
Object tracking is a tricky problem. A general, all-purpose object tracking algorithm must deal with difficulties like camera motion, erratic object motion, cluttered backgrounds, and other moving objects. Such hurdles render general image processing techniques an inadequate solution to the object tracking problem. 
Particle filtering is a Monte Carlo sampling approach to Bayesian filtering. It has many uses but has become the state of the art in object tracking. Conceptually, a particle filtering algorithm maintains a probability distribution over the state of the system it is monitoring, in this case, the state -- location, scale, etc. -- of the object being tracked. In most cases, non-linearity and non-Gaussianity in the object's motion and likelihood models yields an intractable filtering distribution. Particle filtering overcomes this intractability by representing the distribution as a set of weighted samples, or particles. Each particle represents a possible instantiation of the state of the system. In other words, each particle describes one possible location of the object being tracked. The set of particles contains more weight at locations where the object being tracked is more likely to be. We can thus determine the most probable state of the object by finding the location in the particle filtering distribution with the highest weight. 


1.命令行参数处理 -> 
3.初始化视频句柄 -> 
4.取视频中的一帧进行处理 -> 
3) 判断是否为第一帧, 


void arg_parse( int argc, char** argv )
{int i = 0;/*extract program name from command line (remove path, if present) */pname = remove_path( argv[0] );/*parse commandline options */while( TRUE ){char* arg_check;int arg = getopt( argc, argv, OPTIONS );if( arg == -1 )break;switch( arg ){/* user asked for help */case 'h':usage( pname );exit(0);break;case 'a':show_all = TRUE;break;/* user wants to output tracking sequence */case 'o':export = TRUE;break;/* user wants to set number of particles */case 'p':if( ! optarg )fatal_error( "error parsing arguments at -%c/n"    /"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );num_particles = strtol( optarg, &arg_check, 10 );if( arg_check == optarg  ||  *arg_check != '/0' )fatal_error( "-%c option requires an integer argument/n"    /"Try '%s -h' for help.", arg, pname );break;      /* catch invalid arguments */default:fatal_error( "-%c: invalid option/nTry '%s -h' for help.",optopt, pname );}}/* make sure input and output files are specified */if( argc - optind < 1 )fatal_error( "no input image specified./nTry '%s -h' for help.", pname );if( argc - optind > 2 )fatal_error( "too many arguments./nTry '%s -h' for help.", pname );/* record video file name */vid_file = argv[optind];

作者使用Getopt这个系统函数对命令行进行解析,-h表示显示帮助,-a表示将所有粒子所代表的位置都显示出来,-o表示输出tracking的帧,-p number进行粒子数的设定,然后再最后指定要处理的视频文件。


IplImage* bgr2hsv( IplImage* bgr )
IplImage* bgr32f, * hsv;bgr32f = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(bgr), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );
hsv = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(bgr), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );
cvConvertScale( bgr, bgr32f, 1.0 / 255.0, 0 );
cvCvtColor( bgr32f, hsv, CV_BGR2HSV );
cvReleaseImage( &bgr32f );
return hsv;



gsl_rng_env_setup();//setup the enviorment of random number generator 
rng = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_mt19937 );//create a random number generator 
gsl_rng_set( rng, time(NULL) );//initializes the random number generator. 


/*Computes a reference histogram for each of the object regions defined bythe user@param frame video frame in which to compute histograms; should have beenconverted to hsv using bgr2hsv in observation.h@param regions regions of /a frame over which histograms should be computed@param n number of regions in /a regions@param export if TRUE, object region images are exported@return Returns an /a n element array of normalized histograms correspondingto regions of /a frame specified in /a regions.
histogram** compute_ref_histos( IplImage* frame, CvRect* regions, int n )
{histogram** histos = malloc( n * sizeof( histogram* ) );IplImage* tmp;int i;/* extract each region from frame and compute its histogram */for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){cvSetImageROI( frame, regions[i] );//set the region of interesttmp = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize( frame ), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );cvCopy( frame, tmp, NULL );cvResetImageROI( frame );//free the ROIhistos[i] = calc_histogram( &tmp, 1 );//calculate the hisrogramnormalize_histogram( histos[i] );//Normalizes a histogram so all bins sum to 1.0cvReleaseImage( &tmp );}return histos;


