Get the Job You Want


Harvey B. Mackay


1. Prepare to win

2. Never stop learning

3. Believe in yourself , even when no one else does

4. Find a way to make a difference

I run a manufacturing company withabout 350 employees, and I often do the interviewing and hiring myself. Ilike talking to potential salespeople, because they're our link to customers.

When a recent college graduatecame into my office not too long ago looking for a sales job, Iasked him what he had done to prepare for the interview. He said he'd readsomething about us somewhere.
  Had he called anyone at Mackay Envelope Corporation tofind out more about us? No. Had he called our suppliers? Our customers? No.
  Had he checked with his university to see if there wereany graduates working at Mackay whom he could interview? Had he asked anyfriends to grill him in a mock interview? Did he go to the library tofind newspaper clippings on us?

Did he write a letterbeforehand to tell us about himself, what he was doing to prepare for theinterview and why he'd be right for the job? Was he planning to follow up theinterview with another letter indicating his eagerness to join us? Would theletter be in our hands within 24 hours of the meeting, possibly evenhand-delivered?


The answer to every question was the same: no.That left me with only one other question: How well prepared would this personbe if he were to call on a prospective customer for us? I alreadyknew the answer.

   As I see it, thereare four keys to getting hired:

   1. Prepare to win."If you miss one day of practice, you notice the difference," thesaying goes among musicians. "If you miss two days of practice, thecritics notice the difference. If you miss three days of practice, the audiencenotices the difference."
   1. 准备去赢。“一日不练,自己知道,”音乐家中有这样的说法。"两日不练,音乐评论家知道。三日不练,观众知道。"

When we watch a world-classmusician or a top athlete, we don't see the years of preparation thatenabled him or her to become great. The Michael Jordans of the world havetalent, yes, but they're also the first ones on and the last ones off thebasketball court. The same preparation applies in every form of human endeavor.If you want the job, you have to prepare to win it.

When I graduated fromcollege, the odds were good that I would have the same job for the restof my life. And that's how it worked out. But getting hired is no longer aonce-in-a-lifetime experience. Employment experts believe that today'sgraduates could face as many as ten job changes during their careers.

That may sound like a lot of pressure. But ifyou're prepared, the pressure is on the other folks -- the ones who haven'tdone their homework.

You won't get every job you go after. The bestsalespeople don't close every sale. Michael Jordan makes barely half of hisfield-goal attempts. But it takes no longer to prepare well for one interviewthan to wander in half-prepared for five. And your prospects for success willbe many times better.

2. Never stop learning. Recently I played adoubles tennis match paired with a 90-year-old. I wondered how thingswould work out; I shouldn't have. We hammered our opponents 6-1, 6-1!
  2. 永不中断学习。最近我和一位90高龄的老者搭档打双人网球。我琢磨着那会是什么结局;可我的担心是多余的。我们以两个6:1击败对手。

As we were switching sidesto play a third set, he said to me, "Do you mind if I playthe backhand court? I always like to work on my weaknesses." What afantastic example of a person who has never stopped learning.Incidentally, we won the third set 6-1.

As we walked off the court, my90-year-old partner chuckled and said, "I thought you'd like toknow about my number-one ranking in doubles in the United States in my agebracket, 85 and up!" He wasn't thinking 90; he wasn't even thinking 85. Hewas thinking number one.

You can do the same if you work on your weaknesses anddevelop your strengths. To be able to compete, you've got to keep learning all yourlife.

3. Believe in yourself, even when no one else does.Do you remember the four-minute mile? Athletes had been trying to do it forhundreds of years and finally decided it was physically impossible for humans.Our bone structure was all wrong, our lung power inadequate.
  3. 相信自己,哪怕没人相信你。还记得那4分钟跑一英里的往事吗?几百年来,运动员们一直试图实现这一目标,最终人类的身体无法做到。我们的骨结构不适应,我们的肺活量跟不上。

Then one human proved the experts wrong. And, miracle ofmiracles, six weeks after Roger Bannister broke the four-minute mile, JohnLandy beat Bannister's time by nearly two full seconds. Since then, close toeight hundred runners have broken the four-minute mile!

