define('IN_ECS', true);

require(dirname(__FILE__) . '/includes/init.php');

require(ROOT_PATH . 'includes/lib_license.php');


define('RETURN_TYPE', empty($_POST['return_data']) ? 1 : ($_POST['return_data'] == 'json' ? 2 : 1));

/* 接收传递参数并初步检验 */

if (empty($_POST) || empty($_POST['ac']))


api_err('0x003', 'no parameter'); //输出系统级错误:数据异常


/* 根据请求类型进入相应的接口处理程序 */

switch ($_POST['act'])


case 'search_goods_list': search_goods_list(); break;

case 'search_goods_detail': search_goods_detail(); break;

case 'search_deleted_goods_list': search_deleted_goods_list(); break;

case 'search_products_list': search_products_list(); break;

case 'search_site_info': search_site_info(); break;

default: api_err('0x008', 'no this type api'); //输出系统级错误:数据异常



* 获取商品列表接口函数


function search_goods_list()


check_auth(); //检查基本权限

$version = '1.0'; //版本号

if ($_POST['api_version'] != $version) //网店的接口版本低


api_err('0x008', 'a low version api');


if (is_numeric($_POST['last_modify_st_time']) && is_numeric($_POST['last_modify_en_time']))


$sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) AS count' .

' FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') .

" WHERE is_delete = 0 AND is_on_sale = 1 AND (last_update > '" . $_POST['last_modify_st_time'] . "' OR last_update = 0)";

$date_count = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);

if (empty($date_count))


api_err('0x003', 'no data to back'); //无符合条件数据


$page = empty($_POST['pages']) ? 1 : $_POST['pages']; //确定读取哪些记录

$counts = empty($_POST['counts']) ? 100 : $_POST['counts'];

$sql = 'SELECT goods_id, last_update AS last_modify' .

' FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') .

" WHERE is_delete = 0 AND is_on_sale = 1 AND (last_update > '" . $_POST['last_modify_st_time'] . "' OR last_update = 0)".

" LIMIT ".($page - 1) * $counts . ', ' . $counts;

$date_arr = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);

if (!empty($_POST['columns']))


$column_arr = explode('|', $_POST['columns']);

foreach ($date_arr as $k => $v)


foreach ($v as $key => $val)


if (in_array($key, $column_arr))


$re_arr['data_info'][$k][$key] = $val;







$re_arr['data_info'] = $date_arr;


/* 处理更新时间等于0的数据 */

$sql = 'UPDATE ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') .

" SET last_update = 1 WHERE is_delete = 0 AND is_on_sale = 1 AND last_update = 0";

$GLOBALS['db']->query($sql, 'SILENT');

$re_arr['counts'] = $date_count['count'];

data_back($re_arr, '', RETURN_TYPE); //返回数据




api_err('0x003', 'required date invalid'); //请求数据异常




* 商品详细信息接口函数


function search_goods_detail()


check_auth(); //检查基本权限

$version = '1.0'; //版本号

if ($_POST['api_version'] != $version) //网店的接口版本低


api_err('0x008', 'a low version api');


if (!empty($_POST['goods_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['goods_id']))


$sql = 'SELECT g.goods_id, g.last_update AS last_modify, g.cat_id, c.cat_name AS category_name, g.brand_id, b.brand_name, g.shop_price AS price, g.goods_sn AS bn, g.goods_name AS name, g.is_on_sale AS marketable, g.goods_weight AS weight, g.goods_number AS store , g.give_integral AS score, g.add_time AS uptime, g.original_img AS image_default, g.goods_desc AS intro' .

' FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('category') . ' AS c, ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . ' AS g LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('brand') . ' AS b ON g.brand_id = b.brand_id'.

' WHERE g.cat_id = c.cat_id AND g.goods_id = ' . $_POST['goods_id'];

$goods_data = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);

if (empty($goods_data))


api_err('0x003', 'no data to back'); //无符合条件数据


$goods_data['goods_link'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/goods.php?id=' . $goods_data['goods_id'];

$goods_data['image_default'] = 'http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . '/' . $goods_data['image_default'];

$goods_data['unit'] = '千克';

$goods_data['brand_name'] = empty($goods_data['brand_name']) ? '' : $goods_data['brand_name'];

$prop = create_goods_properties($_POST['goods_id']);

$goods_data['props_name'] = $prop['props_name'];

