    开发板 --- Linux内核 --- Linux指令
    mkdir xxx
        rx 可执行文件名
        传输 --- 发送xmodem --- 浏览到我们所要发送的文件 --- 选中 --- 发送
            chmod +x 可执行文件名  --- 再去运行
        !!! 下载可执行文件必须是交叉编译生成的
        arm-linux-gcc 源文件名 -o 可执行文件名

2 屏幕操作
    800 一行有800个像素点 480行
    颜色:ARGB --- 每个分量一个字节 
        R:红色分量 0 - ff
        int lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);
        if(lcd_fd == -1)
            perror("open lcd fail");
            return -1;
        int color[800*480]={0};
        for(int i=0;i<480;i++)
            for(int j=0;j<800;j++)

因为引用了 #include<math.h>

切记 切记 Liunx 编译时 要加 -lm

类似 arm-linux-gcc 1.c -lm


#include <sys/mman.h>
int *plcd = NULL;
#define WHITE 0x00FFFFFF
#define BLAK 0x00000000
void draw_point(int x, int y, int color)
{if (x >= 0 && x<800 && y >= 0 && y<480){*(plcd + y * 800 + x) = color;}
}void draw_circle(int x, int y,double r ,int color)
{if (x >= 0 && x<480 && y >= 0 && y<800){for (double i = 0; i < 480; i++){for (double j = 0; j < 800; j++){double all=(i-x)*(i-x)+(j-y)*(j-y);double fc=sqrt(all);if(r>fc){draw_point(j, i, color);//   printf("fc=%lf\n",fc);}}}}
}void draw_circle_b(int x, int y,double r ,int color)
{if (x >= 0 && x<480 && y >= 0 && y<800){for (double i = 0; i < 480; i++){for (double j = 0; j < 800; j++){if(i<x){double all=(i-x)*(i-x)+(j-y)*(j-y);double fc=sqrt(all);if(r>fc){draw_point(j, i, color);//    printf("fc=%lf\n",fc);}                  }}}}
}void clear(int color)
{int x,y;for(y=0;y<480;y++){for(x=0;x<800;x++){draw_point(x,y,color);}}
}int main()
{int lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1){perror("open lcd fail");}plcd = mmap(NULL, 800 * 480 * 4, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,lcd_fd,0);if (plcd==NULL){perror("mmao  fail");}int color = 0x0000FFFF;clear(0x00666666);draw_circle(240, 400,200, BLAK);draw_circle_b(240, 400,200, WHITE);draw_circle(240, 300,100, WHITE); draw_circle(240, 500,100, BLAK); draw_circle(240, 300,25, BLAK); draw_circle(240, 500,25, WHITE); //    draw_circle(240, 400,50, color);  close(lcd_fd);munmap(plcd,800*480*4);return 0;


#include <sys/mman.h>
#include<math.h> #define WHITE 0x00FFFFFF
#define BLAK 0x00000000
#define org 0x00CDAD00
#define gray 0x00CD853F int *plcd = NULL;  void draw_point(int x, int y, int color)
{if (x >= 0 && x<800 && y >= 0 && y<480){*(plcd + y * 800 + x) = color;}
}void draw_circle(int x, int y,double r ,int color)//HUAYUAN
{if (x >= 0 && x<480 && y >= 0 && y<800){for (double i = 0; i < 480; i++){for (double j = 0; j < 800; j++){double all=(i-x)*(i-x)+(j-y)*(j-y);double fc=sqrt(all);if(r>fc){draw_point(j, i, color);//   printf("fc=%lf\n",fc);}}}}
}void draw_circle_b(int x, int y,double r ,int color)//BANYUAN
{if (x >= 0 && x<480 && y >= 0 && y<800){for (double i = 0; i < 480; i++){for (double j = 0; j < 800; j++){if(i<x){double all=(i-x)*(i-x)+(j-y)*(j-y);double fc=sqrt(all);if(r>fc){draw_point(j, i, color);//    printf("fc=%lf\n",fc);}                  }}}}
}void draw_circle_c(int x, int y,double r ,int color)//BANYUAN
{if (x >= 0 && x<480 && y >= 0 && y<800){for (double i = 0; i < 480; i++){for (double j = 0; j < 800; j++){if(i>x){double all=(i-x)*(i-x)+(j-y)*(j-y);double fc=sqrt(all);if(r>fc){draw_point(j, i, color);//    printf("fc=%lf\n",fc);}                  }}}}
}void clear(int color)
{int x,y;for(y=0;y<480;y++){for(x=0;x<800;x++){draw_point(x,y,color);}}
}int main()
{int lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1){perror("open lcd fail");}plcd = mmap(NULL, 800 * 480 * 4, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,lcd_fd,0);if (plcd==NULL){perror("mmap  fail");}int color = 0x0000FFFF;clear(0x00666666);draw_circle(240, 400,200, org);//画橙底 //draw_circle(180, 480,30, HUI);//眼睛1 //draw_circle(180, 320,30, HUI); //眼睛2 draw_circle_b(170, 300,50, gray); draw_circle_b(170, 300,40, org);draw_circle_b(170, 500,50, gray); draw_circle_b(170, 500,40, org);//draw_circle(240, 300,25, BLAK); //draw_circle(240, 500,25, WHITE); draw_circle_c(250, 400,150, WHITE);// draw_circle(240, 400,50, color);  int x,y;for(y=0;y<480;y++){for(x=0;x<800;x++){if (x >=400 && x<402 && y >=250 && y<400 )draw_point(x,y,BLAK);if (x >=300 && x<302 && y >=250 && y<362 )draw_point(x,y,BLAK);if (x >=500 && x<502 && y >=250 && y<362 )draw_point(x,y,BLAK);}}close(lcd_fd);munmap(plcd,800*480*4);return 0;


#include <sys/mman.h>
#include<math.h> #define WHITE 0x00FFFFFF
#define BLAK 0x00000000
#define org 0x00CDAD00
#define HUI 0x00CD853F int *plcd = NULL;  void draw_point(int x, int y, int color)
{if (x >= 0 && x<800 && y >= 0 && y<480){*(plcd + y * 800 + x) = color;}
}void draw_circle(int x, int y,double r ,int color)//HUAYUAN
{if (x >= 0 && x<480 && y >= 0 && y<800){for (double i = 0; i < 480; i++){for (double j = 0; j < 800; j++){double all=(i-x)*(i-x)+(j-y)*(j-y);double fc=sqrt(all);if(r>fc){draw_point(j, i, color);//   printf("fc=%lf\n",fc);}}}}
}void draw_circle_b(int x, int y,double r ,int color)//BANYUAN
{if (x >= 0 && x<480 && y >= 0 && y<800){for (double i = 0; i < 480; i++){for (double j = 0; j < 800; j++){if(i>x){double all=(i-x)*(i-x)+(j-y)*(j-y);double fc=sqrt(all);if(r>fc){draw_point(j, i, color);//    printf("fc=%lf\n",fc);}                  }}}}
}void clear(int color)
{int x,y;for(y=0;y<480;y++){for(x=0;x<800;x++){draw_point(x,y,color);}}
}int main()
{int lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1){perror("open lcd fail");}plcd = mmap(NULL, 800 * 480 * 4, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,lcd_fd,0);if (plcd==NULL){perror("mmao  fail");}int color = 0x0000FFFF;clear(0x00666666);draw_circle(240, 400,200, org);//画橙底 draw_circle(180, 480,30, HUI);//眼睛1 draw_circle(180, 320,30, HUI); //眼睛2 draw_circle_b(270, 400,50, HUI); draw_circle_b(270, 400,40, org); //draw_circle(240, 300,25, BLAK); //draw_circle(240, 500,25, WHITE); //  draw_circle(240, 400,50, color);  close(lcd_fd);munmap(plcd,800*480*4);return 0;

