B3U3 Text A Language Focus

  1. be about to: be going to do sth. very soon 即将,行将

    e.g. Please take your seats, ladies and gentlemen. The performance is about to begin.


    Experts said that the virus was about to change the whole world.


  2. gorgeous: a. (infml) dazzlingly beautiful or magnificent 眩目艳丽的,极其宏伟的

    e.g. Alice took some gorgeous photos of my one-month-old daughter two days ago.


    It’s a three hour drive each way, but the scenery is gorgeous.


  3. residence: n. (fml) a large imposing house; the place in which a person resides 大宅;居所

    e.g. 10 Downing Street is the official residence of the British Prime Minister.


    With the rapid spread of COVID-19, a growing number of states are ordering people to avoid leaving their homes or places of residence unless necessary.


  4. striking: a. attracting attention 惹人注目的

    *e.*g. David presents a striking contrast to his shy and quiet brother.


    The most striking feature of this app is that it is very user-friendly.


  5. modest: a. not very large or expensive 不大的,不很贵的,适度的

    e.g. This Festival of the Arts, which began on a modest scale in 1966, now is included in the top 10 events in the United States.


    The government has made modest progress in cutting greenhouse gas emissions.


  6. conviction: n. a fixed or firmly held belief, opinion, etc. 坚定的信念或看法

    *e.*g. I have a deep conviction that highly intelligent beings exist on Mars.


    She was motivated by strong moral convictions.


  7. exert: vt. put forth (strength, effort, etc.); put (oneself) into action or to tiring effort 用(力),使劲

    e.g. I exerted all my strength to move the bookshelf.


    He has been exerting himself to obtain their pardon.


  8. get by: manage to survive; succeed with the least possible effort 设法活下去;勉强应对

    e.g. I can just about get by in French.


    Many people are planning on how they are going to get by without heat this winter because they cannot afford it.


  9. apply: vt. make use of as relevant or suitable 使用;应用

    e.g. It is difficult to apply these ideas in practice.


    Psychologists now apply the findings of psychology in nonacademic settings such as business, sports, government, and law.


  10. keep/bring/get (sth.) under control: succeed in dealing with (sth.) so that it does not cause any damage 控制,抑制

    e.g. Keep your dog under control at all times and ensure it does not attack any person or any other animal.


    Locals and the police were working untiringly to bring the forest fire under control.


    I think you’ll have a hard time getting the department under your control — they’re very loyal to their old boss.


  11. supposedly: ad. according to what is generally believed but not known for certain 据信;据说

    e.g. This movie is supposedly based on a true story.


    When supposedly smart students gave poor answers, teachers tended to look for something positive in their responses.


  12. romantic: a. exciting and mysterious and having a strong effect on one’s emotions; impractical in conception or plan 浪漫的;不切实际的

    e.g. Lots of people who live in cities have a romantic image of country life.


    Nick and Laura are newlyweds who still have romantic ideas about getting ahead and raising a family in a big city.


    When I was younger, I had romantic ideas of becoming a writer.


    She has a romantic idea of what it is like to be a struggling young artist.


  13. dependent: a. needing sth. or sb. in order to exist, be successful etc. 依赖的,依靠的

    e.g. Our modern world is dependent upon natural resources mined from underground.


    Although sleeping aids pose no apparent negative effects, it’s easy to become dependent on them.


  14. vehicle: n. a medium for the expression or communication of ideas, information, etc.(表达或传输思想、信息等的)手段,工具

    e.g. Earlier theorists believed that language was simply a vehicle for our ideas.


    The movie Bright Eyes is an ideal vehicle for Shirley Temples’ talents.


  15. sort out: clarify by going over mentally 澄清,理清

    e.g. Writing can help me sort out my thoughts.


    We have to sort out the current situation before making any decision.


  16. origin: n. the cause of sth. 起因;源头

    e.g. Shanghai’s Dianshan Lake is the origin of the Huangpu River.