$goods_data['props'] = $prop['props'];

if (!empty($_POST['columns']))


$column_arr = explode('|', $_POST['columns']);

foreach ($goods_data as $key=>$val)


if (in_array($key, $column_arr))


$re_arr['data_info'][$key] = $val;






$re_arr['data_info'] = $goods_data;


data_back($re_arr, '', RETURN_TYPE); //返回数据




api_err('0x003', 'required date invalid'); //请求数据异常




* 被删除商品列表接口函数


function search_deleted_goods_list()


api_err('0x007', '暂时不提供此服务功能'); //服务不可用



* 获取货品列表接口函数


function search_products_list()


check_auth(); //检查基本权限

$version = '1.0'; //版本号

if ($_POST['api_version'] != $version) //网店的接口版本低


api_err('0x008', 'a low version api');


if (!empty($_POST['goods_id']) && is_numeric($_POST['goods_id']) || !empty($_POST['bn']))


$sql = 'SELECT goods_id, last_update AS last_modify, shop_price AS price, goods_sn AS bn, goods_name AS name, goods_weight AS weight, goods_number AS store, add_time AS uptime' .

' FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') .

' WHERE ' . empty($_POST['bn']) ? "goods_id = $_POST[goods_id]" : "goods_sn = $_POST[bn]";

$goods_data = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);

if (empty($goods_data))


api_err('0x003', 'no data to back'); //无符合条件数据


$goods_data['product_id'] = $_POST['goods_id'];

$goods_data['cost'] = $goods_data['price'];

$prop = create_goods_properties($_POST['goods_id']);

$goods_data['props'] = $prop['props'];

if (!empty($_POST['columns']))


$column_arr = explode('|', $_POST['columns']);

foreach ($goods_data as $key=>$val)


if (in_array($key, $column_arr))


$re_arr['data_info'][$key] = $val;






$re_arr['data_info'] = $goods_data;


data_back($re_arr, '', RETURN_TYPE); //返回数据




api_err('0x003', 'required date invalid'); //请求数据异常




* 获取站点信息接口函数


function search_site_info()


check_auth(); //检查基本权限

$version = '1.0'; //版本号

if ($_POST['api_version'] != $version) //网店的接口版本低


api_err('0x008', 'a low version api');


$sql = 'SELECT code, value'.

' FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('shop_config') .

" WHERE code IN ('shop_name', 'service_phone')";

$siteinfo['data_info'] = $GLOBALS['db']->getRow($sql);

$siteinfo['data_info']['site_address'] = $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'];

data_back($siteinfo, '', RETURN_TYPE); //返回数据



* 权限校验函数


function check_auth()


$license = get_shop_license(); // 取出网店 license信息

if (empty($license['certificate_id']) || empty($license['token']) || empty($license['certi']))


api_err('0x006', 'no certificate'); //没有证书数据,输出系统级错误:用户权限不够


if (!check_shopex_ac($_POST, $license['token']))


api_err('0x009'); //输出系统级错误:签名无效


/* 对应用申请的session进行验证 */

$certi['certificate_id'] = $license['certificate_id']; // 网店证书ID

$certi['app_id'] = 'ecshop_b2c'; // 说明客户端来源

$certi['app_instance_id'] = 'webcollect'; // 应用服务ID

$certi['version'] = VERSION . '#' . RELEASE; // 网店软件版本号

$certi['format'] = 'json'; // 官方返回数据格式

$certi['certi_app'] = 'sess.valid_session'; // 证书方法

$certi['certi_session'] = $_POST['app_session']; //应用服务器申请的session值

$certi['certi_ac'] = make_shopex_ac($certi, $license['token']); // 网店验证字符串

$request_arr = exchange_shop_license($certi, $license);

if ($request_arr['res'] != 'succ')


api_err('0x001', 'session is invalid'); //输出系统级错误:身份验证失败




* 验证POST签名


* @param string $post_params POST传递参数

* @param string $token 证书加密码


* @return boolean 返回是否有效


function check_shopex_ac($post_params,$token)



$str = '';

foreach($post_params as $key=>$value)


if ($key!='ac')





if ($post_params['ac'] == md5($str.$token))


return true;




return false;




* 系统级错误处理


* @param string $err_type 错误类型代号

* @param string $err_info 错误说明



function api_err($err_type, $err_info = '')


/* 系统级错误列表 */

$err_arr = array();

