"题目:— ________________________.
— I’m very glad to hear that.
:  Congratulations
; I’m sure to come on time
; I’m not feeling very well"
"题目:— Do you like your present job?
— ________________________,I just do it for a living.
: Of course
; Not likely
; Not really"
"题目:— How was your job interview last Monday?
— ________________________.She seemed interested in my working experience, but she didn’t ask for references.
: Perfec
; I’m not sure
; That’s right"
"题目:— I believe we’ve met somewhere before.
— No, ________________________.
: it isn’t same
;  it can’t be true
;  I don’t think so "
"题目:— Welcome to our company. I hope you will enjoy your work here.
— ________________________.
:  I am sure I will
;  I can learn a lot
; You are very kind "
"题目:—How’s your report ______?
—Not too bad,I have already done about 4000 words.
: coming along
; get along with
; move along"
"题目:Both her parents look sad.Maybe they ______ what’s happened to her.
: knew
; have known
; will know"
"题目:He has studied very hard ____ he came to our school.
: for
; in
; since"
"题目:I know a little bit about France as my wife and I ______there several years ago.
: are going to
; went
; go"
"题目:Lawyers often make higher _______ for their work than they should.
: charges
;  bills
;  costs"
"题目:Nobody could _______ this problem.
: think of
; fill in
; figure out"
"题目:The home-based business model has been born out______  necessity.
: from
; of
; by"
"题目:There’s a lot to do. We can’t ______ to waste any time.
: wait
;  afford
; want"
"题目:They had an accident on the road and didn’t ______ at their hotel until after midnight.
: check in
;  check over
; check  on"
"题目:Wang Shuo_____ already______ in this school for two years.
: was; studying
; will; study
; has; studied"
"题目:When we do the wash, it is important to _______ white and colored clothing.
:  compare
; establish
; separate"
1.Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet ? {A; B; C}
A. 你能修理好那台扫描仪吗?
B. 你有没有弄清楚如何使用那台扫描仪?
C. 你找到那台扫描仪了吗?
2.Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet ? {A; B; C}
A. 老板要求的报告你写完了吗?
B. 你拿走老板的报告了吗?
C. 你有没有把报告复印一份给老板?
3. I am considering giving you an opportunity for a different job.  {A; B; C}
B.  我正在考虑给你找个工作。
C.  我认为你应该找个工作。
4. He is determined not to give in until they give him a pay rise.  {A; B; C}
5.With all that’s available today, the only question is whether a business can afford not to use user-friendly video conferencing. {A; B; C}
A. 在所有资源都可获得的今天,唯一的问题就是一个企业是否愿意独自召开便捷的视频会议。
B. 在所有资源都可获得的今天,唯一的问题就是一个企业是否能够承担起不使用便捷的视频会议所带来的损失。
C. 在所有资源都可获得的今天,唯一的问题就是一个企业是否能够支付起使用视频会议的费用。"
1.Adah wants to have a chance to work in the general office.{T; F}
2.Bella thinks Adah is competent for the new job.{T; F}
3.Bella's been in the company for your years and got much working experience.{T; F}
4.Adah knows nothing of the new job.{T; F}
5.According to Bella,if Adah gets the new job,she will get a pay raise.{T; F}"
Almost everyone is familiar with video conferencing today, and for good reasons.Video conferencing is convenient. Video conferencing saves money. Video conferencing makes money. And it is so much easier than it used to be.
Today, of course, video conferencing has become an important means for doing business.There is no longer a need to waste time and money traveling, and the advanced technology can offer what every conferencing needs.Audio, web and video together can provide good solutions for large conferences with Q&A sessionsand private chats.
Why is video conferencing so successful when other technologies have come and gone? It is because it’s convenient and cost-effective. In addition to saving time and money, video conferencing is a lot less stressful than a meeting after a day of airport security, delayed flights and hotel check-in, etc.
Best of all, video conferencing is not expensive nowadays. Web, video and audio conferencing service providers can quickly get you up and running, often without setup fees or high charges. With all that’s available today, the only question is whether a business can afford not to use user-friendly video conferencing.
1. It’s easy to use video conferencing in the past.  {T; F}
2. Video conferencing is a convenient way for doing business.  {T; F}
3. Only video can provide good solutions for large conferences with Q&A sessions.{T; F}
4. Compared to some other forms of meetings,video conferencing is muchmore stressful.{T; F}
5. Nowadays if you don’t use video conferencing in some cases, maybe your business will suffer losses to some degree. {T; F}"
SAM: Hi. How’s your report coming along?
KATIE: Not too bad, {A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.; B. I’ve already done about4000 words.; C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.; D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.; E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?}
SAM: It’s nearly finished, isn’t it?
KATIE: Yeah, I’ve got to check the spelling, then scan and insert a few pictures,do a bit more copy and paste from other files, and it will be done.
SAM: {A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.; B. I’ve already done about4000 words.; C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.; D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.; E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?}
KATIE: Ha, yeah. Eventually I had to ask my secretary to tell me how to use it.
SAM: Have you run off a copy of the report for the boss yet?
KATIE: {A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.; B. I’ve already done about4000 words.; C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.; D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.; E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?}
SAM: Maybe an e-mail would be the easiest if the file size is not too large. {A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.; B. I’ve already done about4000 words.; C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.; D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.; E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?}  He can read it on his computer when he has the time. It saves paper, too.
KATIE: {A. You don’t need to go to the boss’s office to give him the U disk.; B. I’ve already done about4000 words.; C. Yeah, I also need to get the e-mail address of the team members who need a copy.; D. No, I’m not sure how he wants it, a hard copy, on U disk or by email.; E. Have you managed to figure out how to use that scanner yet?}  "









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