1, 问及家庭:

Do you have any brothers and sisters ? 你有兄弟姐妹吗?

I`ve got an older brother (有一个哥哥)/ a younger brother(有个弟弟)  /sister

Do you have a big family ?   你家里人多吗

where are your family from?  家是哪里的

Are they all back in the US? 他们都在美国吗?

Are you married?

Do you have kids yet / Do you have a family yet? 你有孩子吗

Family = 配偶 + 子女

what do your parents do ? 你父母是做什么的?


so,what do you like to do in your spare time? 空闲的时候,你喜欢做什么

outside work 工作之余  /  to relax 放松的时候   可以更换后in your spare time

what do you like to do outside work (to relax)

what are your hobbies?你有什么爱好  /  what are you interested in ?  你对什么感兴趣


I like ... /  I love ... / I `m crazy about ... 热爱/ I`m passionate about ...热爱 / I`m really interested in ...感兴趣

I like dancing ,travelling (英式英语 travell) and taking photos .

I love cooking and reading

I`m crazy about playing basketball

I`m really interested in history


频率: Do you get to play football much ? / Do you often play football / Do you have much opportunity to play football


No, not very often

I play football (every week)

once a week / twice a weel / three times a week

from time to time 偶尔  / when I get the time 有时间的时候

what sports do you like to play(watch)?

what team do you support? 你支持哪个队伍

Do you have a favorite team?

I support Liverpool . 我支持利物浦队

I don`t really support a particular team 我没有特别支持的某个队伍

So what do you do to keep fit?你健身做什么运动  / Do you like going to the gym 你喜欢健身房吗 / Do you work out 你健身吗

I like to go for a run in the mornings 我喜欢早上去跑步


You look gorgeous in that dress  你穿这条裙子太漂亮了

You`re looking great today 你今天很漂亮

You look very healthy 你看起来很健康/ buff 健壮(对男性健壮)

Have you lose weight ? 你减肥了吗?(对女性可说)


sport 运动   ; music 音乐 ; TV shows 电视节目 ; places 地方


what kind of movies do you like ? 你喜欢什么样的电影

I like watching (action movies)

comedies 喜剧  / horror movies 恐怖片 / science- fiction movies 科幻片


what kind of music do you like to listen to? (注意 listen to music  不能说 listen music)

I like pop music

rock 摇滚  ; classical 古典乐 ; jazz 爵士乐

who is your favourite singer?

Are you a fan of Jay Chou 你喜欢周杰伦吗

Do you often go to concerts / gigs  你经常去看音乐会吗?

Do you play a musical instrument ? 你弹乐器吗


what TV series are you watching at the moment 你现在正在看什么电视剧

I`m binge-watching House of Cards 我正在刷《纸牌屋》

binge-watching 刷,观看


where are you going for your holidays this year? 你今年休假准备去什么好地方

where did you go for your vacation ?

I went to the Maldives 我去了马尔代夫

Did you have a good trip   / Yes I really enjoyed myself

where did you go in America 你去了美国哪些地方

where would you most like to visit 你最想去什么地方

have you been to France before / Have you ever been to France 你去过法国吗

what places have you been in China? 你去过中国哪些地方

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