$err_arr['0x001'] = 'Verify fail'; //身份验证失败

$err_arr['0x002'] = 'Time out'; //请求/执行超时

$err_arr['0x003'] = 'Data fail'; //数据异常

$err_arr['0x004'] = 'Db error'; //数据库执行失败

$err_arr['0x005'] = 'Service error'; //服务器导常

$err_arr['0x006'] = 'User permissions'; //用户权限不够

$err_arr['0x007'] = 'Service unavailable'; //服务不可用

$err_arr['0x008'] = 'Missing Method'; //方法不可用

$err_arr['0x009'] = 'Missing signature'; //签名无效

$err_arr['0x010'] = 'Missing api version'; //版本丢失

$err_arr['0x011'] = 'Api verion error'; //API版本异常

$err_arr['0x012'] = 'Api need update'; //API需要升级

$err_arr['0x013'] = 'Shop Error'; //网痁服务异常

$err_arr['0x014'] = 'Shop Space Error'; //网店空间不足

data_back($err_info == '' ? $err_arr[$err_type] : $err_info, $err_type, RETURN_TYPE, 'fail'); //回复请求以错误信息



* 返回结果集


* @param mixed $info 返回的有效数据集或是错误说明

* @param string $msg 为空或是错误类型代号

* @param string $result 请求成功或是失败的标识

* @param int $post 1为xml方式,2为json方式



function data_back($info, $msg = '', $post, $result = 'success')


/* 分为xml和json两种方式 */

$data_arr = array('result'=>$result, 'msg'=>$msg, 'info'=>$info);

$data_arr = to_utf8_iconv($data_arr); //确保传递的编码为UTF-8

if ($post == 1)


/* xml方式 */

if (class_exists('DOMDocument'))


$doc=new DOMDocument('1.0','UTF-8');












create_tree($doc, $info, $data_arr['info']);



die('<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . array2xml($data_arr)) ;




/* json方式 */

$json = new JSON;

die($json->encode($data_arr)); //把生成的返回字符串打印出来




* 循环生成xml节点


* @param handle $doc xml实例句柄

* @param handle $top 当前父节点

* @param array $info_arr 需要解析的数组

* @param boolean $have_item 是否是数据数组,是则需要在每条数据上加item父节点



function create_tree($doc, $top, $info_arr, $have_item = false)


if (is_array($info_arr))


foreach ($info_arr as $key => $val)


if (is_array($val))


if ($have_item == false)




create_tree($doc, $data_info, $val, true);






$key_code = $doc->createAttribute('key');



create_tree($doc, $item, $val);







if (is_string($val))
















function array2xml($data,$root='shopex'){




return $xml;


function _array2xml(&$data,&$xml){


foreach($data as $k=>$v){

















function create_goods_properties($goods_id)


/* 对属性进行重新排序和分组

$sql = "SELECT attr_group ".

"FROM " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_type') . " AS gt, " . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods') . " AS g ".

"WHERE g.goods_id='$goods_id' AND gt.cat_id=g.goods_type";

$grp = $GLOBALS['db']->getOne($sql);

if (!empty($grp))


$groups = explode("\n", strtr($grp, "\r", ''));



/* 获得商品的规格 */

$sql = "SELECT a.attr_id, a.attr_name, a.attr_group, a.is_linked, a.attr_type, ".

"g.goods_attr_id, g.attr_value, g.attr_price " .

'FROM ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('goods_attr') . ' AS g ' .

'LEFT JOIN ' . $GLOBALS['ecs']->table('attribute') . ' AS a ON a.attr_id = g.attr_id ' .

"WHERE g.goods_id = '$goods_id' " .

'ORDER BY a.sort_order, g.attr_price, g.goods_attr_id';

$res = $GLOBALS['db']->getAll($sql);

$arr = array();

$arr['props_name'] = array(); // props_name

$arr['props'] = array(); // props

foreach ($res AS $row)


if ($row['attr_type'] == 0)


//$group = (isset($groups[$row['attr_group']])) ? $groups[$row['attr_group']] : $GLOBALS['_LANG']['goods_attr'];

//$arr['props_name'][$row['attr_group']]['name'] = $group;

$arr['props_name'][] = array('name' => $row['attr_name'], 'value' => $row['attr_value']);

$arr['props'][] = array('pid' => $row['attr_id'], 'vid' => $row['goods_attr_id']);



return $arr;









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