做一个简单的测试, 跑了一个主要流程,基本的功能应该是满足需求的,但是性能呢?


最近在读狄更斯的小说《双城记》英文原版,既是学习英语,也是领略大师的行文。同时,我想知道大师喜欢用什么词,所以写了一个小程序来统计这部小说的词汇。让我们度量一下这个小程序的性能,看看瓶颈在哪里, 有什么好的方法。




用C++ 来写一段小程序,取名为 WordBank , 基本功能就是

  1. 获取总的单词数量: getTotalWordCount();
  2. 获取不重复的单词总数:getUniqueWordCount);
  3. 打印若干个使用频率最高的单词:printTop(int n)
  4. 获取某个单词的使用频度排序号: getWordRank(const std::string& name);
  5. 获取某个单词的使用数量:getWordCount(const std::string& name);


  • 大师在这本书中使用了多少词汇
  • 大师用的最多的20个单词
  • "think" 这个单词用了多少次
  • "think" 排在最常使用率排名的多少位

于是,我就写了一个C++ 类 WordBank, 使用 std::map<std::string, int> m_mapWords; 来保存单词的个数,使用 std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> m_vecWords; 来保存排过序的单词使用率排名。

#ifndef __WORD_BANK_H__
#define __WORD_BANK_H__#include <cstdint>
#include <string>
#include <map>
#include <set>
#include <vector>class WordBank
public:WordBank(const std::string& words_file);int getWordRank(const std::string& name) const;int getWordCount(const std::string& name) const;void sortWords();void printTop(int n) const;int getTotalWordCount() const;int getUniqueWordCount() const;private:bool hasWord(const std::string& word) const;void increaseWordCount(const std::string& word);void addWord(const std::string& word);std::map<std::string, int> m_mapWords;std::vector<std::pair<std::string, int>> m_vecWords; uint32_t m_wordCount;};std::string convertString(const std::string& word);#endif


#include "WordBank.h"
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <algorithm>using namespace std;bool comparePair(pair<string, int>& a, pair<string, int>& b)
{ return a.second > b.second;
} WordBank::WordBank(const string & words_file): m_wordCount(0) {ifstream is(words_file.data());if (!is) {throw invalid_argument("unable open file");}string word;while (is >> word) {m_wordCount ++;if (!hasWord(word)) {addWord(word);}else {increaseWordCount(word);}}
}int WordBank::getWordRank(const std::string& word) const {int count = getWordCount(word);if (count == 0) {return 0;}int rank = 1;for (const auto&[key, value] : this->m_mapWords) {if (value > count) {rank++;}}return rank;
}int WordBank::getWordCount(const std::string& word) const {string str = convertString(word.data());auto it = m_mapWords.find(str);if (it != m_mapWords.end()) {return it->second;}return 0;
}int WordBank::getTotalWordCount() const {return m_wordCount;
}int WordBank::getUniqueWordCount() const {return m_mapWords.size();
}bool WordBank::hasWord(const string & word) const {string str = convertString(word.data());auto it = m_mapWords.find(str);if (it != m_mapWords.end()) {return true;}return false;
void WordBank::increaseWordCount(const string & word) {string str = convertString(word.data());auto it = m_mapWords.find(str);if (it != m_mapWords.end()) {it->second++;}
void WordBank::addWord(const string & word) {string str = convertString(word);if (str.empty()) {return;}//cout << "insert " << word  << " -> " << str << endl;m_mapWords.insert(make_pair(str, 1));
}void WordBank::sortWords() {for (auto& pair : m_mapWords ) { m_vecWords.push_back(pair); } // Sort using comparator function sort(m_vecWords.begin(), m_vecWords.end(), comparePair); } void WordBank::printTop(int n) const {for (auto pair : m_vecWords) {cout << pair.first << ": " << pair.second << endl;if (--n <= 0) {break;}}}string convertString(const string & word) {string str("");for (size_t i = 0; i < word.length(); ++i) {uint8_t ch = word[i];if(ch > 0 && ch < 255 && isalpha(ch)) {str.push_back(tolower(ch));}}return str;


