


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using game;namespace game {public class ArrowController {GameObject arrow;Vector3 startPos;ArrowScript arrowScript;Vector3 resetForce;public ArrowController(GameObject obj) {arrow = obj;startPos = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);arrow.transform.position = startPos;arrowScript = obj.AddComponent<ArrowScript> ();obj.AddComponent<MoveAction> ();arrowScript.arrow = this;resetForce = new Vector3 (0, 0, -10);}public GameObject getGameObj() {return arrow;}public void appear() {this.arrow.SetActive (true);}public void disappear() {this.arrow.SetActive (false);}public void setPosition(Vector3 pos) {this.arrow.transform.position = pos;}public Rigidbody getRigidBody() {return arrow.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();}public void reset() {Debug.Log ("reset...");
//          this.arrow.AddComponent<Rigidbody> ();
//          this.arrow.transform.position = startPos;this.getRigidBody ().AddForce (resetForce);}}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using game;namespace game {public class ArrowFactory : MonoBehaviour {Queue<ArrowController> freeQueue;List<ArrowController> usingList;GameObject originalArrow;Vector3 startPos;void Awake() {freeQueue = new Queue<ArrowController> ();usingList = new List<ArrowController> ();originalArrow = Object.Instantiate (Resources.Load ("prefabs/arrow", typeof(GameObject))) as GameObject;
//          originalArrow.AddComponent<BoxCollider> ();originalArrow.AddComponent<OnCollision> ();originalArrow.AddComponent<Rigidbody> ();originalArrow.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().collisionDetectionMode = CollisionDetectionMode.Continuous;originalArrow.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ().useGravity = false;
//          originalArrow.GetComponent<Collider> ().isTrigger = true;originalArrow.SetActive (false);startPos = new Vector3 (0, 0, 0);}// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {}public ArrowController produceArrow() {Debug.Log ("producing arrow...");ArrowController newArrow;newArrow = null;if (freeQueue.Count == 0) {GameObject newObj = GameObject.Instantiate (originalArrow);
//              newObj.AddComponent<MoveAction> ();newArrow = new ArrowController (newObj);} else {newArrow = freeQueue.Dequeue ();}newArrow.appear ();
//          newArrow.setPosition (startPos);usingList.Add (newArrow);return newArrow;}public void recycle (ArrowController arrow) {Debug.Log ("recycle in ArrowFactory...");arrow.disappear ();arrow.reset ();arrow.getGameObj ().transform.position = startPos;usingList.Remove (arrow);freeQueue.Enqueue (arrow);}}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using game;namespace game {public class ArrowScript : MonoBehaviour {public ArrowController arrow;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {for (int i = 0; i < transform.childCount; i++){GameObject g = transform.GetChild(i).gameObject;g.AddComponent<ArrowScript>().arrow = arrow;}}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {}}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using game;namespace game {public class Director : System.Object {private static Director director;public SceneController currentSceneController;public static Director getInsance() {if (director == null) {director = new Director ();}return director;}}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using game;namespace game {public class FirstSceneController : MonoBehaviour, SceneController, userAction {Director director;ArrowController arrow;ArrowFactory af;MoveAction ma;GameObject target;GameObject ground;GameObject wall;Scorer scorer;UserGUI UI;GameObject canvas;Text scoreText;OnCollision oc;
//      TargetController target;// Use this for initializationvoid Awake() {Director director = Director.getInsance ();director.currentSceneController = this;}public void loadResources() {target = GameObject.Instantiate (Resources.Load("prefabs/targetBasis")) as GameObject;
//          target.AddComponent<Rigidbody> ();
//          target.AddComponent<OnCollision> ();
//          target.GetComponentInChildren<Collider> ().isTrigger = true;target.transform.position = new Vector3 (0, 0.3f, 0);ground = GameObject.Instantiate (Resources.Load("prefabs/ground")) as GameObject;wall = GameObject.Instantiate (Resources.Load("prefabs/wall")) as GameObject;}void Start () {loadResources ();af = GetComponent<ArrowFactory> ();ma = GetComponent<MoveAction> ();scorer = GetComponent<Scorer> ();UI = GetComponent<UserGUI> ();oc = GetComponent<OnCollision> ();
//          oc.target = target;canvas = GameObject.Instantiate (Resources.Load("prefabs/Canvas")) as GameObject;scoreText = canvas.transform.Find ("Score").GetComponent<Text> ();scoreText.text = "Score: 0";}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {scoreText.text = "Score: " + scorer.getScore ();}public void startGame() {Debug.Log ("Game starts...");nextShoot ();}public void OnCollision(GameObject obj) {
//          Debug.Log (obj.GetComponent<MeshRenderer>().material.color);Debug.Log ("The obj name is " + obj.name);scorer.addScore (obj);}public void nextShoot() {arrow = af.produceArrow ();ma = arrow.getGameObj ().GetComponent<MoveAction> ();//testDebug.Log("arrow is " + arrow.ToString());
//          Debug.Log ("judgement: "+ (arrow==null).ToString());ma.setArrow (arrow);Debug.Log ("ma's Arrow is "+arrow.ToString());ma.setShot (false);oc.setFlag (false);
//          nextShoot ();}public void recycle (ArrowController arrow) {
//          ma = arrow.getGameObj ().GetComponent<MoveAction> ();//testDebug.Log ("recycling..." + arrow);if (arrow != null) {af.recycle (arrow);}}}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using game;namespace game {public interface userAction {void startGame();}public interface SceneController {void loadResources();}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using game;namespace game {public class MoveAction : MonoBehaviour {public ArrowController arrow;public GameObject arr;Vector3 force;bool shot = false;Camera cam;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {force = new Vector3 (0, 0, 10);shot = false;arrow = null;arr = this.gameObject;cam = Camera.main;}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {
