32              frame_id = 2;DjiUTC              utc_time = 3;repeated string     source = 4;                     // The description of the one which create this point.message DjiTargetPointStruct {enum TARGET_POINT_TYPE {NO_USED = 0;TARGET_POINT = 1;                               // The target point create in local client.RNG_POINT = 2;                                  // The The laser ranging point is different from the target point. // This point is the center point of the screen detected by laser ranging in real time.*/ST_POINT = 3;                                   // Spotlight tracking point, the target position calculated in the camera automatic tracking mode,// on the screen display, mutually exclusive with Rng, if there is this point, // the Rng point may not be displayed.}TARGET_POINT_TYPE type = 1;                       // The point type.uint32            index = 2;                      // The point index.double            latitude = 3;                   // unit: rad.double            longitude = 4;                  // unit: rad.float             altitude_ellipsoid = 5;         // unit: m. In ellipsoidal coordinate system.float             altitude_relative = 6;          // unit: m. The altitude relatived to take-off point.float             video_stream_window_x = 7;      // 0~1, Relative to the current position of the current stream viewport x,// the upper left corner of the screen is 0, and negative numbers are used to indicate illegal values// and are not displayed on the viewport.float             video_stream_window_y = 8;      // 0~1, Relative to the current position of the current stream viewport x,// the upper left corner of the screen is 0, and negative numbers are used to indicate illegal values// and are not displayed on the viewport.bool              altitude_ellipsoid_can_use = 9;}repeated DjiTargetPointStruct TargetPointStruct = 5;
}message DjiFlyingWindState {int64  timestamp = 1;uint32 frame_id = 2;DjiUTC utc_time = 3;float  wind_speed = 4;          // unit:m/s, precision:one decimal placeDIRECTION_TYPE wind_dir = 5;    // The direction of the wind
}message DjiFlyingHomePoint {DjiGpsBasic point_pos_info = 3;
}message DjiFlyingInherentInfo {DjiInherentInfoBase base_info = 1;
}message DjiFlyingFlyOrderID {string              order_id = 1; // limited to 48 characters
}message DjiRCInherentInfo {DjiInherentInfoBase base_info = 1;enum REMOTE_CONTROL_ROLES {RC_ROLES_A = 0;RC_ROLES_B = 1;}REMOTE_CONTROL_ROLES rc_roles = 2;     // [only remote control] The remote control position index
}message DjiPayloadInherentInfo {DIRECTION_TYPE base_info = 1;enum PAYLOAD_PHY_POS {INDEX_1 = 0;INDEX_2 = 1;INDEX_3 = 2;}PAYLOAD_PHY_POS payload_phy_pos = 2;   // [only payload] The payload devices physical position index


// DJI Media Metadata using Protobuf 3// version = 1syntax = "proto3";
import "dvtm_library.proto";message DjiVideoMetadata {DjiVideoGlobalInfo              video_global_info = 1;repeated DjiCameraBasic         camera_basic = 5;repeated DjiGpsBasic            gps_basic = 6;                // The old flying pos in camera, not suggest to use any more.repeated DjiFlyingState         flying_state = 7;             // Push frequency: 10Hz, Include flying speed and flying attitude.repeated DjiGimbal              gimbal = 8;                   // Push frequency: Hz.repeated DjiLaserRanging        laser_ranging = 9;DjiPayloadInherentInfo          payload_inherent_info = 10;   // Push frequency: 1Hz.repeated DjiFlyingWindState     flying_wind_state = 50;       // Push frequency: 10Hz.repeated DjiGpsBasic            flying_pos = 51;              // Push frequency: 10Hz, The position information of the flying, using GPS/RTK, etc.repeated DjiFlyingHomePoint     flying_home_point = 52;       // Push frequency: 10Hz.DjiRealTimeTargetPoint          dji_rt_target_point = 53;     // Push frequency: 2Hz.DjiFlyingInherentInfo           flying_inherent_info = 54;    // Push frequency: 1Hz.DjiFlyingFlyOrderID             flying_order_id = 55;         // Event trigger.repeated DjiGpsBasic            flying_rc_pos = 100;           // Push frequency: Hz. The position information of the remote control which control this flying.DjiRCInherentInfo               flying_rc_inherent_info = 101; // Push frequency: 1Hz.

Metadata 封装成一个单独 NALU,附加在每个 H264 视频 I 帧或 P 帧的末尾,NAL 类型为
0x06,其中 UUID 固定为

{0x81, 0x6d, 0x38, 0x4e, 0x99, 0x8c, 0x11, 0xea, 0xb2, 0x94, 0x02, 0xfc, 0xdc, 0x4e, 0x74, 0x12}

3. Metadata 解析指导

  1. 将 metadata 数据,通过 protobuf 工具,序列化成二进制数据。
  2. 根据 Metadta in H264 介绍的格式,将 metadata protobuf 二进制数据封装到H264/H265 的 SEI 帧里,紧随着每一个 I/P 帧传输。
  3. 解析端收取的时候也是先收取到码流,根据码流解析出一个个帧,然后识别到 SEI帧,按照格式解析得到 metadata protobuf 二进制数据。最后根据 protobuf 格式(protobuf 支持多种语言多种平台),解析出 metadata 数据结构体。
  4. 解析这个环节最关键的三个要素:metadata protobuf file,protobuf 对应平台的编译工具,H264/H265 SEI 帧。

四、DJI GB28181 协议信令详解






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    从事数据恢复的工作人员.航拍录像从业人员.摄影爱好者等有时会遇到视频文件损坏问题,下面分析的就是常见的情况:大疆DJI无人机GoPro运动相机MOV或MP4视频文件丢失之后(删除.病毒感染或者格式化等 ...

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