    The origin of the universe is actually more than a scientific question. Humankind has always been interested in where we come from and where we go.


  17. financial: a. connected with money and finance 财务的;金融的

    e.g. The 2008 financial crisis is the worst economic disaster since the Great Depression.


    Lujiazui is an important financial district of Shanghai.


  18. affluent: a. (fml) wealthy 富裕的

    e.g. If you live in an affluent neighborhood, you’re very likely to take up your neighbor’s consumption habits.


    The store catered to a mostly affluent clientele that was relatively price insensitive, so we could afford to pay our suppliers a premium for the very best fish.


  19. authentic: a. not false or copied; genuine; real 真正的;真实的

    e.g. I don’t know if this is an authentic antique.


    Sometimes it’s quite difficult to tell an authentic news report from an invented one, especially news about celebrities.


  20. elementary: a. 小学的;初级的

    e.g. Elementary education is about expanding and inspiring young minds.


    I’m only familiar with the field at an elementary level.


  21. scholarship: n. 奖学金

    e.g. She came to Columbia University on a scholarship.


    Linda was awarded a scholarship of up to $3,000 to advance her Chinese language studies.


  22. make it: deal successfully with a difficult experience 渡过难关,成功

    e.g. Despite the difficulties, he keeps trying to make it as a musician.


    I can’t make it without my friends’ help.


  23. loan: n. money lent at interest 贷款

    e.g. It took me two years to repay my student loan.


    The bank has refused to give loans to small businesses.


  24. pay off: finish paying money owed 付清;偿清

    e.g. We paid off our mortgage within three years.


    The court ordered Maria’s former employer to pay off all $2,540 of her back wages.


  25. use up: use all of (sth.) 用完

    e.g. I have used up all my email space.


    We haven’t got any sugar. I used up the last grains when I made a cake yesterday.


  26. insurance: n. the business of insuring persons or property 保险

    e.g. Many colleges require their students to carry health insurance coverage.


    A social worker will help you apply for insurance for your children.


  27. to one’s delight: causing one to be very happy 使某人高兴的是

    e.g. To her delight, the workout allowed her to exercise in a way that helped — rather than worsened — her injuries.


    Much to the delight of the students, the mid-term quiz has been cancelled.


  28. semester: n. a half-year term in a school or university 学期

    e.g. The fall semester begins on September 8 and ends on January 10.


    Do I have to take my language courses one right after the other, or is it okay to skip a semester or two?


  29. instructor: n. a teacher below the rank of assistant professor at a college or university(大学)讲师

    e.g. The beginner is given the opportunity to do practice teaching under the supervision and guidance of experienced instructors.


    A swimming instructor must be able to work with a timid student as well as a confident one.


  30. overdue: a. not paid, done, returned, etc. by the required or expected time(到期)未付的,未还的,未做的

    e.g. Some of the payments are 3 months overdue.


    Reform of the medical care system is long overdue.


  31. discard: vt. get rid of 抛弃,丢弃

    e.g. This artwork was made from discarded newspapers.


    They want to discard the current data-processing system and start all over again.


  32. psychological: a. of, relating to, or arising from the mind or emotions 心理的;精神上的

    e.g. Erik Erikson developed a model of eight stages of psychological development.


    Loneliness may be a symptom of a psychological problem, such as chronic depression.


  33. break up: bring to an end 使结束

    e.g. The meeting was broken up suddenly and five people were detained by the police.


    Finally the two companies decided to break up their partnership.


  34. panic:
    1 n. a sudden feeling of great fear 惊恐;恐慌

    e.g. The general public has got into a panic about the financial crisis.


    Twitter users had a moment of panic as the social media site crashed.


    2 v. (panicked, panicking, panics) feel or cause to feel panic(使)惊慌

    e.g. The students panicked when told that the final exams were less than a week away.


    The gunfire panicked the horses.


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