Multi-scale multi-intensity defect detection in ray image of weld bead



The radiographic test used to inspect the internal defects is an important non-destructive testing technique for welding.The weld bead radiographs of different detection scenes and different types of defects are very different, which limits the versatility of the automatic detection algorithm.


This paper solves this problem by analyzing the radiographic images at different scales and intensities. Firstly, a multi-scale multi-intensity parameter space is established, and the preprocessed images corresponding to the parameters ensure that defects are not missed.


Then, through the detection standard of the weld and the properties of the radiographic image, the value range of the parameters is automatically limited and the preprocessed image is optimized.


Finally, algorithms for screening and merging defects in different preprocessed images are designed to reduce false detections and describe precise defect boundaries.


1. Introduction

The radiographic test (RT) used to inspect the internal defects of the weld is the critical non-destructive testing (NDT) technique for welding.Therefore, the weld area is often extracted as the re- gion of interest to avoid the interference of the weld edge and improve the detection efficiency [8–9].

用于检查焊缝内部缺陷的射线照相检测 (RT) 是焊接的关键无损检测 (NDT) 技术。因此,焊缝区域通常被提取为感兴趣的区域,以避免焊缝边缘的干扰,提高检测效率[8-9]。

Different welding defects often show different visual characteristics in shape, size, texture, contrast and position [12], so different detection algorithms are usually applied according to different types of defects.


Under different welding seam inspection conditions, the visual dif- ference between radiographic images is greater, so different algorithms are usually designed according to different inspection or welding con- ditions.


Therefore, this paper analyzes the weld seam radiographs at different scales and intensities to ensure this detection algorithm can be applied to different types of defects in different detection scenarios.


Compared with traditional methods [17–19], deep learning methods show some advantages, such as auto- matic feature extraction [20], strong generalization ability and so on.However, it also has some disadvantages: deep learning methods usually require a lot of class-balanced defect samples [21–22], especially labeled data, which is difficult to collect (rare defects) [23].


6. Conclusion

This paper proposes a multi-scale and multi-intensity defect detec- tion algorithm. Firstly, in order to adapt to different weld bead detection scenarios and various types of defects, the algorithm analyzes the defect features at different scales and intensities in the parameter space.


And then it automatically selects the appropriate scale and intensity based on the RT standard of the weld and the attributes of the radiographic image.


Finally, this algorithm eliminates false alarms and corrects the detection results based on the scale and intensity features.


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