
Once upon a time, when laptops were a far bulkier affair, Ethernet ports were standard. Ever more slender laptop designs eschew the Ethernet port these days but that doesn’t mean you have to go without: read on as we show you how to cheaply and easily add in Ethernet accessibility to even the most razor thin ultrabook.

曾几何时,当笔记本电脑变得越来越庞大时,以太网端口是标准配置。 如今,越来越纤细的笔记本电脑设计避开了以太网端口,但这并不意味着您就必须离开:继续阅读,我们将向您展示如何廉价,轻松地为最薄薄的超极本添加以太网可访问性。

Dear How-To Geek,

亲爱的How-To Geek,

I love my new Windows ultrabook. It’s super light, super thin, and all around the laptop I dreamed of back in the 1990s when I was hauling around a thirteen pound monster of a portable computer. That said, there is one thing I really miss: Ethernet. The ultrabook has USB 3.0 ports, and HDMI port, and other connection ports but Ethernet is nowhere to be found. I really like jacking in my computer at work directly to the physical LAN as Wi-Fi in my area of the building is quite flaky.

我爱我的新Windows ultrabook。 它超轻,超薄,是我1990年代梦dream以求的手提电脑周围的东西,当时我正拖着13磅重的便携式计算机。 就是说,我真的很想念一件事:以太网。 超级本具有USB 3.0端口,HDMI端口和其他连接端口,但找不到以太网。 我真的很喜欢将工作中的计算机直接插入物理LAN,因为建筑物所在区域的Wi-Fi非常不稳定。

I know back in the day you could get docking stations that added in all sorts of functionality to your laptop when you docked it at your workstation, but I don’t think they really make that kind of stuff anymore (and probably not for laptops sold on the merit of their super-duper thinness anyway).


You guy always have a solution for the people that write into Ask How-To Geek, so I’m pretty sure you’ve got a handy solution ready that I just haven’t thought about. Help!

你们总是为写《 Ask How-To Geek》的人提供一个解决方案,因此,我很确定您已经准备好了一个我从未想过的便捷解决方案。 帮帮我!



Ethernet Envy


Although many (if not most)  laptops no longer come with an Ethernet jack it’s a problem that is easily remedied for those of us that still prefer Ethernet connections. While you could go the expense of buying a docking station (they do still make them), docking stations are overkill for your application both in functionality and price. A quality USB 3.0-based docking station like the Plugable UD-3900 runs $99 and includes the Ethernet port you’re looking for (as well as USB expansion ports, audio ports, and ports for external displays). That’s great if you’re looking to setup an easy-to-connect-to workstation for yourself wherein one cable connections you to external displays, hard drives, and peripherals but it’s more than a bit of overkill for a simple Ethernet-connectivity fix.

尽管许多(如果不是大多数)笔记本电脑都不再配备以太网插Kong,但是对于我们仍然偏爱以太网连接的我们来说,这个问题很容易解决。 虽然您可以花钱购买扩展坞(它们仍然可以购买),但是扩展坞对于您的应用程序在功能和价格上都是过大的。 高质量的基于USB 3.0的扩展坞(如Plugable UD-3900)的价格为99美元,其中包括您要查找的以太网端口(以及USB扩展端口,音频端口和外部显示器的端口)。 如果您想为自己设置一个易于连接的工作站,那太好了,其中一条电​​缆将您连接到外部显示器,硬盘驱动器和外围设备,但是对于简单的以太网连接修复来说,这有点过头了。

For that there is a solution that is less expensive, more compact, and certainly more laptop bag friendly: a simple USB Ethernet adapter. For a mere $12 you can pick up the Plugable USB 2.0 Fast Ethernet Adapter; this is the adapter we use and we’re quite happy with it. (It’s the adapter seen in the header photo of the article.)

为此,有一个更便宜,更紧凑且肯定对笔记本电脑友好的解决方案:一个简单的USB以太网适配器。 只需$ 12,您就可以购买可插拔的USB 2.0快速以太网适配器 ; 这是我们使用的适配器,我们对此非常满意。 (这是在文章的标题照片中看到的适配器。)

It’s plug ‘n play on Windows and supported by OS X and Linux. Further, you can use this particular AX88772 chipset-based adapter on more than just desktop operating systems: you can use it for Chromebooks, the Microsoft Surface Pro, many Android phones and tablets, and even consoles like the Wii and WiiU.

它在Windows上即插即用,并受OS X和Linux支持。 此外,您不仅可以在台式机操作系统上使用这种基于AX88772芯片组的适配器,还可以将其用于Chromebook,Microsoft Surface Pro,许多Android手机和平板电脑,甚至还可以用于Wii和WiiU之类的控制台。

If you want gigabit Ethernet speeds you can pick up the Plugable USB 3.0 Gigabit adapter ($18) for a few dollars more. You’ll gain gigabit speeds for Windows, OS X, and Linux, but you will lose a little bit of the cross-platform functionality (you can’t use this adapter for game consoles, tablets, etc.)

如果您想要千兆以太网速度,则可以多花几美元来购买可插拔USB 3.0千兆适配器 (18美元)。 在Windows,OS X和Linux上,您将获得千兆位的速度,但是您将失去一点跨平台功能(您不能将此适配器用于游戏机,平板电脑等)。

Aside from plugging the device in (and visiting the drivers section of the Plugable web site if the drivers fail to automatically install for you) there’s only one other thing you’ll want to do. Windows should, by default, prioritize the Ethernet connection over the Wi-Fi connection. If it doesn’t you can adjust that by navigating to “Network and Sharing Center” in Windows (the easiest way to do so is to right click on networking icon in the system tray next to the click on your taskbar or to type “Network and Sharing Center” into the Windows menu search box.

除了将设备插入(如果驱动程序无法自动为您安装,并访问可插入网站的驱动程序部分)之外,您只需要做另一件事。 Windows默认情况下应优先于Wi-Fi连接优先处理以太网连接。 如果不是,则可以通过在Windows中导航到“网络和共享中心”来进行调整(最简单的方法是右键单击任务栏旁边的系统托盘中的网络图标,或键入“网络”和共享中心”添加到Windows菜单搜索框中。

When you’re in the Network and Sharing Center navigate to Advanced -> Advanced Settings in the menu bar (if you don’t see the menu bar press the ALT key to unhide it).


Under the Advanced Settings menu you’ll find the “Adapters and Bindings” tab. At the top of that submenu you can select a network connection and use the up/down arrows to move it to the top of the list.

在“高级设置”菜单下,您将找到“适配器和绑定”选项卡。 在该子菜单的顶部,您可以选择一个网络连接,然后使用向上/向下箭头将其移动到列表的顶部。

That’s all there is to it really; we live in the golden age of plug ‘n play compatibility and it’s never been easier to just slap a USB addition (even a network connection as we’ve just seen) onto your laptop.

真正的全部就是这些。 我们生活在即插即用兼容性的黄金时代,将USB附件(甚至是我们刚刚看到的网络连接)插入笔记本电脑从未如此简单。

Have a pressing tech question? Shoot us an email at ask@howtogeek.com and we’ll do our best to answer it.

有紧迫的技术问题吗? 向我们发送电子邮件至ask@howtogeek.com,我们将尽力答复。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/205097/ask-htg-how-can-i-add-an-ethernet-connection-to-my-laptop/



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