/*Calculates a cumulative histogram as defined above for a given arrayof images@param img an array of images over which to compute a cumulative histogram;each must have been converted to HSV colorspace using bgr2hsv()@param n the number of images in imgs@return Returns an un-normalized HSV histogram for /a imgs
histogram* calc_histogram( IplImage** imgs, int n )
{IplImage* img;histogram* histo;IplImage* h, * s, * v;float* hist;int i, r, c, bin;histo = malloc( sizeof(histogram) );histo->n = NH*NS + NV;hist = histo->histo;memset( hist, 0, histo->n * sizeof(float) );for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){/* extract individual HSV planes from image */img = imgs[i];h = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );s = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );v = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 1 );cvCvtPixToPlane( img, h, s, v, NULL );/* increment appropriate histogram bin for each pixel */for( r = 0; r < img->height; r++ )for( c = 0; c < img->width; c++ ){bin = histo_bin( pixval32f( h, r, c ),pixval32f( s, r, c ),pixval32f( v, r, c ) );hist[bin] += 1;}cvReleaseImage( &h );cvReleaseImage( &s );cvReleaseImage( &v );}return histo;

这个函数将h、s、 v分别取出,然后以从上到下,从左到右的方式遍历以函数histo_bin的评判规则放入相应的bin中(很形象的)。函数histo_bin的评判规则详见下图: 
      1NH      2NH       3NH                    NS*NH    NS*NH+1    NS*NH+2                     NS*NH+NV


Creates an initial distribution of particles at specified locations@param regions an array of regions describing player locations around
which particles are to be sampled
@param histos array of histograms describing regions in /a regions
@param n the number of regions in /a regions
@param p the total number of particles to be assigned@return Returns an array of /a p particles sampled from around regions in
/a regions
particle* init_distribution( CvRect* regions, histogram** histos, int n, int p)
particle* particles;
int np;
float x, y;
int i, j, width, height, k = 0;particles = malloc( p * sizeof( particle ) );
np = p / n;/* create particles at the centers of each of n regions */
for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )
width = regions[i].width;
height = regions[i].height;
x = regions[i].x + width / 2;
y = regions[i].y + height / 2;
for( j = 0; j < np; j++ )
particles[k].x0 = particles[k].xp = particles[k].x = x;
particles[k].y0 = particles[k].yp = particles[k].y = y;
particles[k].sp = particles[k].s = 1.0;
particles[k].width = width;
particles[k].height = height;
particles[k].histo = histos[i];
particles[k++].w = 0;
}/* make sure to create exactly p particles */
i = 0;
while( k < p )
width = regions[i].width;
height = regions[i].height;
x = regions[i].x + width / 2;
y = regions[i].y + height / 2;
particles[k].x0 = particles[k].xp = particles[k].x = x;
particles[k].y0 = particles[k].yp = particles[k].y = y;
particles[k].sp = particles[k].s = 1.0;
particles[k].width = width;
particles[k].height = height;
particles[k].histo = histos[i];
particles[k++].w = 0;
i = ( i + 1 ) % n;
}return particles;