四叶草 彩虹

#include <sys/mman.h>
#include<math.h> #define WHITE 0x00FFFFFF
#define BLAK 0x00000000
#define org 0x00CDAD00
#define HUI 0x00CD853F int *plcd = NULL;  void draw_point(int x, int y, int color)
{if (x >= 0 && x<800 && y >= 0 && y<480){*(plcd + y * 800 + x) = color;}
}void draw_circle(int x, int y,double r ,int color)//HUAYUAN
{if (x >= 0 && x<480 && y >= 0 && y<800){for (double i = 0; i < 480; i++){for (double j = 0; j < 800; j++){double all=(i-x)*(i-x)+(j-y)*(j-y);double fc=sqrt(all);if(r>fc){draw_point(j, i, color);//   printf("fc=%lf\n",fc);}}}}
}void draw_circle_b(int x, int y,double r ,int color)//BANYUAN
{if (x >= 0 && x<480 && y >= 0 && y<800){for (double i = 0; i < 480; i++){for (double j = 0; j < 800; j++){if(i>x){double all=(i-x)*(i-x)+(j-y)*(j-y);double fc=sqrt(all);if(r>fc){draw_point(j, i, color);//    printf("fc=%lf\n",fc);}                  }}}}
}void clear(int color)
{int x,y;for(y=0;y<480;y++){for(x=0;x<800;x++){draw_point(x,y,color);}}
}int main()
{int lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1){perror("open lcd fail");}plcd = mmap(NULL, 800 * 480 * 4, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED,lcd_fd,0);if (plcd==NULL){perror("mmao  fail");}int color = 0x0000FFFF;clear(0x00666666);while(1){int x,y; for(x=0;x<800;x++)for(y=0;y<480;y++)if(y<160)*(plcd + y * 800 + x) = 0x0000ff00;else if(y<320)*(plcd + y * 800 + x) = 0x000000ff;else*(plcd + y * 800 + x) = 0x00ff0000;draw_circle(240, 400,200, org);//画橙底 draw_circle_b(270, 400,50, HUI); draw_circle_b(270, 400,40, org); draw_circle(180, 480,30, HUI);//眼睛1 draw_circle(180, 320,30, HUI); //眼睛2 int i,j;int cir_color[480][800];for(i=0;i<480;i++){for(j=0;j<800;j++){if((i-480)*(i-480) + (j-400)*(j-400)<51*51)cir_color[i][j]=0x00FF0033;else if((i-480)*(i-480) + (j-400)*(j-400)<107*107)cir_color[i][j]=0x00FF6600;else if((i-480)*(i-480) + (j-400)*(j-400)<168*168)cir_color[i][j]=0x00FFFF00;else if((i-480)*(i-480) + (j-400)*(j-400)<234*234)cir_color[i][j]=0x0000FF00;else if((i-480)*(i-480) + (j-400)*(j-400)<307*307)cir_color[i][j]=0x0000FFFF;else if((i-480)*(i-480) + (j-400)*(j-400)<385*385)cir_color[i][j]=0x000000FF;elsecir_color[i][j]=0x00FF00CC;}            }lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if(-1 == lcd_fd){printf("open lcd error\n");}write(lcd_fd,cir_color,800*480*4);sleep(2);int si_color[480][800];for(i=0;i<480;i++){//遍历二维数组每一行的每一列for(j=0;j<800;j++){int a =  (i-150)*(i-150) + (j-300)*(j-300);int b = (i-330)*(i-330) + (j-300)*(j-300);int c = (i-150)*(i-150) + (j-500)*(j-500);int d = (i-330)*(i-330) + (j-500)*(j-500);int r2 = 150*150;if (a<r2 && b<r2)si_color[i][j]=0x00FF0033;else if(a<r2 && c<r2)si_color[i][j]=0x00FF6600;else if(b<r2 && d<r2)si_color[i][j]=0x00FFFF00;else if(c<r2 && d<r2)si_color[i][j]=0x0000FF00;elsesi_color[i][j]=0x00FF00CC;}            }
lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if(-1 == lcd_fd){printf("open lcd error\n");}write(lcd_fd,si_color,800*480*4);sleep(1);}close(lcd_fd);munmap(plcd,800*480*4);return 0;

切记 切记 Liunx 编译时 要加 -lm


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
int * p = NULL ;void draw_point(int x,int y,int color)
{if(x>=0 && x<800 && y>=0 && y<480 ){*(p+800*y+x) = color ;}
}void show_bmp (char * pathname ,int x ,int y)
{int fd = open(pathname,O_RDONLY);if(fd == -1){perror("open error\n");return ;}int fd1 = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if(fd1 == -1){perror("open error\n");return ;}printf("open success\n");p = mmap(NULL,800*480*4,PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED ,fd1,0);if(p == NULL ){perror("mmap error\n");return ;}int width,height;short depth;unsigned char buf[4] ;//读取宽度lseek(fd,0x12,SEEK_SET);read(fd,buf,4);width = buf[3]<<24 | buf[2]<< 16 | buf[1] << 8 | buf[0];//读取高度read(fd,buf,4);height  = buf[3]<<24 | buf[2]<< 16 | buf[1] << 8 | buf[0];//读取色深lseek(fd,0x1c,SEEK_SET);read(fd,buf,2);depth = buf[1] << 8  | buf[0];//打印信息printf("width = %d  height = %d  depth = %d \n",width,height,depth);int line_valid_bytes = abs(width) * depth / 8 ; int laizi=0;if( (line_valid_bytes % 4) !=0   ){laizi =  4 - line_valid_bytes%4;}int line_bytes = line_valid_bytes  +  laizi ;int total_bytes = line_bytes * abs(height) ; unsigned char * p1  = malloc(total_bytes);lseek(fd,54,SEEK_SET);read(fd,p1,total_bytes);unsigned char a ,r ,g, b ;int i = 0;int x0=0,y0=0; int color ;for(y0=0;y0<abs(height);y0++){for(x0=0;x0<abs(width);x0++){b = p1[i++];g = p1[i++];r = p1[i++];if(depth == 32){a=p1[i++];}if(depth == 24){a = 0;}color = a << 24 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b ;draw_point(width>0?x+x0:abs(width)+x-1-x0,height>0? y+height-1-y0 : y+y0,color);}i = i +laizi ;}free(p1);close(fd1);munmap(p,800*480*4);close(fd);}
int main()
{while(1){show_bmp("1.bmp",0 ,0);// 自己存储的图片sleep(2);show_bmp("2.bmp",0 ,0);sleep(2);show_bmp("3.bmp",0 ,0);sleep(2);show_bmp("4.bmp",0 ,0);sleep(2);show_bmp("5.bmp",0 ,0);sleep(2);
}return 0;