//          this.transform.Find ("head").LookAt (Input.mousePosition);
//          print(this);
//          this.transform.LookAt (Input.mousePosition);Ray ray = cam.ScreenPointToRay(Input.mousePosition);
//          print (this.name);
//          this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.down, ray.direction);
//          Debug.Log(shot);Debug.Log ("test of " + shot.ToString());if (!shot && this.name == "arrow(Clone)(Clone)")  {
//              Debug.Log ("set rotation...");this.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation (Vector3.forward, ray.direction);}
//          Debug.DrawRay (cam.transform.position, Input.mousePosition,Color.blue);
//          arrow.transform.rotation = Quaternion.FromToRotation(Vector3.up * -1, ray.direction);if (Input.GetMouseButtonDown(0)) {
//              Debug.Log ("Button down...");shot = true;}}public void setShot(bool flag) {shot = flag;}public void setArrow(ArrowController arr) {Debug.Log ("setting new arrow...");arrow = arr;}void FixedUpdate() {
//          Debug.Log ("current arrow: " + this.arrow.ToString());
//          Debug.Log ("judgement: "+ (arrow==null).ToString());
//          if (arrow == null)
//              return;if (arr == null)return;
//          Rigidbody rigid = arrow.getRigidBody();Rigidbody rigid = arr.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ();Debug.Log ("RigidBody is " + rigid.ToString());if (rigid && shot) {
//              Debug.Log (shot);Debug.Log ("Adding the force");rigid.AddForce (force);}}}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using game;namespace game {public class OnCollision : MonoBehaviour {FirstSceneController sceneController;GameObject obj;bool flag; // 判断是否碰到第一个
//      public GameObject target;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {Debug.Log ("OnCollision started...");sceneController = Director.getInsance ().currentSceneController as FirstSceneController;flag = false;}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {}public void setFlag(bool f) {flag = f;}void OnCollisionEnter(Collision collision) {if (flag)return;
//          Debug.Log (collision.collider.gameObject.name);if (collision.collider.gameObject.name == "wall(Clone)") {sceneController.recycle (this.gameObject.GetComponent<ArrowScript> ().arrow);Debug.Log ("next...");sceneController.nextShoot ();return;
//              sceneController.recycle (this);}Debug.Log ("Collision...");Destroy (this.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ());obj = collision.collider.gameObject;
//          GameObject target = collision.collider.transform.parent.gameObject;
//          Component[] comp = target.GetComponentsInChildren<Collider> ();
//          Debug.Log (comp.Length);
//          foreach (Collider i in comp) {Debug.Log ("Disabed one round...");
//              if (i.gameObject.name.StartsWith("target")) i.enabled = false;
//          }sceneController.OnCollision (obj);flag = true;if (flag) {Debug.Log ("next...");sceneController.nextShoot ();}
//          if (collision.collider.name == "target")
//              parent = collision.collider.transform.parent;
//          if (collision.collider.name == "arrow(Clone)(Clone)") {
//              Debug.Log ("Destroy Rigidbody...");
//              Destroy (collision.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ());
//          }
//          Debug.Log ("Enter the OnCollisionEnter...");
//          Debug.Log ("GameObject is : " + collision.gameObject.name);
//          if (collision.collider) {
//              Debug.Log ("Collider belongs to : " + collision.collider.gameObject.name);
//          }
//          if (collision.rigidbody) {
//              Debug.Log ("Rigidbody belongs to : " + collision.rigidbody.gameObject.name);
//          }
//          foreach(ContactPoint contact in collision.contacts) {
//              Debug.Log ("show rays...");
//              Debug.DrawRay (contact.point, contact.normal, Color.blue);
//          }}//      void OnTriggerEnter(Collider collider) {
//          Debug.Log ("Collision...");
//          //          if (collision.collider.name == "target")
//          //              parent = collision.collider.transform.parent;
//          //          if (collision.collider.name == "arrow(Clone)(Clone)") {
//          //              Debug.Log ("Destroy Rigidbody...");
//          //              Destroy (collision.collider.gameObject.GetComponent<Rigidbody> ());
//          //          }
//          //          Debug.Log ("Enter the OnCollisionEnter...");
//          Debug.Log ("GameObject is : " + collider.gameObject.name);if (collider) {Debug.Log ("Collider belongs to : " + collider.gameObject.name);}
//          //          foreach(ContactPoint contact in collision.contacts) {
//          //              Debug.Log ("show rays...");
//          //              Debug.DrawRay (contact.point, contact.normal, Color.blue);
//          //          }
//      }}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using game;namespace game {public class Scorer : MonoBehaviour {int score;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {score = 0;}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {}public int getScore() {return score;}public void addScore(GameObject obj) {if (obj.name.StartsWith("target0")) {score += 1;} else if (obj.name.StartsWith("target1")) {score += 2;} else if (obj.name.StartsWith("target2")) {score += 3;} else if (obj.name.StartsWith("target3")) {score += 4;} else if (obj.name.StartsWith("target4")) {score += 5;}}}


using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using game;namespace game {public class UserGUI : MonoBehaviour {userAction action;bool started;// Use this for initializationvoid Start () {action = Director.getInsance ().currentSceneController as userAction;started = false;}// Update is called once per framevoid Update () {}void OnGUI() {if (!started) {if (GUI.Button(new Rect (Screen.width / 2 - 70, Screen.height / 2, 140, 70), "start")) {action.startGame ();started = true;}}}}


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