/*Computes the likelihood of there being a player at a given location inan image@param img image that has been converted to HSV colorspace using bgr2hsv()@param r row location of center of window around which to compute likelihood@param c col location of center of window around which to compute likelihood@param w width of region over which to compute likelihood@param h height of region over which to compute likelihood@param ref_histo reference histogram for a player; must have beennormalized with normalize_histogram()@return Returns the likelihood of there being a player at location(/a r, /a c) in /a img
float likelihood( IplImage* img, int r, int c,int w, int h, histogram* ref_histo )
{IplImage* tmp;histogram* histo;float d_sq;/* extract region around (r,c) and compute and normalize its histogram */cvSetImageROI( img, cvRect( c - w / 2, r - h / 2, w, h ) );tmp = cvCreateImage( cvGetSize(img), IPL_DEPTH_32F, 3 );cvCopy( img, tmp, NULL );cvResetImageROI( img );histo = calc_histogram( &tmp, 1 );cvReleaseImage( &tmp );normalize_histogram( histo );/* compute likelihood as e^{/lambda D^2(h, h^*)} */d_sq = histo_dist_sq( histo, ref_histo );free( histo );return exp( -LAMBDA * d_sq );


/*Computes squared distance metric based on the Battacharyya similaritycoefficient between histograms.@param h1 first histogram; should be normalized@param h2 second histogram; should be normalized@return Returns a squared distance based on the Battacharyya similaritycoefficient between /a h1 and /a h2
float histo_dist_sq( histogram* h1, histogram* h2 )
{float* hist1, * hist2;float sum = 0;int i, n;n = h1->n;hist1 = h1->histo;hist2 = h2->histo;/*According the the Battacharyya similarity coefficient,D = /sqrt{ 1 - /sum_1^n{ /sqrt{ h_1(i) * h_2(i) } } }*/for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )sum += sqrt( hist1[i]*hist2[i] );return 1.0 - sum;

采用统计学上的巴氏距离Bhattacharyya distance,根据wiki的描述, Bhattacharyya distance 描述的是两个离散概率分布的相似性,它通常在分类操作中被用来度量不同类型的可分离性,也就是说这个距离算式就是评定相似度的。


/*Samples a transition model for a given particle@param p a particle to be transitioned@param w video frame width@param h video frame height@param rng a random number generator from which to sample@return Returns a new particle sampled based on <EM>p</EM>'s transitionmodel
particle transition( particle p, int w, int h, gsl_rng* rng )
{float x, y, s;particle pn;/* sample new state using second-order autoregressive dynamics */x = A1 * ( p.x - p.x0 ) + A2 * ( p.xp - p.x0 ) +B0 * gsl_ran_gaussian( rng, TRANS_X_STD ) + p.x0;pn.x = MAX( 0.0, MIN( (float)w - 1.0, x ) );y = A1 * ( p.y - p.y0 ) + A2 * ( p.yp - p.y0 ) +B0 * gsl_ran_gaussian( rng, TRANS_Y_STD ) + p.y0;pn.y = MAX( 0.0, MIN( (float)h - 1.0, y ) );s = A1 * ( p.s - 1.0 ) + A2 * ( p.sp - 1.0 ) +B0 * gsl_ran_gaussian( rng, TRANS_S_STD ) + 1.0;pn.s = MAX( 0.1, s );pn.xp = p.x;pn.yp = p.y;pn.sp = p.s;pn.x0 = p.x0;pn.y0 = p.y0;pn.width = p.width;pn.height = p.height;pn.histo = p.histo;pn.w = 0;return pn;



/*Re-samples a set of particles according to their weights to produce anew set of unweighted particles@param particles an old set of weighted particles whose weights have beennormalized with normalize_weights()@param n the number of particles in /a particles@return Returns a new set of unweighted particles sampled from /a particles
particle* resample( particle* particles, int n )
{particle* new_particles;int i, j, np, k = 0;qsort( particles, n, sizeof( particle ), &particle_cmp );new_particles = malloc( n * sizeof( particle ) );for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ){np = cvRound( particles[i].w * n );for( j = 0; j < np; j++ ){new_particles[k++] = particles[i];if( k == n )goto exit;}}while( k < n )new_particles[k++] = particles[0];exit:return new_particles;



/*Normalizes particle weights so they sum to 1@param particles an array of particles whose weights are to be normalized@param n the number of particles in /a particles
void normalize_weights( particle* particles, int n )
{float sum = 0;int i;for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )sum += particles[i].w;for( i = 0; i < n; i++ )particles[i].w /= sum;

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