#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#define RGB_SIZE 800*480*3
#define LCD_SIZE 800*480
int *plcd=NULL;
int photo(char *a)
{// 1. 打开触摸屏文件int lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1){printf("Open lcd failed!!\n");return -1;}// 2. 打开bmp图片int bmp_fd = open(a, O_RDWR);// 3. 偏移bmp格式头, 54个字节off_t offset = lseek(bmp_fd, 54, SEEK_SET);if (offset == -1){printf("Offset failed!\n");return -1;}// 4. 读取bmp图片的RGB值,将读到的值存进bmp_rgb数组中char bmp_buf[RGB_SIZE] = {};size_t re_ret = read(bmp_fd, bmp_buf, RGB_SIZE);// 5. 24位数据-->32位数据:bmp图片rgb占3个字节,lcdargb占4个字节. char占1个字节大小,int占4个字节大小int lcd_buf[LCD_SIZE] = {};int i;for (i=0; i<LCD_SIZE; i++){lcd_buf[i] = bmp_buf[i*3+2]<<16 | bmp_buf[i*3+1]<<8 | bmp_buf[i*3+0]<<0;}// 6. 翻转180°int fli_buf[LCD_SIZE];int x, y;for(y = 0; y < 480; y++){for(x = 0; x < 800; x++){fli_buf[y*800+x] = lcd_buf[(479-y)*800+x];}}// 7. 写入LCDplcd=mmap(NULL,800*480*4,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,lcd_fd,0);if(plcd == NULL){perror("mmap fail");}for(int x=0;x<800;x++){for(int y=0;y<480;y++){*(plcd+x+y*800)=fli_buf[x+y*800];}sleep(0.1);}   // 8. 关闭文件close(lcd_fd);close(bmp_fd);  return 0;
int photo2(char *a)
{// 1. 打开触摸屏文件int lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1){printf("Open lcd failed!!\n");return -1;}// 2. 打开bmp图片int bmp_fd = open(a, O_RDWR);// 3. 偏移bmp格式头, 54个字节off_t offset = lseek(bmp_fd, 54, SEEK_SET);if (offset == -1){printf("Offset failed!\n");return -1;}// 4. 读取bmp图片的RGB值,将读到的值存进bmp_rgb数组中char bmp_buf[RGB_SIZE] = {};size_t re_ret = read(bmp_fd, bmp_buf, RGB_SIZE);// 5. 24位数据-->32位数据:bmp图片rgb占3个字节,lcdargb占4个字节. char占1个字节大小,int占4个字节大小int lcd_buf[LCD_SIZE] = {};int i;for (i=0; i<LCD_SIZE; i++){lcd_buf[i] = bmp_buf[i*3+2]<<16 | bmp_buf[i*3+1]<<8 | bmp_buf[i*3+0]<<0;}// 6. 翻转180°int fli_buf[LCD_SIZE];int x, y;for(y = 0; y < 480; y++){for(x = 0; x < 800; x++){fli_buf[y*800+x] = lcd_buf[(479-y)*800+x];}}// 7. 写入LCDplcd=mmap(NULL,800*480*4,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,lcd_fd,0);if(plcd == NULL){perror("mmap fail");}for(int y=0;y<480;y++){for(int x=0;x<800;x++){*(plcd+x+y*800)=fli_buf[x+y*800];}sleep(0.1);}// 8. 关闭文件close(lcd_fd);close(bmp_fd);return 0;
int photo3(char *a)
{// 1. 打开触摸屏文件int lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1){printf("Open lcd failed!!\n");return -1;}// 2. 打开bmp图片int bmp_fd = open(a, O_RDWR);// 3. 偏移bmp格式头, 54个字节off_t offset = lseek(bmp_fd, 54, SEEK_SET);if (offset == -1){printf("Offset failed!\n");return -1;}// 4. 读取bmp图片的RGB值,将读到的值存进bmp_rgb数组中char bmp_buf[RGB_SIZE] = {};size_t re_ret = read(bmp_fd, bmp_buf, RGB_SIZE);// 5. 24位数据-->32位数据:bmp图片rgb占3个字节,lcdargb占4个字节. char占1个字节大小,int占4个字节大小int lcd_buf[LCD_SIZE] = {};int i;for (i=0; i<LCD_SIZE; i++){lcd_buf[i] = bmp_buf[i*3+2]<<16 | bmp_buf[i*3+1]<<8 | bmp_buf[i*3+0]<<0;}// 6. 翻转180°int fli_buf[LCD_SIZE];int x, y;for(y = 0; y < 480; y++){for(x = 0; x < 800; x++){fli_buf[y*800+x] = lcd_buf[(479-y)*800+x];}}// 7. 写入LCDplcd=mmap(NULL,800*480*4,PROT_READ|PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED,lcd_fd,0);if(plcd == NULL){perror("mmap fail");}for(int x=0;x<400;x++){for(int y=0;y<240;y++){*(plcd+x+y*800)=fli_buf[x+y*800];}sleep(0.1);}for(int x=400;x<800;x++){for(int y=0;y<240;y++){*(plcd+x+y*800)=fli_buf[x+y*800];}sleep(0.1);}for(int x=0;x<400;x++){for(int y=240;y<480;y++){*(plcd+x+y*800)=fli_buf[x+y*800];}sleep(0.1);}for(int x=400;x<800;x++){for(int y=240;y<480;y++){*(plcd+x+y*800)=fli_buf[x+y*800];}sleep(0.1);}// 8. 关闭文件close(lcd_fd);close(bmp_fd);return 0;
void main()
{   while(1){photo3("./1.bmp");sleep(0.5);photo3("./2.bmp");sleep(0.5);photo("./3.bmp");sleep(0.5);}

    #include <linux/input.h>
    struct input_event
        struct timeval time;//记录事件发生的时间
        _u16 type;    //记录事件的类型
            type == EV_ABS  触摸屏事件
            type == EV_KEY    按键事件
        _u16 code;    //随着type的改变而改变
            type == EV_ABS
                code == ABS_X x轴
                code == ABS_y y轴
            type == EV_KEY
                code == BTN_TOUCH
        _s32 value;    //随着code的变化而变化
            code == ABS_X
                value = x x值
            code == ABS_Y
                value = y y值
            code == BTN_TOUCH
                value == 0    表示松开
                value == 1  表示按下

        打开设备 --- 读取内容 --- 解析 --- 关闭设备
        int touch_fd = open("/dev/input/event0",O_RDONLY);
        if(touch_fd == -1)
            perror("open touch fail");
            return -1;
        struct input_event ev;
        int x=-1,y=-1;
            if(ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_X)
                x = ev.value;
            if(ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_Y)
                y = ev.value;
            if(ev.type == EV_KEY && ev.code == BTN_TOUCH)
                if(ev.value == 0)
                else if(ev.value == 1)
        printf("x=%d y=%d\n",x,y);

#include <stdio.h>//printf
#include <linux/input.h>//struct input_event
#include <sys/types.h>//open
#include <sys/stat.h>//open
#include <fcntl.h>//open
#include <unistd.h>//read
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <math.h>
int * p = NULL ;void draw_point(int x,int y,int color)
{if(x>=0 && x<800 && y>=0 && y<480 ){*(p+800*y+x) = color ;}
}void show_bmp (char * pathname ,int x ,int y)
{int fd = open(pathname,O_RDONLY);if(fd == -1){perror("open error\n");return ;}int fd1 = open("/dev/fb0",O_RDWR);if(fd1 == -1){perror("open error\n");return ;}printf("open success\n");p = mmap(NULL,800*480*4,PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,MAP_SHARED ,fd1,0);if(p == NULL ){perror("mmap error\n");return ;}int width,height;short depth;unsigned char buf[4] ;//读取宽度lseek(fd,0x12,SEEK_SET);read(fd,buf,4);width = buf[3]<<24 | buf[2]<< 16 | buf[1] << 8 | buf[0];//读取高度read(fd,buf,4);height  = buf[3]<<24 | buf[2]<< 16 | buf[1] << 8 | buf[0];//读取色深lseek(fd,0x1c,SEEK_SET);read(fd,buf,2);depth = buf[1] << 8  | buf[0];//打印信息printf("width = %d  height = %d  depth = %d \n",width,height,depth);int line_valid_bytes = abs(width) * depth / 8 ; int laizi=0;if( (line_valid_bytes % 4) !=0   ){laizi =  4 - line_valid_bytes%4;}int line_bytes = line_valid_bytes  +  laizi ;int total_bytes = line_bytes * abs(height) ; unsigned char * p1  = malloc(total_bytes);lseek(fd,54,SEEK_SET);read(fd,p1,total_bytes);unsigned char a ,r ,g, b ;int i = 0;int x0=0,y0=0; int color ;for(y0=0;y0<abs(height);y0++){for(x0=0;x0<abs(width);x0++){b = p1[i++];g = p1[i++];r = p1[i++];if(depth == 32){a=p1[i++];}if(depth == 24){a = 0;}color = a << 24 | r << 16 | g << 8 | b ;draw_point(width>0?x+x0:abs(width)+x-1-x0,height>0? y+height-1-y0 : y+y0,color);        }i = i +laizi ;}free(p1);close(fd1);munmap(p,800*480*4);close(fd);}int main()
int touch_fd = open("/dev/input/event0",O_RDONLY);if(touch_fd == -1){perror("open touch fail");return -1;}struct input_event ev;int x=-1,y=-1;while(1)
{while(1){read(touch_fd,&ev,sizeof(ev));if(ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_X){x = ev.value;}if(ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_Y){y = ev.value;}if(ev.type == EV_KEY && ev.code == BTN_TOUCH){if(ev.value == 0){printf("Release\n");break;}else if(ev.value == 1){printf("Press\n");}}}printf("x=%d y=%d\n",x,y);if (x>0&& y<400){show_bmp("1.bmp", 0, 0);}if (x>400 && y<800){show_bmp("2.bmp", 0, 0);}}close(touch_fd);return 0;



