You know what’s exciting? New games, game updates, and system updates. You know what stinks? Waiting for them to download. Thankfully, you don’t have to wait—with a couple of simple tweaks, you can easily make sure your PlayStation 4 or Pro always has the latest goods.

你知道什么令人兴奋吗? 新游戏,游戏更新和系统更新。 你知道什么臭吗 等待他们下载。 值得庆幸的是,您无需等待,只需进行一些简单的调整,就可以轻松确保PlayStation 4或Pro始终拥有最新产品。

There are a handful of settings involved here, but fortunately they’re all in the same place. We’ll break them down quickly and simple so you know exactly what you’re enabling (or not enabling).

这里涉及一些设置,但是幸运的是,它们都位于同一位置。 我们将快速,简单地分解它们,以便您确切地知道要启用(或不启用)的功能。

First, head into your PS4’s Settings menu. You can get there by navigating over to the suitcase icon in the action bar.

首先,进入PS4的“设置”菜单。 您可以通过导航到操作栏中的手提箱图标来到达那里。

From there, scroll way down to the bottom and jump into the System menu. It’s the next-to-last option.

从那里向下滚动到底部,然后跳到“系统”菜单。 这是倒数第二个选项。

In this menu, head down to Automatic Downloads. This is where you’ll find all the necessary settings.

在此菜单中,转到“自动下载”。 您将在这里找到所有必要的设置。

There are four options here, three of which we care about. Here’s the breakdown:

这里有四个选项,我们关心其中三个。 细目如下:

  • Featured Content: This is likely enabled by default. It will basically allow the PlayStation to automatically download links to featured content…in other words, ads. I see no harm in leaving it alone, though. It’s not a terribly annoying setting.

    特色内容:默认情况下可能启用了此功能。 基本上,它将使PlayStation自动下载指向特色内容的链接,即广告。 不过,我认为单独使用它没有任何危害。 这不是一个令人讨厌的设置。

  • System Software Update Files: I would leave this one enabled—and if it’s not already, enable it now. Basically this means the PlayStation will download system updates as they become available (and in rest mode). That means no waiting for you.

    系统软件更新文件:我将启用此功能,如果尚未启用,请立即启用它。 基本上,这意味着PlayStation将在可用的系统更新(以及在待机模式下)下载系统更新。 那意味着不用等你了。

  • Install Automatically: This one is actually a sub-option for system updates. I’d be a little wary of enabling this one—if you’re not the type to save your games when you finish playing, this setting could really bite you in the tail, because it means the PS4 will restart and update automatically while in rest mode. If that happens, any unsaved data will be lost. You’ve been warned.

    自动安装:这实际上是系统更新的子选项。 启用此功能时,我会有些警惕-如果您不是那种在玩完游戏后就无法保存游戏的类型,那么此设置可能会咬住您的尾巴,因为这意味着PS4将在启动时自动重启并更新休息模式。 如果发生这种情况,所有未保存的数据将丢失。 您已被警告。

  • Application Update Files: This means games. When enabled, your PS4 will download and install the latest game updates as they come in—as long as the PS4 is on, anyway. If you’re a PlayStation Plus subscriber, it will also download files while in rest mode, which is much cooler. This setting will also need to be enabled if you want to remotely install games when you purchase them.

    应用程序更新文件:这是游戏。 启用后,只要PS4处于开启状态,您的PS4便会下载并安装最新的游戏更新。 如果您是PlayStation Plus订户,它还会在静止模式下下载文件,这要凉爽得多。 如果要在购买游戏时远程安装游戏,则也需要启用此设置。

It’s worth noting that you must use rest mode for any of these settings to work—if you turn your PlayStation off completely, nothing is happening in the background. But who turns they’re PS4 off, anyway?

值得注意的是, 您必须使用休息模式才能使任何这些设置起作用—如果您完全关闭PlayStation,则后台无任何React。 但是,谁将它们关闭了PS4?

No one, that’s who.



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