Relational Algebra 关系代数

  • Relational Algebra is the language to describe operations in relational DBMS helps understanding of Query execution,and particularly Query optimisation.


  • It is basic set of relational operations to retrieve, filter and restructure relations.


  • Result of operations is always a new relation *.




FName LName ReaNum BDate Address Gender DName
Bart Simpson 1111 1991-10-10 10 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield M Computer Science
Lisa Simpson 2222 1993-06- 14 10 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield F Physics
Milhouse Van Houten 3333 1991-09-07 Mill House, Springfield M History
Ralph Wiggum 4444 1993- 12-22 Wiggum House, Springfield M History
Todd Flanders 5555 1992-06-28 9 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield M Religious Studies
Rod Flanders 6666 1994-02-27 9 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield M Religious Studies
A pu Naha… 7777 1968-03-17 Kwik E Mart, Springfield M Computer Science
Monty Burns 8888 1898-11-11 Nuclear Power Plant, Springfield M Physics


DName HoD NoO/Emps
Physics Homer Simpson 22
Computer Science Edna Krabappel 34
Religious Studies Rev. Lovejoy 12
History Abe Simpson 18


DName DLocation
Physics Science Building
Computer Sc ience Science Building
Computer Sc ience Computer Centre
Religious Studies Main Building
History Main Building

The SELECT operation 选择操作

  • Definition: Selects subset of tuples from relation on basis of a selection condition. 定义:根据选择条件从表中选出元组的子集的操作。

  • Denoted by σ(sigma) as the form σ<selection condition>(R): 用σ符号表示成σ<selection condition>(R)的形式:

    • <Selection condition>: 选择条件:

      1. Selection condition is formed by arbitrarily connecting clauses using boolean operators AND,OR and NOT


      2. Selection condition is a boolean expression made up of a number of clauses of form:


    <attribute name> <comparison op> <constant value>
    <attribute name> <comparison op> <attribute name><comparison op> `is normally one of { =,≠,<,>,≤ ,≥ }
    • (R): R is just name of a database relation R是被操作表的表名


  1. Result of SELECT operation is always a relation (as with all other relational algebra operations).


  2. Relation resulting from SELECT has same attributes as R


  3. Number of tuples in resulting relation always less than or equal to number of tuples in R


  4. SELECT operation is commutative 交换律

σ<cond1>(σ<cond2>(R)) = σ<cond2>(σ<cond1>(R) )

  1. A sequence of SELECTs can be applied in any order, or can be converted to a single SELECT operation asσ<condl> AND <cond2> (R)

    多个SELECT语句可以由任意顺序应用,或者可以由布尔操作符连接成一个SELECT语句,例如:σ<condl> AND <cond2> (R)

  2. SELECT Examples: 下面来看SELECT语句的实例:

σ(LName =’Simpson’AND Gender = ’M’)OR(DName = ’Religious Studies’)(STUDENT)

FName LName ReaNum BDate Address Gender DName
Bart Simpson 1111 1991-10-10 10 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield M Computer Science
Todd Flanders 5555 1992-06-28 9 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield M Religious Studies
Rod Flanders 6666 1994-02-27 9 Evergreen Terrace, Springfield M Religious Studies

The PROJECT operation. OPRATION操作

  • Definition: PROJECT selects some of columns on basis of an attribute list from attributes of a relation R


  • Denoted by π( pi), it takes the form π<attribute list>(R)

    π( pi)表示,形式为 π<attribute list>(R)

    • Where R is a relational algebra expression (whose result is a relation), its simplest case R is just name of database relation.R是关系代数表达式,它的最简形式是被操作表的表名。


  1. Result of PROJECT operation is always a relation (as with all other relational algebra operations)


  2. Relation resulting from PROJ ECT has only attributes specified in<attribute list> and Attributes in same order as in list.