参考思路 :



#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>int lcd_fd, ts_fd;
int *lcd_ptr;
int game_over;
int get_finger_direction();struct bmp_header {      //14unsigned char type[2];unsigned long size;unsigned short reserverd1;unsigned short reserverd2;unsigned long offbit;
}__attribute__((packed));       //字节对齐struct bmp_info { //40unsigned int size;unsigned int width;unsigned int height;unsigned short planes;unsigned short bitcount;unsigned int bitcompression;unsigned int sizeimg;unsigned int xpelspermeter;unsigned int ypelspermeter;unsigned int biclrused;unsigned int important;
}__attribute__((packed));       //字节对齐//数组初始化,将所有的图片保存在一个数组中
const char *bmp_files[] = {"/pic/bmp/digit_2.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_4.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_8.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_16.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_32.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_64.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_128.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_256.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_512.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_1024.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_2048.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_4096.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_8192.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_16384.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_32768.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_65536.bmp"
int array[4][4] = {0};//根据要显示的数字来返回对应的文件名的下标
int get_bmp_files_index(int x)
{if (x == 2) {return 0;}else if (x == 4) {return 1;}else if (x == 8) {return 2;}else if (x == 16) {return 3;}else if (x == 32) {return 4;}else if (x == 64) {return 5;}else if (x == 128) {return 6;}else if (x == 256) {return 7;}else if (x == 512) {return 8;}else if (x == 1024) {return 9;}else if (x == 2048) {return 10;}else if (x == 4096) {return 11;}else if (x == 8192) {return 12;}else if (x == 16384) {return 13;}else if (x == 32768) {return 14;}else if (x == 65536) {return 15;}return -1;
int rectangle_get_zero_num()
{int i, j, count = 0;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {if (array[i][j] == 0) {count++;}}}return count;
}int rectangle_set_value(int z, int value)
{int i, j, count = 0;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {if (array[i][j] == 0) {count++;if (count == z) {array[i][j] = value;return 0;}}}}
int get_xy_v2()
{struct input_event ts;int x1 = -1, y1 = -1;int x2, y2;int x_read = 0, y_read =1;// x1, y1, x2,y2//2, read coordwhile (1) {read(ts_fd, &ts, sizeof(ts));if (ts.type == EV_ABS && ts.code == ABS_X && x_read == 0)   {if (x1 == -1) {x1 = ts.value;}x2 = ts.value;x_read = 1;y_read = 0;}if (ts.type == EV_ABS && ts.code == ABS_Y && y_read == 0) {if (y1 == -1) {y1 = ts.value;}y2 = ts.value;x_read = 0;y_read = 1;}if (x_read && y_read) {break;}if (ts.type == EV_KEY && ts.code == BTN_TOUCH && ts.value == KEY_RESERVED) {int num1 = x2-x1;int num2 = y2-y1;if (num1 > 0) {return 1;}else if (num1 < 0) {return 2;}if (num2 < 0) {return 3;}else if (num2 > 0) {return 4;}break;}}
void fin_left()
{int i, j;//i为矩阵行下标,j为矩阵列下标int value, save_zero;for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){value = 0;save_zero= 0;for(j = 0; j < 4 ; j++){if (array[i][j] == 0)continue;if (value == 0)value = array[i][j];else{if (value == array[i][j]){array[i][save_zero++] = value * 2;value = 0;} else {array[i][save_zero++] = value;value = array[i][j];}}array[i][j] = 0;}if (value != 0)array[i][save_zero] = value;}}//draw_matrix();
void fin_right()
{int i, j;//i为矩阵行下标,j为矩阵列下标int value;int save_zero;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){value = 0;save_zero = 4 -1;for (j = 4 - 1; j >= 0 ; j--){if(array[i][j] == 0){continue;}if(value == 0){value = array[i][j];}else{if(value == array[i][j]){array[i][save_zero--] = 2 * value;value = 0;}else{array[i][save_zero--] = value;value = array[i][j];}}array[i][j] = 0;}if(value != 0){array[i][save_zero] = value;}}
void fin_up()
{int i, j;//i为矩阵行下标,j为矩阵列下标int value;int save_zero;for(j = 0; j < 4; j++){value = 0;save_zero= 0;for(i = 0; i < 4 ; i++){if(array[i][j] == 0){continue;}if(value == 0){value = array[i][j];}else{if(value == array[i][j]){array[save_zero++][j] =2 * value;value = 0;}else{array[save_zero++][j] = value;value = array[i][j];}}array[i][j] = 0;}if(value != 0){array[save_zero][j] = value;}}}//draw_matrix();
void fin_down()
{int i, j;//i为矩阵行下标,j为矩阵列下标int value;int save_zero;for(j = 0; j < 4; j++){value = 0;save_zero = 4 - 1;for(i = 4 - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){if(array[i][j] == 0){continue;}if(value == 0){value = array[i][j];}else{if(value == array[i][j]){array[save_zero--][j] = 2 * value;value = 0;}else{array[save_zero--][j] = value;value = array[i][j];}}array[i][j] = 0;}if(value != 0){array[save_zero][j] = value;}}}/*change_matrix:根据手指滑动(direction),变换棋盘矩阵
int change_matrix()
