
One of the benefits of going with an all-Apple ecosystem is having devices that work together, and Apple’s Continuity Camera is a great example. Using an iPhone or iPad, you can quickly get images into documents on a Mac.

使用全Apple生态系统的好处之一是可以使设备协同工作,而Apple的Continuity Camera是一个很好的例子。 使用iPhone或iPad,您可以将图像快速转换为Mac上的文档。

As with all things, there are some prerequisites that you need to have in place before you can take advantage of Continuity Camera. You’ll need to have a Mac and an iPhone or iPad, and both will need to have Wi-Fi and Bluetooth enabled. They’ll also need to be signed into the same iCloud account, and that account will also need to have two-factor authentication enabled. There is a minimum software level required, too: macOS Mojave on the Mac, and iOS 12 on the iPhone or iPad.

与所有事物一样,要使用Continuity Camera,您需要具备一些先决条件。 您需要安装Mac,iPhone或iPad,并且都需要启用Wi-Fi和蓝牙。 他们还需要登录到相同的iCloud帐户,并且该帐户还需要启用两因素身份验证。 也需要最低软件级别:Mac上的macOS Mojave,iPhone或iPad上的iOS 12。

There are plenty of apps with which you can use Continuity Camera, but they are all first-party Apple solutions. It’s unclear whether that is a limitation or something that will change in time, but at the time of writing the following apps all support Continuity Camera:

可以使用Continuity Camera的应用程序很多,但它们都是Apple的第一方解决方案。 目前尚不清楚这是一个限制还是会随时间变化,但是在编写以下应用程序时,所有这些应用程序都支持Continuity Camera:

  • Finder发现者
  • Keynote基调
  • Mail邮件
  • Messages留言内容
  • Notes笔记
  • Numbers号码
  • Pages页数
  • TextEdit文字编辑

With all of those conditions met, using Continuity Camera falls into two different situations: taking a photo or scanning a document.

在满足所有这些条件的情况下,使用Continuity Camera会遇到两种不同的情况:拍照或扫描文档。

拍照 (Taking a Photo)

To get started, open the application and document where you want to import the photo on your Mac. Next, right-click on the document or window and select the “Import from iPhone or iPad” option, followed by “Take Photo.”

首先,请打开应用程序并在Mac上将照片导入到该位置的文档。 接下来,右键单击文档或窗口,然后选择“从iPhone或iPad导入”选项,然后选择“拍照”。

On your iPhone or iPad, tap the shutter button to take the photo and then tap “Use Photo.” Your photo will then automatically appear on your Mac.

在iPhone或iPad上,点击快门按钮拍照,然后点击“使用照片”。 然后,您的照片将自动出现在Mac上。

扫描文件 (Scanning a Document)

Scanning a document is done in much the same way as taking a photo. This time, right-click in the document or app that you want to import the scan into and select “Import from iPhone or iPad,” followed by “Scan Documents.”

扫描文档的方式与拍摄照片的方式几乎相同。 这次,右键单击要导入扫描的文档或应用程序,然后选择“从iPhone或iPad导入”,然后选择“扫描文档”。

Next, place the document you wish to scan on a flat, well-lit surface and place it in view of your iPhone or iPad’s camera. The scan should automatically take place, but if you need to capture the scan manually, you can do so by tapping the shutter button. You can also fine-tune the area of the scan by dragging the corners of the scan area on-screen. You can add additional scans if needed—tap “Save” when you’re finished.

接下来,将您要扫描的文档放在平坦,光线充足的表面上,并放在iPhone或iPad的相机视图下。 扫描应该自动进行,但是如果您需要手动捕获扫描,可以通过点击快门按钮来进行。 您还可以通过拖动屏幕上扫描区域的角来微调扫描区域。 您可以根据需要添加其他扫描-完成后点击“保存”。

Your scans will automatically appear on your Mac.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/396575/how-to-instantly-scan-documents-and-add-photos-on-your-mac-using-continuity-camera/



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