
  • 背景介绍
  • 配置详情




在centos上使用yum命令安装apisix之后, /usr/local 下会出现apisix的文件夹
apisix使用Nginx反向代理, 因而apisix配置导向nginx配置

以下是一个标准的apisix yaml配置, 笔者将相关配置详解写在注释后

apisix:node_listen: 9080              # APISIX的启动端口enable_admin: true             # 是否启用adminenable_admin_cors: true         # 允许CORS访问enable_debug: false             # debug模式enable_dev_mode: false          # True的时候nginx只会启动一个worker进程enable_reuseport: true          # True的时候nginx配置启动SO_REUSEPORT.enable_ipv6: true               # ipv6config_center: etcd             # etcd: 使用etcd做配置同步# yaml: 获取 `/usr/local/apisix/conf/apisix.yaml` 以同步配置#proxy_protocol:                 # 代理协议配置, 以下不做详解#  listen_http_port: 9181        # The port with proxy protocol for http, it differs from node_listen and port_admin.# This port can only receive http request with proxy protocol, but node_listen & port_admin# can only receive http request. If you enable proxy protocol, you must use this port to# receive http request with proxy protocol#  listen_https_port: 9182       # The port with proxy protocol for https#  enable_tcp_pp: true           # Enable the proxy protocol for tcp proxy, it works for stream_proxy.tcp option#  enable_tcp_pp_to_upstream: true # Enables the proxy protocol to the upstream serverproxy_cache:                     # Proxy Caching configurationcache_ttl: 10s                 # The default caching time if the upstream does not specify the cache timezones:                         # The parameters of a cache- name: disk_cache_one         # The name of the cache, administrator can be specify# which cache to use by name in the admin apimemory_size: 50m             # The size of shared memory, it's used to store the cache indexdisk_size: 1G                # The size of disk, it's used to store the cache datadisk_path: "/tmp/disk_cache_one" # The path to store the cache datacache_levels: "1:2"           # The hierarchy levels of a cache#  - name: disk_cache_two#    memory_size: 50m#    disk_size: 1G#    disk_path: "/tmp/disk_cache_two"#    cache_levels: "1:2"allow_admin:                  # 参考http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_access_module.html#allow-              # 如果列表为空, 所有ip都能接受(笔者测试失败)-   - "::/64"                  # ipv6配置# port_admin: 9180              # use a separate port# https_admin: true             # 使用https协议访问admin, apisix默认会读取conf/apisix_admin_api.crt和conf/apisix_admin_api.key作为证书.admin_api_mtls:               # 以下配置与port_admin和https_admin相关admin_ssl_cert: ""             # 自签名服务器端证书路径admin_ssl_cert_key: ""         # 自签名服务器端密钥路径admin_ssl_ca_cert: ""          # 自签名CA证书路径.CA用来签名所有admin api调用者的证书# 使用admin api所用的默认token# 注意: 为了保护admin API, 强烈建议更改这个值# 关闭这个配置意味着admin api不需要任何认证admin_key:-name: "admin"key: edd1c9f034335f136f87ad84b625c8f1role: admin                 # admin: 管理所有的配置数据# viewer: 只能查看所有的配置数据-name: "viewer"key: 4054f7cf07e344346cd3f287985e76a2role: viewerdelete_uri_tail_slash: false    # delete the '/' at the end of the URIrouter:http: 'radixtree_uri'         # radixtree_uri: 基于基数树的uri匹配# radixtree_host_uri: 基于基数树的uri+host匹配ssl: 'radixtree_sni'          # radixtree_sni: 基于基数树的sni匹配# stream_proxy:                 # TCP/UDP proxy TCP/UDP代理, 下不详述#   tcp:                        # TCP proxy port list#     - 9100#     - 9101#   udp:                        # UDP proxy port list#     - 9200#     - 9211# dns_resolver:                   # If not set, read from `/etc/resolv.conf`#  -  - 30          # dns结果有效时间30sresolver_timeout: 5             # 解析超时时间ssl:enable: trueenable_http2: truelisten_port: 9443ssl_protocols: "TLSv1.2 TLSv1.3"ssl_ciphers: "ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384:ECDHE-ECDSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:ECDHE-RSA-CHACHA20-POLY1305:DHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256:DHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384"key_encrypt_salt: "edd1c9f0985e76a2"    #  如果不设置, 会保留原始的ssl key到etcd#  如果设置了, 必须是长度为16的字符串, 并且该字符串会对ssl key 以AES-128-CBC算法加密#  !!! 千万不要在保存ssl之后更改, 否则将不能解密保存的ssl keys !!
#  discovery: eureka               # 服务发现中心
nginx_config:                     # 用以渲染生成nginx_config.conf模板的配置error_log: "logs/error.log"error_log_level: "warn"         # warn,error可选值worker_rlimit_nofile: 20480     # 每个worker process可以打开的文件数量, 应当大于worker_connectionsworker_shutdown_timeout: 240s     # 正常关闭worker进程的超时时间event:worker_connections: 10620http:access_log: "logs/access.log"keepalive_timeout: 60s         # keep-alive 客户端连接在服务端的超时时间client_header_timeout: 60s     # 读取客户端请求头的超时事件, 一旦超时, 返回408给客户端client_body_timeout: 60s       # 读取客户端请求体的超时事件, 一旦超时, 返回408给客户端send_timeout: 10s              # 发送响应给客户端的超时时间, 超时之后, 连接会被关闭underscores_in_headers: "on"   # 默认允许在请求头中使用下划线real_ip_header: "X-Real-IP"    # 参考http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html#real_ip_headerreal_ip_from:                  # 参考http://nginx.org/en/docs/http/ngx_http_realip_module.html#set_real_ip_from- 'unix:'#lua_shared_dicts:              # 在nginx.conf中添加定制的共享缓存, 定制共享缓存的格式是:`cache-key: cache-size`#  ipc_shared_dict: 100m        etcd:host:                           # it's possible to define multiple etcd hosts addresses of the same etcd cluster.- ""     # multiple etcd addressprefix: "/apisix"               # apisix configurations prefixtimeout: 30                     # 30 seconds# user: root                     # root username for etcd# password: 5tHkHhYkjr6cQY        # root password for etcd
#  host:                           # 可以在同一个erueka集群中定义多个eureka地址
#    - ""
#  prefix: "/eureka/"
#  fetch_interval: 30              # 默认获取间隔30秒
#  weight: 100                     # 默认weight 100
#  timeout:
#    connect: 2000                 # 默认 2000ms
#    send: 2000                    # 默认 2000ms
#    read: 5000                    # 默认 5000msplugins:                          # apisix可使用的插件列表- example-plugin- limit-req- limit-count- limit-conn- key-auth- basic-auth- prometheus- node-status- jwt-auth- zipkin- ip-restriction- grpc-transcode- serverless-pre-function- serverless-post-function- openid-connect- proxy-rewrite- redirect- response-rewrite- fault-injection- udp-logger- wolf-rbac- proxy-cache- tcp-logger- proxy-mirror- kafka-logger- cors- consumer-restriction- syslog- batch-requests- http-logger- skywalking- echo- authz-keycloak- uri-blocker- request-validationstream_plugins:                         # apisix可使用的流插件- mqtt-proxy

更改配置完成之后使用命令 apisix reload 使配置生效, 或者apisix stop; apisix start 重新启动apisix


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