{int direction = get_finger_direction();if (direction == 1){fin_left();}else if (direction == 2){fin_right();}else if (direction == 3){fin_up();}else{fin_down();}
}/*lcd_draw_point:在屏幕坐为(x, y)这个点,填充color这个颜色值。@x: x轴坐标@y:y轴坐标@color:要填充的辨色值返回值:无返回值。*/
void lcd_draw_point(int x, int y, int color)
{int *p = lcd_ptr;if (x >= 0 && x < 800 && y>=0 && y < 480){*(p +800*y + x) = color;}
}/*lcd_draw_dect: 在屏幕上画一个矩形,并且用color这种颜色填充该矩形。@x0: 该矩形的左上角的那个点x轴坐标@y0:该矩形的左上角的那个点y轴坐标@w:该矩形的宽@h:该矩形的高@color:该矩形要填充的辨色值返回值:无返回值。*/
void lcd_draw_dect(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, int color)
{if (x0 < 0 || y0 < 0 || w < 0 || h <0)return;if ((x0 + w >800) || (y0+h) > 480){return;}int x, y;for (y = y0; y < y0 + h; y++){for (x = x0; x < x0 + w; x++){lcd_draw_point(x, y  ,  color);}}}/*draw_bmp_byname:把一张bmp图片显示在屏幕上特定的位置@bmpfile:要显示的bmp图片的文件名@x0: 在屏幕上显示的左上角顶点的x轴坐标@y0: 在屏幕上显示的左上角顶点的y轴坐标@w: 位图宽度@h: 位图高度返回值:无返回值.
void draw_bmp_byname(const char *bmpfile, int x0, int y0, int w, int h)
{int fd;int x, y;fd = open(bmpfile, O_RDONLY);if (fd == -1){perror("open bmpfile error:");return ;}char bmpdata[w*h*3];    lseek(fd, 54, SEEK_SET);read(fd, bmpdata, w*h*3);close(fd);int i = 0;for (y = 0; y < h; y++){unsigned char r,g ,b;int color;for (x = 0; x < w; x++){b = bmpdata[i++];g = bmpdata[i++];r = bmpdata[i++];color = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;lcd_draw_point(x0+ x, y0 + (h -1 - y) ,color);}}}/*draw_matrix:把棋盘矩阵在屏幕上显示出来
void draw_matrix()
{int i, j;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){for (j = 0; j < 4;j++){int x0, y0;x0 = 185;//棋盘矩阵左上角那个点的x轴坐标y0 = 25;//棋盘矩阵左上角那个点的y轴坐标if (array[i][j] == 0){lcd_draw_dect(x0+j*110,  y0+i*110,  100, 100, 0xff8080);//如果此处元素的值为0,那么//就显示}else{int f_index = get_bmp_files_index(array[i][j]);draw_bmp_byname(bmp_files[f_index],x0+j*110,  y0+i*110,100,100);}}}
*/void init_matrix()
{//规则x >= 1,x <= 3int x = (random() % 3) + 1;int i;/*step1:随机产生x个数字,并填充到棋盘矩阵中去*/for(i = 0; i < x; i++){int pos = (random() % rectangle_get_zero_num()) + 1;int s[] = {2, 4, 8, 2};int s_i = (random() % 3);rectangle_set_value(pos, s[s_i]);}/*step 2: 绘制棋盘矩阵*/draw_matrix();}/*rand1_matrix:移动之后随机产生一个数字填充到任意一个0的位置上
void rand_matrix()
{int pos = (random() % rectangle_get_zero_num()) + 1;int s[] = {2, 4, 8, 2};int s_i = (random() % 4);rectangle_set_value(pos, s[s_i]);draw_matrix();}/*get_finger_direction:获取手指在触摸屏上面的滑动方向返回值:MOVE_LEFT:手指向左移动MOVE_RIGHT:手指向右移动MOVE_UP:手指向上移动MOVE_DOWN:手指向下移动
int get_finger_direction()
{int ret;int fd = open("/dev/input/event0", O_RDWR);if (fd == -1){perror("open event failed:");return -1;}struct input_event ev;int  x1 = -1; //在滑动过程中第一个点的x轴坐标int x2; //在滑动过程中最后一个点的x轴坐标int y1 = -1;//在滑动过程中第一个点的y轴坐标int y2;//在滑动过程中最后一个点的y轴坐标while (1){ret = read(fd, &ev, sizeof(ev));if(ret != sizeof(ev)){continue;}if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_X)//是x轴坐标{if (x1 == -1)//x1重来没有赋过值,那么肯定是第一个点{x1 = ev.value;}x2 = ev.value;}if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_Y)//是y轴坐标{if ( y1 == -1)//y1重来没有赋过值,那么肯定是第一个点{y1 = ev.value;}y2 = ev.value;}// if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_PRESSURE//手指弹起,再计算滑动方向//     && ev.value == 0)//触摸屏压力值为0, press upif (ev.type == EV_KEY && ev.code == BTN_TOUCH){if(ev.value==0){int x_cz;//x轴的位移int y_cz;//y轴的位移int abs_x;int abs_y;x_cz = x2 - x1;y_cz = y2 - y1;abs_x = abs(x_cz);abs_y = abs(y_cz);if((x_cz > 30) && (abs_x > 2 * abs_y)){close(fd);return 2;}else if((x_cz < -30) && (abs_x > 2 * abs_y)){close(fd);return 1;}else if((y_cz > 30) && (abs_y > 2 * abs_x)){close(fd);return 4;}else if((y_cz < -30) && (abs_y > 2 * abs_x)){close(fd);return 3;} else    {x1 = y1 = -1;continue;}break;}}}close(fd);}/*move_judge:判断是否还能移动return value:1 game over0 continue
int move_judge()
{int i, j;if(rectangle_get_zero_num() != 0){return 0;}for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){for(j = 0; j < 4 ; j++){if (j != 4 -1){if (array[i][j] == array[i][j+1]){return 0;}}if (i != 4 - 1){if (array[i][j] == array[i+1][j]){return 0;}}}}return 1;}int main()
{/*step 1: 打开屏幕*/lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1){perror("open fb0 failed:");return -1;}/*step 2: mmap*/lcd_ptr = mmap(NULL, //第一个参数,为映射后的内存地址,//为NULL,表示让操作系统自行分配800*480*4, //第二个参数,为映射的长度。PROT_WRITE, //第三个参数,为映射内存区域的权限MAP_SHARED, //第四个参数,为映射标志,sharedlcd_fd, //第五个参数,为文件描述符,表示您要//映射哪个文件0 //第六个参数为偏移量,表示您要从文件的//哪个位置开始映射);lcd_draw_dect(0, 0, 800, 480, 0x0080ff);//清屏srandom( time(NULL) ); //设置随机数种子,种子一样,产生的//随机数是一样的init_matrix();while (game_over == 0) //游戏没结束{//用来保存原来的矩阵值int matrix_v1[4][4];int i, j, flag = 0;for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i){for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j){matrix_v1[i][j] = array[i][j];}}/*step 1: 变换矩阵*/change_matrix();for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i){for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j){if (matrix_v1[i][j] != array[i][j]){flag = 1;i = j = 4;}}}if (flag){rand_matrix();draw_matrix();} else {draw_matrix();}game_over = move_judge();}printf("Game Over~~");munmap(lcd_ptr, 800*480*4);close(lcd_fd);