    PROJECT操作后的新表只含有<attribute list>中的属性,且属性排列顺序和<attribute list>一致。

  3. PROJECT operation is not commutative. PROJECT操作不具有交换律。

  4. π<listl> ( π<list2>(R) ) =π<listl>(R),provided <list 2> contains all attributes in<list 1>otherwise left hand side is an invalid expression.提供的 <list 2> 要包含<list 1>中的所有属性,否则π<listl>是无效表达式。

  5. Number of tuples in resulting relation is always less than or equal to number of tuples in R


  6. Remember: result is a relation so no duplicates.PROJECT的结果没有重复值。

  1. Number of tuples in resulting relation is always less than or equal to number of tuples in R


    The PROJECT operation举例:

The RENAME Operation 改名操作

  1. 将经过SELECT操作的STUDENT的结果表命名为DEPT_CS.
  2. 将经过PROJECT操作的DEPT_CS的结果表中的{Fname,Lname}属性命名为RESULT(FirstName, LastName).


Application Condition应用条件:

  1. Two relations must have same type of tuples. 两张表必须行数相同。

  2. Formally, two relationsR(A1,A2, ...,An ) and S( B1, B2, ...,Bn) are union compatible if They have same degree n and

dom( Ai) = dom( Bi). R和S可兼容前提是他们的列数相同且每个属性的定义域相同。

  • UNION 并

    • Denoted by R∪S
    • Results in relation that includes all tuples that are either in R, or in S, or in both R and S (Duplicate tuples are eliminated)

    • Denoted by R∩S

    • Results in a relation that includes all tuples that are in both R and S


    • Denoted byR - S

      一 Results in a relation that includes all tuples that are in R but not in S

  • UNION and INTERSECTION are commutative but DIFFERE NCE is not.并,交操作具有交换律但是补操作没有。

CARTESIAN PRODUCT Operation 笛卡尔积操作

  • Also a standard binary set operation. 二进制集合操作

  • Denoted by ××表示

  • Also known as CROSS PRODUCT or CROSS JOIN operation. 也被称为叉乘或交叉联合操作

  • Relations on which it is applied do not have to be union compatible. 叉乘的两张表不需要满足联合兼容(属性数同,属性定义域同)

  • Result of R( A1, A2,..., An )×S( B1, B2,,,,Bm) is relation Q with n + m attributes in that order i.e. Q( A1, A2, ..., An, S1, S2, ..., Sm),Q has one tuple for each combination of tuples: one from R and one from S

    - Hence, if R has n tuples and S has m tuples then R×S will have n*m tuples.

    笛卡尔积R( A1, A2,..., An )×S( B1, B2,,,,Bm)的结果表中有n+m列和n*m

The JOIN Operation

  • Used to combine related tuples from two relations into single tuples. 被用来将两张表中相关的元组结合成一张表。

  • Denoted by .用⋈表示。

  • Result of the JOIN is a relation Q with n + m attributes in that order. i.e. Q(A1,A2, ...,An, B1, B2, ..., Bm)

    JOIN的结果表Qn+m个属性且按照Q(A1,A2, ...,An, B1, B2, ..., Bm)的顺序排列。

  • However, unlike CARTESIAN PRODUCT resulting relation Q in a JOIN has one tuple for each combination of tuples whenever combination satisfies join condition.

    JOIN的本质是先对A、B两张表做笛卡尔积,然后再按照 join condition选取合适的行。



  1. 再按照JOIN条件中StudDept=DName选出结果:


  • NATURAL JOIN was created to get rid of the additional redundant attribute in EQUIJOIN.

    NATURAL JOIN在EQUIJOIN的基础上去掉了多余的属性。

  • Denoted by* 用*表示


函数名称 描述
COUNT() 计数
SUM() 求和
AVG() 求平均值
MAX() 最大值
MIN() 平均值


OUTER JOIN Operation

  • Sometimes we might wa nt to keep all tuples in R or S or both in results of JOIN regardless of whether they satisfy join condition or not.


  • There are 3 types of OUTER JOIN operations.

    • LEFT OUTER JOIN 左外连接






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