1.For the graph given in the following figure, if we start from deleting the black vertex, then local search can always find the minimum vertex cover.



2.We are given a set of sites S={s1, s​2,⋯,s​n​​} in the plane, and we want to choose a set of k centers C={c1, c​2,⋯,c​k} so that the maximum distance from a site to the nearest center is minimized. Here ci can be an arbitrary point in the plane.

A local search algorithm arbitrarily choose k points in the plane to be the centers, then

(1) divide S into k sets, where Si is the set of all sites for which ci is the nearest center; and
(2) for each Si, compute the central position as a new center for all the sites in Si.

If steps (1) and (2) cause the covering radius to strictly decrease, we perform another iteration, otherwise the algorithm stops.

When the above local search algorithm terminates, the covering radius of its solution is at most 2 times the optimal covering radius.

F, 原因在于K center近似比不能低于2.否则P=NP,K center可以规约为r=1的Vertex Cover问题。

3.In local search, if the optimization function has a constant value in a neighborhood, there will be a problem.


4.Greedy method is a special case of local search.


Greedy是不断前进,最后达到解。而local search是不断修改值,选择一个最佳的解。求出的每一个解都是最终的解。

5.Random restarts can help a local search algorithm to better find global maxima that are surrounded by local maxima.


算法如果到达local maxiam就停止了,但是如果随机开始,那么可能会到达local maxiam和global maxium之间,然后找到全局最优。

6.In Metropolis Algorithm, the probability of jumping up depends on T, the temperature. When the temperature is high, it’ll be close to the original gradiant descent method.


7.Local search algorithm can be used to solve lots of classic problems, such as SAT and N-Queen problems. Define the configuration of SAT to be X = vector of assignments of N boolean variables, and that of N-Queen to be Y = positions of the N queens in each column. The sizes of the search spaces of SAT and N-Queen are O(2^N) and O(N^N),respectively.

T, 搜索空间指的是所有可能。虽然八皇后准确来说应该是N!


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