#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <linux/input.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <errno.h>
#include <time.h>
#include<string.h>int lcd_fd, ts_fd;
int *lcd_ptr;
int game_over;
int get_finger_direction();struct bmp_header {      //14unsigned char type[2];unsigned long size;unsigned short reserverd1;unsigned short reserverd2;unsigned long offbit;
}__attribute__((packed));       //字节对齐struct bmp_info { //40unsigned int size;unsigned int width;unsigned int height;unsigned short planes;unsigned short bitcount;unsigned int bitcompression;unsigned int sizeimg;unsigned int xpelspermeter;unsigned int ypelspermeter;unsigned int biclrused;unsigned int important;
}__attribute__((packed));       //字节对齐int dev_init()
{//1,lcd device initlcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1) {printf("open lcd device failed!\n");return -1;}//建立映射(走到镜子)lcd_ptr = mmap(NULL,      //内存映射的地址,默认填NULL,由系统来分配800*480*4,//内存映射区的大小PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,//操作标志MAP_SHARED,//共享标志lcd_fd, //将要进行映射的文件的别名0     //偏移量);if (lcd_ptr == MAP_FAILED) {printf("mmap failed!\n");return -2;}ts_fd = open("/dev/input/event0", O_RDONLY);if (ts_fd == -1) {printf("open lcd device failed!\n");return -3;}return 0;
}void dev_uninit()
{munmap(lcd_ptr, 800*480*4);close(lcd_fd);close(ts_fd);
}int show_bmp(int x, int y, const char* pathname)
{//bmp fileint bmp_fd = open(pathname, O_RDWR);if (bmp_fd == -1) {printf("open bmp file failed!\n");return -1;}struct bmp_header b_header;struct bmp_info b_info;read(bmp_fd, &b_header, 14);read(bmp_fd, &b_info, 40);int w, h;w = b_info.width;h = b_info.height;//b)  读取图片颜色数据char rgb_buf[w*h*3];int tmp_buf[w*h];int lcd_buf[800*480];read(bmp_fd, rgb_buf, w*h*3);// 24 --- > 32int i, j;int color;for (i = 0; i < w*h; i++) {/*color = rgb_buf[0];      //bcolor = (rgb_buf[1] << 8);    //gcolor = (rgb_buf[2] << 16);   //rlcd_buf[0] = color;color = rgb_buf[3];     //bcolor = (rgb_buf[4] << 8);    //gcolor = (rgb_buf[5] << 16);   //rlcd_buf[1] = color;*/color = rgb_buf[3*i];     //bcolor |= (rgb_buf[3*i+1] << 8);  //gcolor |= (rgb_buf[3*i+2] << 16); //rtmp_buf[i] = color;}// up downfor (i = 0; i < h; i++) {for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {lcd_ptr[(i+y)*800+(j+x)] = tmp_buf[(h-1-i)*w+j];}}//c) 将图片颜色数据写入到lcd屏幕//write(lcd_fd, lcd_buf, 800*480*4);close(bmp_fd);return 0;
}int get_xy(int *x, int *y)
{struct input_event ts;int x_read = 0, y_read =1;// x1, y1, x2,y2//2, read coordwhile (1) {read(ts_fd, &ts, sizeof(ts));if (ts.type == EV_ABS && ts.code == ABS_X && x_read == 0)   {*x = ts.value;x_read = 1;y_read = 0;}if (ts.type == EV_ABS && ts.code == ABS_Y && y_read == 0) {*y = ts.value;x_read = 0;y_read = 1;}if (ts.type == EV_KEY && ts.code == BTN_TOUCH && ts.value == KEY_RESERVED) {printf("手指已经离开\n");break;}}return 0;
}int log_on()
{int xing_x[6] = {175,255,325,395,475,545};char number[7] = {0};char vc[7] = {0};//获取随机数种子srandom(time(NULL));show_bmp(0, 0, "/pic/bmp/vc_login.bmp");int i;bzero(number, 6);for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {number[i] = (random()%10)+48;printf("%d ", number[i]);}printf("\n");number[7] = '\0';printf("number : %s\n", number);int x, y;int j = 0;while (1) {get_xy(&x, &y);if (y > 160 && y <= 275 && j < 6) {//1 2 3if (x > 170 && x < 385) {vc[j] = '1';// /pic/bmp/show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("111\n");}else if (x > 390 && x < 605) {vc[j] = '2';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("222\n");}else if (x > 610 && x < 800) {vc[j] = '3';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("333\n");}}else if (y > 280 && y <= 395 && j < 6) {//4 5 6if (x > 170 && x < 385) {vc[j] = '4';// /pic/bmp/show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("444\n");}else if (x > 390 && x < 605) {vc[j] = '5';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("555\n");}else if (x > 610 && x < 800) {vc[j] = '6';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("666\n");}}else if (y > 400 && y <= 465 && j < 6) {//7 8 9if (x > 170 && x < 385) {vc[j] = '7';// /pic/bmp/show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("777\n");}else if (x > 390 && x < 605) {vc[j] = '8';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("888\n");}else if (x > 610 && x < 800) {vc[j] = '9';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("999\n");}}else if (y > 470 && y <= 615) {if (x > 170 && x < 385 && j > 0) {j--;vc[j] = '0';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/white.bmp");printf("delete!\n");}else if (x > 390 && x < 605 && j < 6) {vc[j] = '0';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("000\n");}else if (x > 610 && x < 800) {vc[7] = '\0';printf("%s\n", vc);if (strncmp(number, vc, 6) == 0) {show_bmp(200, 120, "/pic/bmp/correct.bmp");sleep(1);break;}else {show_bmp(200, 120, "/pic/bmp/error.bmp");sleep(1);j = 0;bzero(vc, 6);/* for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {show_bmp(xing_x[i], 62, "/pic/bmp/white.bmp");} */show_bmp(0, 0, "/pic/bmp/vc_login.bmp");continue;}}}}}int show_pic(void)
{//1, device initint rt = dev_init();if (rt != 0) {printf("rt : %d\n", rt);return -1;}//2, oper//gifint i;char buf[1024] = {0};    //bzerofor (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {sprintf(buf, "/pic/gif/%d.bmp", i);show_bmp(0, 0, buf);usleep(100000);}//log onlog_on();//main//3, rmmod to devicedev_uninit();return 0;
const char *bmp_files[] = {"/pic/bmp/digit_2.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_4.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_8.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_16.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_32.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_64.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_128.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_256.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_512.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_1024.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_2048.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_4096.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_8192.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_16384.bmp","/pic/bmp/digit_32768.bmp", "/pic/bmp/digit_65536.bmp"
int array[4][4] = {0};//根据要显示的数字来返回对应的文件名的下标
int get_bmp_files_index(int x)
{if (x == 2) {return 0;}else if (x == 4) {return 1;}else if (x == 8) {return 2;}else if (x == 16) {return 3;}else if (x == 32) {return 4;}else if (x == 64) {return 5;}else if (x == 128) {return 6;}else if (x == 256) {return 7;}else if (x == 512) {return 8;}else if (x == 1024) {return 9;}else if (x == 2048) {return 10;}else if (x == 4096) {return 11;}else if (x == 8192) {return 12;}else if (x == 16384) {return 13;}else if (x == 32768) {return 14;}else if (x == 65536) {return 15;}return -1;