Several years ago my daughter Mimi and I took acrack at running the New York Marathon. At the gun, 23,000 runners started --and 21,244 finished. First place went to a Kenyan who completed the racein two hours, 11 minutes and one second. The 21,244th runner to finish was aVietnam veteran. He did it in three days, nine hours and 37 minutes。With no legs, he covered 26.2 miles. After my daughter and Ipassed him in the first few minutes, we easily found more courage to finishourselves.
  几年前,我和女儿米米参加了纽约马拉松比赛。发令枪一响,23,000名运动员冲出起跑线—最后有21,244名运动员到达终点。第一名是一位以2小时 11分钟零1秒跑完全程的肯尼亚人。第21,244名运动员是一位越战老兵。他用了3天9小时37分钟跑完全程。没有双腿的他坚持跑完了26.2英里。我和女儿在比赛的最初几分钟内超过了他,当时顿觉勇气倍增,一定要跑完全程。

Don't ever let anyone tell you that you can't accomplishyour goals. Who says you're not tougher, harder working and more able than yourcompetition? You see, a goal is a dream with a deadline: inwriting, measurable, identifiable, attainable.

4. Find a way to make a difference. In my opinion,the majority of New York cabdrivers are unfriendly, if not downright rude. Mostof the cabs are filthy, and almost all of them sport an impenetrable,bulletproof partition. But recently I jumped into a cab atLaGuardia Airport and guess what? It was clean. There was beautiful musicplaying and no partition.
  4. 想方设法显得与众不同。在我看来,纽约大多数的出租车司机即使不算无礼透顶,至少也是不友好的。车辆大都十分肮脏,几乎所有的车都触目地装有难以穿透的防弹隔离装置。可近日我在拉瓜迪亚机场跳上了一辆出租车,你猜怎么样?车子竟然干干净净。放着优美的音乐,而且没有隔离装置。

"Park Lane Hotel, please," I said to thedriver. With abroad smile, he said, "Hi, my name is Wally," and hehanded me a mission statement. A mission statement! It said he would get me theresafely, courteously and on time.

As we drove off, he held up a choice ofnewspapers and said, "Be my guest." He told me to help myself to thefruit in the basket on the back seat. He held up a cellular phone andsaid, "It's a dollar a minute if you'd like to make acall." Shocked, I blurted, "How long have you been practicingthis?" He answered, "Three or four years."

车开后,他拿出几份报纸说:“请随意翻阅。”他还让我随意品尝后座篮子里的水果。接着他又拿出手机说:“您要是想打电话,每分钟1美元。” 我大吃一惊,脱口问道:“你这么做有多久了?”他回答说:“有三、四年了。”

"I know this is prying." I said,"but how much extra money do you earn in tips?"
  "Between $12,000 and $14,000 a year!" heresponded proudly.

He doesn't know it, but he's my hero. He's living proofthat you can always shift the odds in your favor.

My mentor, Curt Carlson, is the wealthiest man inMinnesota, owner of a hotel and travel company with sales in theneighborhood of $9 billion. I had to get to a meeting in New Yorkone day, and Curt generously offered me a ride in his jet. It happenedto be a day Minnesota was hit with one of the worst snowstorms in years.Minneapolis-St. Paul International Airport was closed for the first time indecades.

Then, though the storm continued to pound us, the airportopened a runway for small craft only. As we were taxiing down it to takeoff, Curt turned to me and said gleefully, "Look, Harvey, no tracks in thesnow!"

Curt Carlson, 70 years old at the time, rich beyondanyone's dreams, could still sparkle with excitement about being first.

From my standpoint, that's what it'sall about. Prepare to win. Never stop learning. Believe in yourself , even when no one else does.Find a way to makea difference. Then go out and make your own tracks in the snow.


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