The smallest deed is better than the greatest intention.


Several years ago, just after a short time when I got divorced, I planned to go back to my hometown to start a new life.

Several years have past, my age grew older, but my ability and my business didn't become strong along with my age, and I didn't take any step towards my original plan.

I felt my life has been wasted away, and the very reason that resulted in this tragic ending is myself and my own deeds.

So, after recalling the painful experience, I started to seek some changes recently, like working out the resume, updating it and delivering to several companies.

Just a short while, I have got severl invitations or interviews, althouth I haven't got an offer, I think I have taken the first step, and I believe I can get a well-paid offer.

It is our choices that show what we truly are, far more than our abilities.


From J.K.Rowling.

J.K.Rowling, whose name has long resounded in the ears of many, is the writer of Harry Potter, a series of novels that accompanied many people in their youth.

To some extent, I think she is right in saying the above words.

Because many people with outstanding abilities in the businesses they currently engage in have said what they are doing now are not what they really like to do, that is, the things can't show what they truly are.

Sometimes they may give up most of they abtained from their current businesses, wealth, fame, positions, and so on, for what they really love to do.

That are their own choices, which show what they truly are.

However, the nature of us may be not as good as we have considered.

Most often, our choices are limited by our abilities. If we want to be totally free from the reality, we must make our abilities become strong enough.


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