int rectangle_get_zero_num()
{int i, j, count = 0;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {if (array[i][j] == 0) {count++;}}}return count;
}int rectangle_set_value(int z, int value)
{int i, j, count = 0;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++) {for (j = 0; j < 4; j++) {if (array[i][j] == 0) {count++;if (count == z) {array[i][j] = value;return 0;}}}}
int get_xy_v2()
{struct input_event ts;int x1 = -1, y1 = -1;int x2, y2;int x_read = 0, y_read =1;// x1, y1, x2,y2//2, read coordwhile (1) {read(ts_fd, &ts, sizeof(ts));if (ts.type == EV_ABS && ts.code == ABS_X && x_read == 0)   {if (x1 == -1) {x1 = ts.value;}x2 = ts.value;x_read = 1;y_read = 0;}if (ts.type == EV_ABS && ts.code == ABS_Y && y_read == 0) {if (y1 == -1) {y1 = ts.value;}y2 = ts.value;x_read = 0;y_read = 1;}if (x_read && y_read) {break;}if (ts.type == EV_KEY && ts.code == BTN_TOUCH && ts.value == KEY_RESERVED) {int num1 = x2-x1;int num2 = y2-y1;if (num1 > 0) {return 1;}else if (num1 < 0) {return 2;}if (num2 < 0) {return 3;}else if (num2 > 0) {return 4;}break;}}
void fin_left()
{int i, j;//i为矩阵行下标,j为矩阵列下标int value, save_zero;for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){value = 0;save_zero= 0;for(j = 0; j < 4 ; j++){if (array[i][j] == 0)continue;if (value == 0)value = array[i][j];else{if (value == array[i][j]){array[i][save_zero++] = value * 2;value = 0;} else {array[i][save_zero++] = value;value = array[i][j];}}array[i][j] = 0;}if (value != 0)array[i][save_zero] = value;}}//draw_matrix();
void fin_right()
{int i, j;//i为矩阵行下标,j为矩阵列下标int value;int save_zero;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){value = 0;save_zero = 4 -1;for (j = 4 - 1; j >= 0 ; j--){if(array[i][j] == 0){continue;}if(value == 0){value = array[i][j];}else{if(value == array[i][j]){array[i][save_zero--] = 2 * value;value = 0;}else{array[i][save_zero--] = value;value = array[i][j];}}array[i][j] = 0;}if(value != 0){array[i][save_zero] = value;}}
void fin_up()
{int i, j;//i为矩阵行下标,j为矩阵列下标int value;int save_zero;for(j = 0; j < 4; j++){value = 0;save_zero= 0;for(i = 0; i < 4 ; i++){if(array[i][j] == 0){continue;}if(value == 0){value = array[i][j];}else{if(value == array[i][j]){array[save_zero++][j] =2 * value;value = 0;}else{array[save_zero++][j] = value;value = array[i][j];}}array[i][j] = 0;}if(value != 0){array[save_zero][j] = value;}}}//draw_matrix();
void fin_down()
{int i, j;//i为矩阵行下标,j为矩阵列下标int value;int save_zero;for(j = 0; j < 4; j++){value = 0;save_zero = 4 - 1;for(i = 4 - 1; i >= 0 ; i--){if(array[i][j] == 0){continue;}if(value == 0){value = array[i][j];}else{if(value == array[i][j]){array[save_zero--][j] = 2 * value;value = 0;}else{array[save_zero--][j] = value;value = array[i][j];}}array[i][j] = 0;}if(value != 0){array[save_zero][j] = value;}}}/*change_matrix:根据手指滑动(direction),变换棋盘矩阵
int change_matrix()
{int direction = get_finger_direction();if (direction == 1){fin_left();}else if (direction == 2){fin_right();}else if (direction == 3){fin_up();}else{fin_down();}
}/*lcd_draw_point:在屏幕坐为(x, y)这个点,填充color这个颜色值。@x: x轴坐标@y:y轴坐标@color:要填充的辨色值返回值:无返回值。*/
void lcd_draw_point(int x, int y, int color)
{int *p = lcd_ptr;if (x >= 0 && x < 800 && y>=0 && y < 480){*(p +800*y + x) = color;}
}/*lcd_draw_dect: 在屏幕上画一个矩形,并且用color这种颜色填充该矩形。@x0: 该矩形的左上角的那个点x轴坐标@y0:该矩形的左上角的那个点y轴坐标@w:该矩形的宽@h:该矩形的高@color:该矩形要填充的辨色值返回值:无返回值。*/
void lcd_draw_dect(int x0, int y0, int w, int h, int color)
{if (x0 < 0 || y0 < 0 || w < 0 || h <0)return;if ((x0 + w >800) || (y0+h) > 480){return;}int x, y;for (y = y0; y < y0 + h; y++){for (x = x0; x < x0 + w; x++){lcd_draw_point(x, y  ,  color);}}}/*draw_bmp_byname:把一张bmp图片显示在屏幕上特定的位置@bmpfile:要显示的bmp图片的文件名@x0: 在屏幕上显示的左上角顶点的x轴坐标@y0: 在屏幕上显示的左上角顶点的y轴坐标@w: 位图宽度@h: 位图高度返回值:无返回值.
void draw_bmp_byname(const char *bmpfile, int x0, int y0, int w, int h)
{int fd;int x, y;fd = open(bmpfile, O_RDONLY);if (fd == -1){perror("open bmpfile error:");return ;}char bmpdata[w*h*3];    lseek(fd, 54, SEEK_SET);read(fd, bmpdata, w*h*3);close(fd);int i = 0;for (y = 0; y < h; y++){unsigned char r,g ,b;int color;for (x = 0; x < w; x++){b = bmpdata[i++];g = bmpdata[i++];r = bmpdata[i++];color = (r << 16) | (g << 8) | b;lcd_draw_point(x0+ x, y0 + (h -1 - y) ,color);}}}/*draw_matrix:把棋盘矩阵在屏幕上显示出来
void draw_matrix()
{int i, j;for (i = 0; i < 4; i++){for (j = 0; j < 4;j++){int x0, y0;x0 = 185;//棋盘矩阵左上角那个点的x轴坐标y0 = 25;//棋盘矩阵左上角那个点的y轴坐标if (array[i][j] == 0){lcd_draw_dect(x0+j*110,  y0+i*110,  100, 100, 0xff8080);//如果此处元素的值为0,那么//就显示}else{int f_index = get_bmp_files_index(array[i][j]);draw_bmp_byname(bmp_files[f_index],x0+j*110,  y0+i*110,100,100);}}}
*/void init_matrix()
{//规则x >= 1,x <= 3int x = (random() % 3) + 1;int i;/*step1:随机产生x个数字,并填充到棋盘矩阵中去*/for(i = 0; i < x; i++){int pos = (random() % rectangle_get_zero_num()) + 1;int s[] = {2, 4, 8, 2};int s_i = (random() % 3);rectangle_set_value(pos, s[s_i]);}/*step 2: 绘制棋盘矩阵*/draw_matrix();}/*rand1_matrix:移动之后随机产生一个数字填充到任意一个0的位置上
void rand_matrix()
{int pos = (random() % rectangle_get_zero_num()) + 1;int s[] = {2, 4};int s_i = (random() % 4);rectangle_set_value(pos, s[s_i]);draw_matrix();}/*get_finger_direction:获取手指在触摸屏上面的滑动方向返回值:MOVE_LEFT:手指向左移动MOVE_RIGHT:手指向右移动MOVE_UP:手指向上移动MOVE_DOWN:手指向下移动
int get_finger_direction()
{int ret;int fd = open("/dev/input/event0", O_RDWR);if (fd == -1){perror("open event failed:");return -1;}struct input_event ev;int  x1 = -1; //在滑动过程中第一个点的x轴坐标int x2; //在滑动过程中最后一个点的x轴坐标int y1 = -1;//在滑动过程中第一个点的y轴坐标int y2;//在滑动过程中最后一个点的y轴坐标while (1){ret = read(fd, &ev, sizeof(ev));if(ret != sizeof(ev)){continue;}if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_X)//是x轴坐标{if (x1 == -1)//x1重来没有赋过值,那么肯定是第一个点{x1 = ev.value;}x2 = ev.value;}if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_Y)//是y轴坐标{if ( y1 == -1)//y1重来没有赋过值,那么肯定是第一个点{y1 = ev.value;}y2 = ev.value;}// if (ev.type == EV_ABS && ev.code == ABS_PRESSURE//手指弹起,再计算滑动方向//     && ev.value == 0)//触摸屏压力值为0, press upif (ev.type == EV_KEY && ev.code == BTN_TOUCH){if(ev.value==0){int x_cz;//x轴的位移int y_cz;//y轴的位移int abs_x;int abs_y;x_cz = x2 - x1;y_cz = y2 - y1;abs_x = abs(x_cz);abs_y = abs(y_cz);if((x_cz > 30) && (abs_x > 2 * abs_y)){close(fd);return 2;}else if((x_cz < -30) && (abs_x > 2 * abs_y)){close(fd);return 1;}else if((y_cz > 30) && (abs_y > 2 * abs_x)){close(fd);return 4;}else if((y_cz < -30) && (abs_y > 2 * abs_x)){close(fd);return 3;} else    {x1 = y1 = -1;continue;}break;}}}close(fd);}/*move_judge:判断是否还能移动return value:1 game over0 continue
int move_judge()
{int i, j;if(rectangle_get_zero_num() != 0){return 0;}for(i = 0; i < 4; i++){for(j = 0; j < 4 ; j++){if (j != 4 -1){if (array[i][j] == array[i][j+1]){return 0;}}if (i != 4 - 1){if (array[i][j] == array[i+1][j]){return 0;}}}}return 1;}int games_2048()
