





   low_value = 2 + id * (n - 1) / p;high_value = 1 + (id + 1) * (n - 1) / p;size = high_value - low_value + 1;



 if (prime * prime > low_value)first = prime * prime - low_value;else {if (!(low_value % prime)) first = 0;else first = prime - (low_value % prime);}


#include "mpi.h"
#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>#define MIN(a, b)  ((a)<(b)?(a):(b))int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {unsigned long int count;        /* Local prime count */double elapsed_time; /* Parallel execution time */unsigned long int first;        /* Index of first multiple */unsigned long int global_count = 0; /* Global prime count */unsigned long long int high_value;   /* Highest value on this proc */unsigned long int i;int id;           /* Process ID number */unsigned long int index;        /* Index of current prime */unsigned long long int low_value;    /* Lowest value on this proc */char *marked;       /* Portion of 2,...,'n' */unsigned long long int n;            /* Sieving from 2, ..., 'n' */int p;            /* Number of processes */unsigned long int proc0_size;   /* Size of proc 0's subarray */unsigned long int prime;        /* Current prime */unsigned long int size;         /* Elements in 'marked' */MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);/* Start the timer */MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &id);   //获取进程idMPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &p);  //获取进程数量MPI_Barrier(MPI_COMM_WORLD);        //进行同步elapsed_time = -MPI_Wtime();if (argc != 2) {if (!id) printf("Command line: %s <m>\n", argv[0]);MPI_Finalize();exit(1);}n = atoll(argv[1]);     //获取要计算的数/* Figure out this process's share of the array, aswell as the integers represented by the first andlast array elements 计算这个进程在数组中的份额,以及第一个和最后一个数组元素表示的整数*//*********originalSoution*******/low_value = 2 + id * (n - 1) / p;high_value = 1 + (id + 1) * (n - 1) / p;size = high_value - low_value + 1;/* Bail out if all the primes used for sieving arenot all held by process 0 如果用于筛选的所有质数不都由进程0持有,则退出*/proc0_size = (n - 1) / p;if ((2 + proc0_size) < (int) sqrt((double) n)) {if (!id) printf("Too many processes\n");MPI_Finalize();exit(1);}/* Allocate this process's share of the array.分配此进程在数组中的份额 */marked = (char *) malloc(size);if (marked == NULL) {printf("Cannot allocate enough memory\n");MPI_Finalize();exit(1);}for (i = 0; i < size; i++) marked[i] = 0;if (!id) index = 0;            // !id----->只有0号进程才会执行。prime = 2;do {if (prime * prime > low_value)first = prime * prime - low_value;else {if (!(low_value % prime)) first = 0;else first = prime - (low_value % prime);       // 此处在求局部first(数组中第一个可以被prime整除的数)的时候非常巧妙}for (i = first; i < size; i += prime) marked[i] = 1;     // 将可以被整除的数标记起来if (!id) {while (marked[++index]);prime = index + 2;}if (p > 1) MPI_Bcast(&prime, 1, MPI_INT, 0, MPI_COMM_WORLD); // 广播,将一个进程中的数据发送到所有进程} while (prime * prime <= n);count = 0;for (i = 0; i < size; i++)if (!marked[i]) count++;    // 统计单个进程中素数的个数,看有多少个0if (p > 1)MPI_Reduce(&count, &global_count, 1, MPI_INT, MPI_SUM,0, MPI_COMM_WORLD);  // 规约,集合通信,由进程0来计算全局的count/* Stop the timer */elapsed_time += MPI_Wtime();/* Print the results */if (!id) {printf("The total number of prime: %ld, total time: %10.6f, total node %d\n", global_count, elapsed_time, p);}MPI_Finalize();return 0;}




1:count 1435207
0:count 1565927
2:count 1393170
3:count 1367151
The total number of prime: 5761455, total time:   2.107253, total node 4


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