



Monit - utility for monitoring services on a Unix system

Monit 是 Unix 系统上的服务监控工具。可以用来监控和管理进程、程序、文件、目录和设备等。


  • 安装配置简单,超轻量
  • 可以监控前后台进程(Supervisor 无法监控后台启动进程)
  • 除了监控进程还可以监控文件,还可以监控系统资源(CPU,内存,磁盘)使用率
  • 可以设置进程依赖,控制启动顺序


  • Monit 采用间隔轮询的方式检测,决定了它达不到 Supervisor 一样的实时感知。


 1# 安装 epel 源2$ yum -y install epel-release34# 安装 monit5$ yum -y install monit67# 验证8$ monit -V9This is Monit version 5.26.0
10Built with ssl, with ipv6, with compression, with pam and with large files
11Copyright (C) 2001-2019 Tildeslash Ltd. All Rights Reserved.
13# 启动服务
14$ systemctl start monit
16# 启动 monit 守护进程
17$ monit



命令格式: monit [options]+ [command]

1# 查看帮助信息
2$ monit -h




yum 安装后的默认配置文件如下: 全局参数配置文件 :/etc/monitrc 服务监控配置文件目录:/etc/monit.d 日志文件:/var/log/monit.log

 1# 配置文件2$ grep -v "^#" /etc/monitrc3# 每 5 秒检查被监控服务的状态4set daemon  5              # check services at 30 seconds intervals5set log syslog67# 启用内置的 web 服务器8set httpd port 2812 and9    use address  # only accept connection from localhost (drop if you use M/Monit)
10    # 允许 localhost 连接
11    allow localhost        # allow localhost to connect to the server and
12    # 解决本地命令报错问题:Error receiving data -- Connection reset by peer
13    allow
14    # 运行外网 IP 访问
15    allow x.x.x.x
16    # web登录的用户名和密码
17    allow admin:monit      # require user 'admin' with password 'monit'
18    #with ssl {            # enable SSL/TLS and set path to server certificate
19    #    pemfile: /etc/ssl/certs/monit.pem
20    #}
22# 监控服务配置文件目录
23include /etc/monit.d/*


 1# 查看 nexus 监控文件2$ cat /etc/monit.d/nexus3check process nexus4        matching "org.sonatype.nexus.karaf.NexusMain"5        start program = "/root/nexus3/nexus-3.12.1-01/bin/nexus start"6        stop program = "/root/nexus3/nexus-3.12.1-01/bin/nexus stop"7        if failed port 18081 then restart89# 查看 nexus 监控状态
10$ monit status nexus
11Monit 5.26.0 uptime: 3h 48m
13Process 'nexus'
14  status                       OK
15  monitoring status            Monitored
16  monitoring mode              active
17  on reboot                    start
18  pid                          15191
19  parent pid                   1
20  uid                          0
21  effective uid                0
22  gid                          0
23  uptime                       1m
24  threads                      96
25  children                     0
26  cpu                          0.2%
27  cpu total                    0.2%
28  memory                       14.3% [1.1 GB]
29  memory total                 14.3% [1.1 GB]
30  security attribute           -
31  disk read                    0 B/s [1.6 MB total]
32  disk write                   0 B/s [232.5 MB total]
33  port response time           1.756 ms to localhost:18081 type TCP/IP protocol DEFAULT
34  data collected               Wed, 13 May 2020 14:36:27
36# 验证 nexus 停机自动拉起
37$  kill -9 15191
39# 间隔时间内还未拉起
40$ monit status nexus
41Monit 5.26.0 uptime: 3h 48m
43Process 'nexus'
44  status                       Does not exist
45  monitoring status            Monitored
46  monitoring mode              active
47  on reboot                    start
48  data collected               Wed, 13 May 2020 14:36:42
50# 查看自动拉起后的 nexus 监控状态
51$ monit status nexus
52Monit 5.26.0 uptime: 3h 48m
54Process 'nexus'
55  status                       OK
56  monitoring status            Monitored
57  monitoring mode              active
58  on reboot                    start
59  pid                          15830
60  parent pid                   1
61  uid                          0
62  effective uid                0
63  gid                          0
64  uptime                       0m
65  threads                      52
66  children                     0
67  cpu                          64.0%
68  cpu total                    64.0%
69  memory                       4.5% [349.2 MB]
70  memory total                 4.5% [349.2 MB]
71  security attribute           -
72  disk read                    0 B/s [84 kB total]
73  disk write                   0 B/s [36.9 MB total]
74  port response time           -
75  data collected               Wed, 13 May 2020 14:36:45
77# 查看过程日志
78$ tailf -20 /var/log/monit.log
80[CST May 13 14:35:09] error    : 'nexus' process is not running
81[CST May 13 14:35:09] info     : 'nexus' trying to restart
82[CST May 13 14:35:09] info     : 'nexus' start: '/root/nexus3/nexus-3.12.1-01/bin/nexus start'
83[CST May 13 14:35:17] info     : Reinitializing monit daemon
84[CST May 13 14:35:17] info     : Reinitializing Monit -- control file '/etc/monitrc'
85[CST May 13 14:35:17] info     : 'VM_0_2_centos' Monit reloaded
86[CST May 13 14:36:42] error    : 'nexus' process is not running
87[CST May 13 14:36:42] info     : 'nexus' trying to restart
88[CST May 13 14:36:42] info     : 'nexus' start: '/root/nexus3/nexus-3.12.1-01/bin/nexus start'
89[CST May 13 14:36:45] info     : 'nexus' process is running with pid 15830

web 控制台

web 控制台地址:





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