{/*step 1: 打开屏幕*/lcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1){perror("open fb0 failed:");return -1;}/*step 2: mmap*/lcd_ptr = mmap(NULL, //第一个参数,为映射后的内存地址,//为NULL,表示让操作系统自行分配800*480*4, //第二个参数,为映射的长度。PROT_WRITE, //第三个参数,为映射内存区域的权限MAP_SHARED, //第四个参数,为映射标志,sharedlcd_fd, //第五个参数,为文件描述符,表示您要//映射哪个文件0 //第六个参数为偏移量,表示您要从文件的//哪个位置开始映射);lcd_draw_dect(0, 0, 800, 480, 0x0080ff);//清屏srandom( time(NULL) ); //设置随机数种子,种子一样,产生的//随机数是一样的init_matrix();while (game_over == 0) //游戏没结束{//用来保存原来的矩阵值int matrix_v1[4][4];int i, j, flag = 0;for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i){for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j){matrix_v1[i][j] = array[i][j];}}/*step 1: 变换矩阵*/change_matrix();for (i = 0; i < 4; ++i){for (j = 0; j < 4; ++j){if (matrix_v1[i][j] != array[i][j]){flag = 1;i = j = 4;}}}if (flag){rand_matrix();draw_matrix();} else {draw_matrix();}game_over = move_judge();}printf("Game Over~~");munmap(lcd_ptr, 800*480*4);close(lcd_fd);
#if 0
int dev_init()
{//1,lcd device initlcd_fd = open("/dev/fb0", O_RDWR);if (lcd_fd == -1) {printf("open lcd device failed!\n");return -1;}//建立映射(走到镜子)lcd_ptr = mmap(NULL,      //内存映射的地址,默认填NULL,由系统来分配800*480*4,//内存映射区的大小PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE,//操作标志MAP_SHARED,//共享标志lcd_fd, //将要进行映射的文件的别名0     //偏移量);if (lcd_ptr == MAP_FAILED) {printf("mmap failed!\n");return -2;}ts_fd = open("/dev/input/event0", O_RDONLY);if (ts_fd == -1) {printf("open lcd device failed!\n");return -3;}return 0;
}void dev_uninit()
{munmap(lcd_ptr, 800*480*4);close(lcd_fd);close(ts_fd);
}int show_bmp(int x, int y, const char* pathname)
{//bmp fileint bmp_fd = open(pathname, O_RDWR);if (bmp_fd == -1) {printf("open bmp file failed!\n");return -1;}struct bmp_header b_header;struct bmp_info b_info;read(bmp_fd, &b_header, 14);read(bmp_fd, &b_info, 40);int w, h;w = b_info.width;h = b_info.height;//b)  读取图片颜色数据char rgb_buf[w*h*3];int tmp_buf[w*h];int lcd_buf[800*480];read(bmp_fd, rgb_buf, w*h*3);// 24 --- > 32int i, j;int color;for (i = 0; i < w*h; i++) {/*color = rgb_buf[0];      //bcolor = (rgb_buf[1] << 8);    //gcolor = (rgb_buf[2] << 16);   //rlcd_buf[0] = color;color = rgb_buf[3];     //bcolor = (rgb_buf[4] << 8);    //gcolor = (rgb_buf[5] << 16);   //rlcd_buf[1] = color;*/color = rgb_buf[3*i];     //bcolor |= (rgb_buf[3*i+1] << 8);  //gcolor |= (rgb_buf[3*i+2] << 16); //rtmp_buf[i] = color;}// up downfor (i = 0; i < h; i++) {for (j = 0; j < w; j++) {lcd_ptr[(i+y)*800+(j+x)] = tmp_buf[(h-1-i)*w+j];}}//c) 将图片颜色数据写入到lcd屏幕//write(lcd_fd, lcd_buf, 800*480*4);close(bmp_fd);return 0;
}int get_xy(int *x, int *y)
{struct input_event ts;int x_read = 0, y_read =1;// x1, y1, x2,y2//2, read coordwhile (1) {read(ts_fd, &ts, sizeof(ts));if (ts.type == EV_ABS && ts.code == ABS_X && x_read == 0)   {*x = ts.value;x_read = 1;y_read = 0;}if (ts.type == EV_ABS && ts.code == ABS_Y && y_read == 0) {*y = ts.value;x_read = 0;y_read = 1;}if (ts.type == EV_KEY && ts.code == BTN_TOUCH && ts.value == KEY_RESERVED) {printf("手指已经离开\n");break;}}return 0;
}int log_on()
{int xing_x[6] = {175,255,325,395,475,545};char number[7] = {0};char vc[7] = {0};//获取随机数种子srandom(time(NULL));show_bmp(0, 0, "/pic/bmp/vc_login.bmp");int i;bzero(number, 6);for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {number[i] = (random()%10)+48;printf("%d ", number[i]);}printf("\n");number[7] = '\0';printf("number : %s\n", number);int x, y;int j = 0;while (1) {get_xy(&x, &y);if (y > 140 && y <= 215 && j < 6) {//1 2 3if (x > 170 && x < 315) {vc[j] = '1';// /pic/bmp/show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("111\n");}else if (x > 320 && x < 465) {vc[j] = '2';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("222\n");}else if (x > 470 && x < 615) {vc[j] = '3';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("333\n");}}else if (y > 220 && y <= 295 && j < 6) {//4 5 6if (x > 170 && x < 315) {vc[j] = '4';// /pic/bmp/show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("444\n");}else if (x > 320 && x < 465) {vc[j] = '5';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("555\n");}else if (x > 470 && x < 615) {vc[j] = '6';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("666\n");}}else if (y > 300 && y <= 380 && j < 6) {//7 8 9if (x > 170 && x < 315) {vc[j] = '7';// /pic/bmp/show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("777\n");}else if (x > 320 && x < 465) {vc[j] = '8';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("888\n");}else if (x > 470 && x < 615) {vc[j] = '9';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("999\n");}}else if (y > 385 && y <= 460) {if (x > 170 && x < 315 && j > 0) {j--;vc[j] = '0';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/white.bmp");printf("delete!\n");}else if (x > 320 && x < 465 && j < 6) {vc[j] = '0';show_bmp(xing_x[j], 62, "/pic/bmp/star.bmp");j++;printf("000\n");}else if (x > 470 && x < 615) {vc[7] = '\0';printf("%s\n", vc);if (strncmp(number, vc, 6) == 0) {show_bmp(200, 120, "/pic/bmp/correct.bmp");sleep(1);break;}else {show_bmp(200, 120, "/pic/bmp/error.bmp");sleep(1);j = 0;bzero(vc, 6);/* for (i = 0; i < 6; i++) {show_bmp(xing_x[i], 62, "/pic/bmp/white.bmp");} */show_bmp(0, 0, "/pic/bmp/vc_login.bmp");continue;}}}}}#endif
int func(int x, int y)
{if (x > 0 && x < 400 && y > 0 && y < 240) {return 2;}else if (x > 400 && x < 800 && y > 0 && y < 240) {return 3;}else if (x > 400 && x < 800 && y > 240 && y < 480) {return 4;}
}int main(void)
{//1, device initint rt = dev_init();if (rt != 0) {printf("rt : %d\n", rt);return -1;}//2, oper//gifint i;int status = 1;char buf[1024] = {0};    //bzerofor (i = 0; i < 10; i++) {sprintf(buf, "/pic/gif/%d.bmp", i);show_bmp(0, 0, buf);usleep(100000);}//log onlog_on();//mainshow_bmp(0, 0, "/pic/bmp/main.bmp");int x,y;while (1) {get_xy(&x, &y);int status = func(x, y);switch(status) {case 1 :show_bmp(0, 0, "/pic/bmp/main.bmp");break;case 2 :show_bmp(0, 0, "/pic/bmp/pic.bmp");show_pic();status = 1;break;case 3 :show_bmp(0, 0, "/pic/bmp/games.bmp");games_2048();status = 1;break;case 4 :break;}if (status == 4) {break;}}//3, rmmod to devicedev_uninit();return 0;

相关文件下载:​​​​​​粤嵌开发板.zip - 蓝奏云


1、 picture目录:存放菜品的照片以及桌面背景图片。


2、common.c / .h、font.h、input.h、input-event-codes.h、jconfig.h、jerror.h、jmorecfg.h、jpeglib.h、lcd.c、lcd.h文件都是提供的底层文件,目前阶段不用去管,直接用就行。

3、libfont.a libjpeg.so libjpeg.so.8 libjoeg.so.8.3.0都是库文件,也不用去管。









相关文件下载:电子点菜.rar - 蓝奏云

注意:你可以将libfont.a libjpeg.so libjpeg.so.8 libjoeg.so.8.3.0上传到跟目录下

然后在根目录下新建一个/IOCODE/IOCODE目录将除 background.jpg,yydskm.jpg上传在这



mkdir ./picture

将main上传到根目录下,chmod +x main  获得权限   ./main运行即可

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