#include "WordBank.h"
#include <cstdlib>
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <boost/timer/timer.hpp>using namespace std;
using namespace boost::timer;int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{string word_search = "rtp";string word_file = "rfc3550.txt";int topN = 10;if (argc > 1) {word_search = argv[1];cout << "Make statistics for word count and rank: " <<convertString(word_search) << endl;} else {cout << "usage: " << argv[0] << "<search_word> <input_file> <topN>" << endl;cout << "example: " << argv[0] << " " << word_search << " " << word_file << " " << topN <<endl;}if (argc > 2) {word_file = argv[2];cout << "Read file: " << word_file << endl;}if (argc > 3) {topN = atoi(argv[3]);}try {boost::timer::auto_cpu_timer timer;WordBank wordbank(word_file);wordbank.sortWords();std::cout << "wordbank total word count: " << wordbank.getTotalWordCount() << endl;std::cout << "wordbank unique word count: " << wordbank.getUniqueWordCount() << endl;cout << word_search << "'s count=" << wordbank.getWordCount(word_search) << endl;cout << word_search  << "'s rank=" << wordbank.getWordRank(word_search) << endl;cout << "--- top "  << topN << " ---" << endl;wordbank.printTop(topN);} catch(const invalid_argument& e) {cerr << "Caught exeption: " <<e.what() <<endl;}return 0;}

执行结果如下, 双城记总词数为139021 ,共使用了 10984 个单词,最常使用的词是 "the", 而 “think” 这个词用了 120 次,排名 150 位。

./bin/wordbankdemo think A-Tale-of-Two-Cities.txt 20
Make statistics for word count and rank: think
Read file: A-Tale-of-Two-Cities.txt
wordbank total word count: 139021
wordbank unique word count: 10984
think's count=120
think's rank=150
--- top 20 ---
the: 8202
and: 4998
of: 4137
to: 3545
a: 2981
in: 2642
it: 2016
his: 2005
i: 1917
that: 1904
he: 1833
was: 1765
you: 1460
with: 1354
had: 1297
as: 1148
at: 1045
her: 1038
for: 973
him: 9650.079933s wall, 0.060000s user + 0.000000s system = 0.060000s CPU (75.1%)


使用 boost 库的 auto_cpu_timer 来计时


使用著名的 valgrind 软件所附带的 callgrind 的剖析性能瓶颈在哪里

sudo apt install valgrind
valgrind --tool=callgrind ./bin/wordbankdemo
sudo apt-get install python3 graphviz# 在 Debian/Ubuntu 安装 python3 和 graphviz
apt-get install python3 graphviz# 在 RedHat/Fedora  安装 python3 和 graphviz
yum install python3 graphviz# 再安装 gprof2dot
pip install gprof2dot# 生成有向图
gprof2dot -f callgrind -n10 -s callgrind.out.816 > valgrind.dot
dot -Tpng valgrind.dot -o valgrind.png

从上图可以看出,其大部分时间花在 WordBank 的构造方法,其中 hasWord, increaseWordCount 这两个方法花了大部分时间, 其中 convertString 和map 的红黑树的 find 方法又占据了大部分时间, 仔细看看这两个方法的调用,其实我们能够做出优化

WordBank::WordBank(const string & words_file): m_wordCount(0) {ifstream is(words_file.data());if (!is) {throw invalid_argument("unable open file");}string word;while (is >> word) {m_wordCount ++;if (!hasWord(word)) {addWord(word);}else {increaseWordCount(word);}}
  1. word 可以事先转化 convertString 方法不需要重复调用
  2. hasWordincreaseWordCount 不需要重复查找, 可以把迭代器作为额外参数传入, 或者把 map 的 value 的引用传出来

试着改一下,再重复上述的度量过程, 你能清晰地看出来改进的效果。


  • https://github.com/walterfan/snippets/blob/master/cpp/inc/WordBank.h
  • https://github.com/walterfan/snippets/blob/master/cpp/src/WordBank.cpp
  • https://github.com/walterfan/snippets/blob/master/cpp/exam/WordBankDemo.cpp



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