Scientists discover how mosquitoes detect human sweat

Scientists have known for decades that mosquitoes are attracted to the lactic acid contained in human sweat, but in the era before advanced genetics, the precise mechanism had remained a mystery.
Now, a team of researchers at Florida International University have discovered the olfactory receptor that allows the disease-carrying insects to hone in on our odor — and how to switch it off.
They published their work on the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, known for spreading deadly illnesses like Zika, dengue and yellow fever, in the journal Current Biology on Thursday.
The team, led by FIU biologist Matthew DeGennaro, identified the guilty receptor as Ionotropic Receptor 8a, or simply IR8a, through a process of elimination that began in 2013 when DeGennaro was able to create the world’s first mutant mosquito, removing a gene to investigate how its absence affected the insect.
Tasked with investigating IR8a, DeGennaro’s PhD student Joshua Raji began by carrying out an exposure experiment using his own arm, and found the mutant mosquitoes were significantly less attracted to him than wild ones.
The outcome was confirmed through testing on 14 additional subjects.
"People have been looking for a receptor for lactic acid since the 1960s, " DeGennaro told AFP.
The findings could offer a roadmap for a new generation of attractants that lure adult specimens into traps for population control, as well as advanced repellants that make people invisible to mosquitoes — though that could be some way away.
"It’ll take years, but we are definitely a step closer, " said DeGennaro.

Scientists discover how mosquitoes detect human sweat 蚊子是如何探测到人体汗液的?科学家解开谜题

Scientists have known for decades that mosquitoes are attracted to the lactic acid contained in human sweat, but in the era before advanced genetics, the precise mechanism had remained a mystery.
Now, a team of researchers at Florida International University have discovered the olfactory receptor that allows the disease-carrying insects to hone in on our odor — and how to switch it off.
They published their work on the Aedes aegypti mosquitoes, known for spreading deadly illnesses like Zika, dengue and yellow fever, in the journal Current Biology on Thursday.
The team, led by FIU biologist Matthew DeGennaro, identified the guilty receptor as Ionotropic Receptor 8a, or simply IR8a, through a process of elimination that began in 2013 when DeGennaro was able to create the world’s first mutant mosquito, removing a gene to investigate how its absence affected the insect.
这个研究小组由佛罗里达国际大学的生物学家马修·德根纳罗领导。小组通过排除法,确定了这种罪魁祸首的受体为亲离子受体 8a,简称 IR8a。这个排除法实验从 2013 年就开始了,当时德根纳罗移除了(蚊子的)一种基因,得以创造出了世界上第一只变体蚊子,为的是研究缺少这种基因对蚊子的影响。
Tasked with investigating IR8a, DeGennaro’s PhD student Joshua Raji began by carrying out an exposure experiment using his own arm, and found the mutant mosquitoes were significantly less attracted to him than wild ones.
马修·德根纳罗的博士生约书亚·拉吉被指派研究 IR8a,他先用自己的手臂做了一个暴露实验,结果发现自己对变体蚊子的吸引力明显小于野生蚊子。
The outcome was confirmed through testing on 14 additional subjects.
对另外 14 名受试者的测试也证实了这一结果。
“People have been looking for a receptor for lactic acid since the 1960s,” DeGennaro told AFP.
“自 20 世纪 60 年代以来,人们就一直在寻找(蚊子的)乳酸受体,”德根纳罗告诉法新社。
The findings could offer a roadmap for a new generation of attractants that lure adult specimens into traps for population control, as well as advanced repellants that make people invisible to mosquitoes — though that could be some way away.
“It’ll take years, but we are definitely a step closer,” said DeGennaro.

Scientists discover how mosquitoes detect human sweat-由于嗅觉受体的存在,蚊子会被人体汗液中的乳酸所吸引,相关推荐

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