[摘要]刺客骨肉分离攻略(Assassins flesh and blood separation strategy) Because I have friends, simply write about this game Raiders! First, write from the map's%9! (generally do not often play games with friends, play this is a bit more difficult) when the map up a bit difficult, we must first to fly over the walls above that narrow walls (hereinafter referred to as all wall), jump jump not to go to the opposite, we must use to fly over the walls can jump in the past. From the wall to the right, in the fall of the moment, press the left, will seize the edge of the wall, hang on top, and then press the 5 button, it will force the opposite side of the jump. Then, to get the beam above, or to press the 3 right fly over the walls, jump, and then the 5 key will rebound to catch up the beam method and the same.! Up, to map%11, where is the study of this place and the moon, not sad, or to the method of flexible use of the above said, first from the left up (not to go to the next place Oh!) And go to the right, hanging on the wall, according to the 5 inverse jump to the opposite, then hang on the wall, anti skip learning Mochizuki (to consonance 20, not to kill people, no one will return to the main menu file, then continue the game only), after learning it is necessary to go back, go to right hanging on the barbed wall, according to 5 key anti jump off the assassination of two soldiers, and then over the past. Then, the next scene (hereinafter called "the scene"), a file and another scene (on the left of the road, now go through, to finally can live, we must walk on the right), then the occurrence of the plot, met Li Ting (Assassin's name) was the son of Yi opera after feeling to the right, to the next scene. This scene can't get through the scene in the middle of the right. We're going to go down the left. The scene left, left to the left plot to kill Wu Kai occurred after, the left wall is closed, there are two cabinets on the right wall, there is a vase of each cabinet, a flower on th

刺客骨肉分离java,刺客骨肉分离攻略(Assassins flesh and blood separation strategy).doc...相关推荐

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